Collect and Display: Subjects and Objects of New World Knowledge
Type: Call for Papers
Date: November 1, 2016
Location: Spain
Subject Fields: Latin
American and Caribbean History / Studies, Spanish and Portuguese
History / Studies, Archaeology, Colonial and Post-Colonial History /
Studies, History of Science, Medicine, and Technology
OPEN CALL SYMPOSIUM. Museo de América. Madrid, Spain. April 5-7, 2017
this two-days event, LAGLOBAL network plans to deal with the objects
and subjects of knowledge. The idea is to propel the discussion about
collecting objects and the registries made from the experience of
chroniclers and explorers in the early modern and modern period in
Hispanic American colonies. These expeditions demanded the employment of
conditions of storage and transport, and in some cases to develop
methods to ‘preserve’ specimens in drawings, paper museums, encyclopedic
maps, and books, thereby integrating collecting and display practices
with the empirical demands and aesthetics of knowledge and empire, and
increasing transoceanic traffic in papers, charts, and books. This
symposium plans to find ways of understand the cultural and intellectual
interchanges between explorers, chroniclers and authors that described
and compiled objects in the New World.
Session tracks for the Symposium
- Antiquarianism/Archaeology, Cosmography/Cartography, Expeditions
- Museums, Libraries, Archives, Galleries, Collections
Abstracts of the papers should be no more than 100 words.
Contact Info:
Jose L. Guevara
Network Facilitator
Contact Email: