CfP: Studia Logica special issue "Permissions, Obligations, and beyond"

*Permissions, Obligations, and Beyond*

Guest Editors: Piotr Kulicki ( and Olivier Roy (

*Submission deadline: November 15st, 2017*

Exercising one’s rights, or acting on one’s permission can generate obligations for others. Contract law and international law provide examples. Debtors are obligated to comply when their creditors exercise their right to request payment. Free trade agreements place their signatories under the obligation not to pass protectionist regulations. A similar phenomenon holds for permissions stemming from morality or rationality. Others ought not infringe my individual right to dignity. In negotiation, one party making a permissible offer might put the other under the (rational) obligation to accept it.

When exactly, then, do permissions and rights generate obligations? What, more generally, should be the proper relationship between obligations and permissions? This is a fundamental question for deontic logic. Even though researchers in the field have long been concerned with it, the relation between obligations and permissions is usually understood either as the first implying the second, or as the second constraining the promulgation of further obligations. The dynamic generation of obligations by rights and permissions, by contrasts, has received comparatively little attention. This special issue aims at exploring such questions, and more generally welcomes any original perspective on the logical relations between obligations and permissions and other related topics within deontic logic.

Submissions should be done via the Studia Logica Editorial Manager:

The submitted papers will be going through Studia Logica’s standard, high-quality peer-review process.

*Submission deadline: November 15st, 2017*