UCL/RI studentships
The Department of Science and Technology Studies at University College
London and the Royal Institution offer two fully funded PhD studentships
available to commence at the start of the next academic year.
Applicants should possess or be about to successfully complete a masters
in the history of science or in science studies more broadly or an
appropriate first degree. The successful candidate will be provided with
access to facilities and resources at the Royal Institution including
deskspace. The student will be supervised by Professor Frank James and
an appropriate secondary supervisor at UCL STS. The three-year
studentships will provide the standard research council stipend and UCL
EU tuition fee (for an exceptional non-EU candidate, application may be
made for additional funding, but this cannot be guaranteed). Expressions
of interest, including a brief cv, should be sent to Professor Frank
James (fjames@ri.ac.uk) by 16 April
2018 and preferably earlier. A formal application procedure will
follow. The studentships are in the following areas:
Studentship 1: The Royal Institution after Davy. This project will
investigate who formed the membership of the Royal Institution in the
decades after around 1812 and who and why attended its lectures. Broadly
it is understood that in addition to continuing afternoon lectures, the
Royal Institution organised lectures for medical student at St George's
Hospital and elsewhere, the Friday Evening Discourses (founded 1825)
and the Christmas Lectures for juveniles (also 1825). Research questions
might include: Does the available evidence support the current
understanding? How were these programmes established, funded, sustained
etc? Does the emphasis in content change over time? How were they
reported in the media? And so on.
Studentship 2: The Royal Institution in the 1980s and 1990s This project
will investigate the Royal Institution's role in scientific research,
communication and education during the last two decades of the twentieth
century. Specific issues that could be examined would include how these
aspects related with developments in these areas elsewhere in Britain,
for example in the Committee on the Public Understanding of Science
(COPUS). Other topics might include how the Royal Institution deployed
its heritage (including the Faraday Museum) in projecting its image,
changes in the Christmas Lectures, and the development of the
Mathematics Masterclasses.