Call for sessions: Third International Conference on Food History and Cultures

1-2 June 2017 – Tours (France)

We are pleased to announce that the European Institute for Food History and Cultures (the IEHCA, Institut Européen d’Histoire et des Cultures de l’Alimentation) is organizing the third edition of its annual international conferences, to be held on Thursday 1 and Friday 2 June 2017 in Tours (France). The event falls within the scope of the continuation of initiatives carried out by the IEHCA for the past fifteen years through its editorial policy, its support for research and its efforts to facilitate networking opportunities among Food Studies researchers.

The success of previous conferences, demonstrated by the participation of almost 150 researchers each year, has reinforced our desire to ensure it becomes an annual gathering and benchmark event, organized in partnership with the Food Studies team (L’Equipe Alimentation - LEA) at François-Rabelais University in Tours.
All proposals pertaining to Food Studies will be considered and all researchers are welcome (doctoral, post-doctoral, research lecturers, independent researchers, etc). In essence, the conference is multi- and cross-disciplinary, covering all historical periods.
This announcement is first and foremost a call for sessions. Submissions to present thematic panels will therefore be reviewed and selected as a priority. Individual submissions may be evaluated in a second phase.
Sessions should comprise a moderator and two or three speakers and will last 90 minutes in all.
Submissions should be in French or English and take the form of a single PDF document.
They should include:
• A brief presentation of the session as it will appear in the final program:
o Session title;
o Name of organizer, their institution and the country in which it is located;
o Name of moderator, if different, their institution and the country in which it is
o Names of participants, their institutions and the country in which they are
o Title of papers;
o Independent researchers should indicate this status.
• A short CV (250 words) for each participant
• Email address and mobile telephone number for each participant
• Contact details for each participant
• A 250-word abstract per paper.
• The researcher submitting the proposal can be the moderator. However, if they are one of the speakers it is then their responsibility to find a moderator, failing which the
organizers will designate one.

Papers can be presented in English or French.

The deadline for submissions is 15 November 2016.
Submissions should be sent to Loïc Bienassis and Allen Grieco, who will also be able to
answer any questions: ;
Replies will be sent around 15 December 2016.
NB: Registration fee – 25 euros for non-tenured candidates/50 euros for tenured
candidates. This fee includes attendance at a cocktail party held in the evening of the first day of the conference.
Payment of the fee is due once your submission has been accepted and before the
publication of the programme. It is not refundable in case of withdrawal.