Novedad: "Transversal: International Journal for the Historiography of Science", Nº 1
Dossier Ludwik Fleck
Ludwik Fleck’s Theory of Thought Styles and Thought Collectives: Translations and Receptions
Table of Contents
From the Editors
Mauro L. Condé, Marlon Salomon
Dossiers (Issue-specific topics)
Paweł Jarnicki, Sandra Lang
Mariana Camilo de Oliveira
David Östlund
Paweł Jarnicki
Artur Koterski
Leonir Lorenzetti, Cristiane Muenchen, Iône Inês Pinsson Slongo
Mauro L. Condé
Hartmut von Sass
Jadwiga Kamola
Monika Milosavljević
Nicholas Roy Biney
Mauro L. Condé, Raffaele Pisano, Michael Segre
Book reviews
Ricardo Batista dos Santos, Daniel Laskowski Tozzini
Iñigo Ongay de Felipe