Announcement from the Royal Society: The Lisa Jardine Grant Scheme

The Lisa Jardine Grant Scheme is designed to offer the opportunity for early career scholars to exploit history of science collections, including the Royal Society’s own, in support of their research in the field of intellectual history.

The Scheme is named in memory of the eminent British historian Professor Lisa Jardine CBE FRS. It is intended to encourage junior researchers in the humanities and arts to seek to expand their interests in history of science and related interdisciplinary studies by travelling in order to use archival resources and to build relationships with the Royal Society and other institutions. Grants are intended to encourage the free movement of researchers across disciplines and countries and to stimulate academics studying intellectual history to consider science in their research.
Applicants are encouraged to look at the Royal Society’s strategic objectives, in order to be able to demonstrate how their research might further these general goals, but applications will be judged on the strength of their academic content in intellectual history, history of science and related disciplines. Special consideration will be given to topics that were of interest to Professor Jardine, notably in 17th century studies.
Funds for a contribution towards subsistence can be requested to allow overseas and UK scholars to make lengthy research visits to the Royal Society Library in London; for travel expenses to London in order to conduct this research; and for international travel expenses to allow UK scholars to travel overseas for short visits. The first round has now opened and will close at 3pm on Friday 31 August 2018.

Potential applicants are referred to the scheme notes on the Royal Society’s website: