CfP: Voice, Media, and Technologies of the Sacred
Yale Journal of Music & Religion invites
articles examining voice, media, and technologies of the
sacred. Approaching voice through its sonic and material
dimensions, this issue will focus on the intersections of religion,
media, and mediation with the poetics and infrastructures of sacred
voice. Possible topics include continuities and ruptures between “old”
and “new” media in terms of sacred voice; the shaping of sacred voice
through religious conventions, aesthetics, and technologies; media and
voicings of religious subjectivity and authority; institutions and
infrastructures of sacred voice; vocal identity, embodiment, and
mediation; nonhuman/disembodied voices in religious texts and other
media; and individual and congregational voices' roles in religious
practice and mediation.
Please contact editor-in-chief Jeffers Engelhardt about possible submission topics: (Deadline extended to September 1, 2017.)
Contact Info:
Joanna Murdoch, Managing Editor
Yale Journal of Music & Religion