NLM seeking part-time historian to help develop web archive collection on AIDS
History of Medicine Division at the National Library of Medicine is
seeking a part-time professional historian to help develop a web archive
of materials related to Auto-immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS). NLM
holds a large collection of AIDS materials consisting of manuscript,
audio-visual, photographic, and printed materials. To further enrich the
NLM’s publicly-available, AIDS-related resources
and information, NLM seeks to identify and select for long term
preservation web content that documents the history of AIDS.
historian will research and identify web (online) content related to
AIDS including public health campaigns and other public health
information; patient
narratives; care giver narratives; World AIDS Day content; social
media; news stories; and web sites and social media of organizations
such as the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, the World Health
Organization, Doctors without Borders, the National
Institute for Allergy and Infectious Disease; state and national health
agencies, and NLM’s Division of Specialized Information Systems. The
final products produced by the historian will include a report
containing URLs for all identified sites to be archived
by NLM, documentation of the selection criteria and the decision making
process used, a broad description of the collection, and
recommendations for future web collecting about AIDS. The contractor may
write at least one blog post for
Circulating Now, the History of Medicine Division blog, about the collection.
We request that you please share this opportunity with your colleagues who may be interested in submitting a proposal.
Proposals are due by August 29th. Additional information,
including instructions for submitting a proposal are available on
Federal Business Opportunities (FedBizOpps) at