Berlin: professor position History of Technology
Technische Universität Berlin, Faculty I - Humanities - Institute for Philosophy, Literary History, History of Science and Technology - invites applications for the position of a
University Professor - salary grade W3 - for the field of "History of Technology".
Faculty I, Reference number: I-666/16 (starting at the earliest possible / permanent / closing date for applications 23/02/17)
Working field: Research and teaching in the field of History of Technology. Research should be internationally visible and focus on topics that resonate with the profile of the institute, the faculty and the university. Lecturing (in German and English) has to represent the field of History of Technology in its entirety from the beginnings to the present, both in Bachelor´s and Master´s programs (BA "Culture and Technology", MA "History and Culture of Science and Technology").
Requirements: Successful applicants must fulfil the requirements for appointment at the Professor level in compliance with § 100 BerlHG (Berlin Higher Education Act), including a university degree, relevant achievements in scientific research (PhD), post-doctoral qualification (Habilitation) or equivalent qualifications and pedagogical didactic qualifications, to be proven by teaching experience and visualized in a teaching portfolio (for more information see TUB Website, quick access no. 144242). Candidates should show interest in cooperation
with technical disciplines. Experience in interdisciplinary research
and established connections to technical disciplines are an advantage.
Close collaboration with the other chairs of the institute is expected.
Technische Universität Berlin strives to increase the proportion of women in research and teaching and therefore strongly encourages qualified female researchers to apply. Qualified individuals with disabilities will be favored. Technische Universität Berlin is a certified family-friendly higher education institution, and its Dual Career Service offers assistance to you and your family when relocating to Berlin.
Please send your application until 23/02/2017, quoting the job reference number with the usual documents to Technische Universität Berlin - Der Präsident - Dekan der Fakultät I, Sekr. H36, Straße des 17. Juni 135, 10623 Berlin or by email to
Please send copies only. Original documents will not be returned.