12 month project manager post working on a transcription of William Hunter's catalogue, University of Glasgow Special Collections
Post: Special Collections Project Manager (C18th Medical Humanities)
University of Glasgow Library
The University of Glasgow Library has secured funding from the Wellcome
Trust for a project to transcribe the 18th century catalogues of William
Hunter' s library using our new collections management system, EMu, and
need a Project Manager. This twelve month grade 6 post will manage the
digital humanities /medical humanities project "William Hunter's
Library: a transcription of the early catalogues". The post holder will
have day to day responsibility for producing a digital edition of
William Hunter's original library catalogue using 18th century sources
in Special Collections, overseeing the work of a small transcription
team and ensuring outcomes are widely disseminated and publicised. This
project is funded by Wellcome (Research Resources for Medical
Closing date for applications is 18th September 2016. If you have any
questions, please contact Julie Gardham(Senior Librarian and Head of
Special Collections).