Seminario on line: Stethoscope and Auscultation in Historical Perspective

Wednesday 22nd of February, Time: 16:00

Presentation of the Seminar, Commemoration of the 200th anniversary of the invention of the stethoscope by the French physician René Laënnec, in charge of Joan Lloret, pediatrician and member of the Institute History of Medicine and Science López Piñero (Univertisity of Valencia).


16:30.- Josep Lluis Barona.- Professor of History of Science, member of the Institute History of Medicine and Science López Piñero (University of Valencia)
“Stethoscope, patient examination and medical profession”

17:00.- Melissa Van Drie.- Chercheur post-doctoral ECHO [ECrire l’Histoire de l’Oralité], Projet ANR, THALIM, équipe ARIAS (CNRS) / Bibiliothèque nationale de France. Paris. Cambridge University
“How we learn to listen in medicine: situating pedagogical transmission of auscultation and stethoscopic knowledge (19th-20th century case studies)”

18:00.- Jacalyn Duffin.- MD, PhD, FRCPC, FRSC, FCAH. Professor Hannah Chair of the History of Medicine. Queen’s University, Kingston Ontario Canada

"Stethoscope: revolutionary instrument, obsolet now?"  (Video Conference Intervention from Canada)

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