CfP: Collections, Collectors and the Collecting of Knowledge in Education (chapters for book)
collection will address collections, collectors and the collecting of
knowledge in educational media such as textbooks, primers, atlases,
teaching materials (objects and images, including wall charts and maps),
curricula and teachers’ and youth guidebooks. It will explore the
objects and structures of material and digital collections, the aims and
motivations of public bodies and private persons who collect them, and
the means by which they are collected, preserved, archived and
disseminated. How and why are the sources of educational media research
conceived, selected, collected and managed? Who creates and maintains
collections, and for whom? And what influence do modes of collecting
have on researchers and their work – and on our knowledge of the
knowledge production process? This special issue brings together case
studies of the places, spaces, times, agents, aims, methods and
contexts, and uses and users, of educational resources, but also offers
insight into theoretical understandings of the specific nature of
secondary sources of knowledge, drawing on the fields of anthropology,
economics, geography, history, psychology and sociology. We welcome
contributions dealing with such topics as
Special collections of textbooks and/or teaching materials
Collection typologies worldwide
Changing ways of collecting educational media from mediaeval times to the present day
The threshold between private and public collections. How do libraries anticipate and integrate legacies?
Expedient vs. accidental and incidental collections. The relative roles of interest, chance or arbitrariness
Provenance research
Collectors’ biographies and their motivations
Challenges faced by researchers when consulting collections
Passions of primer collecting between coveting and fetishisation?
of collecting (from knowledge sharing to knowledge competition, from
expediency to standards, or from private caprice to public norms)
Defining and reconciling the interests of collectors and users. Who governs knowledge production?
Decollecting. Who throws out what and why?
The changing conception of librarianship. From curatorial to managerial authority
The institutional markets of the textbook collection process. Ebay, auctioning, bartering and the role of rarity
The imbalance ‘hot’ and ‘cold’ collectable fields. Home economics, health, primers vs. history and geography
Re- and decontextualising books as they pass from one collection to another
should contain a maximum of 7000 words including references, and should
adhere to the guidelines of the Modern Humanities Research Association (
31 October 2017: Title and abstract (max. 300 words)
31 March 2018: Full article (max. 7000 words)
31 May 2018: Feedback from the editors
31 August 2018: Revised article
We look forward to receiving your abstract.
Contact Info:
Peter Carrier and Anke Hertling, Georg Eckert Institute for International Textbook Research, Braunschweig, Germany
Contact Email: