PhD position history of colour research
Technische Universität Berlin - Faculty I - Institute of Philosophy, History of Literature, Science, and Technology
Research assistant - 0.65 working time - salary grade E13 TV-L Berliner Hochschulen
Working field:
Research within the project (funded by
DFG) "The order of colours. Colour systems and colour
reference tables in 18th century Europe". The successful
applicant is expected to develop a comprehensive and
contextualized picture of European colour reference
The position allows to work out a PhD thesis and, if
successful, to obtain the PhD degree.
- successfully completed university degree (Master, Diplom or equivalent) in History of Science, Art History or other fields that are relevant for the project. Competence in historical research
- language skills in German, English, and another European language, preferably French, Portugese or a south-east European language
- competence of both independent research and intense teamwork within the strongly cooperative Project
- experience in History of Science and History of colour research is an asset
How to apply:
Please send your written application with the reference
number and the usual documents to Technische
Universität Berlin - Der Präsident - Fakultät I, Institut
für Philosophie, Prof. Dr. Steinle, z.Hd. Frau Krampitz, Sekr. H
23, Straße des 17.Juni 135, 10623 Berlin. or by e-mail to
To ensure equal opportunities between women and men,
applications by women with the required qualifications
are explicitly desired.
Qualified individuals with disabilities will be favored.
Please send copies only. Original documents will not be
returned. The online version of this announcement can be found
with the code I-155/17 on
https://www.personalabteilung. stellenausschreibungen/