Casebooks opens this week
CASEBOOKS opens in London this week.
A casebook is a written collection of cases. In the decades around 1600,
a pair of English astrologer-physicians produced one of the largest
surviving sets of medical records in history.
The Casebooks Project is making these records understandable through a digital platform.
CASEBOOKS is a collaboration between the Casebooks Project, Ambika P3
and six artists. The exhibition explores resonances between creative
works and historical questions. What is a medical encounter? How do we
understand our place in the world? What remains when we are gone?
Ambika P3 is a 14,000 square foot experimental art space, formerly the
concrete testing laboratory at the Polytechnic of Central London.
The exhibition is accompanied by a series of events, beginning with the
Private View on Thursday 16 March and the Artists and Curator Seminar on
Friday 17 March. All events take place at Ambika P3 (Baker Street
Tube). Details online and below.
Private view: http://us4.campaign-archive2. com/?u= 58bdb735817f902aed1211dad&id= f5a3fbed54&e=d9392bca7f%5D
Seminar: e/casebooks-events-artist-and- curator-seminar-tickets- 32500388537
Full programme of talks and events:
For more about the Casebooks Project and to download the book accompanying the exhibition: http://www.magicandmedicine.