CP: Mathematics and Poiesis in the Long Renaissance, RSA 2019, Toronto

Paper abstracts are invited for the seminar "Mathematics and Poiesis in the Long Renaissance," to be held at the 17-19 March 2019 Renaissance Society of America Annual Meeting in Toronto.


The deadline for abstract submissions is 15 August 2018. Proposers must be members of the RSA to access the submissions portal. Required information includes:
--seminar session selection
--paper title (15-word maximum)
--abstract (150-word maximum)
--curriculum vitae (.pdf or .doc/.docx upload)
--PhD completion date (past or expected)
--discipline area

Acceptance decisions will be delivered by email in early September. Paper proposals not selected for inclusion by seminar organizers roll over to the general submissions pool for review by the full Program Committee.

Final papers of approximately 4000 words will be due at a time TBD before arrival in Toronto, and pre-circulated among seminar participants and auditors.

Seminar organizers:
Travis D. Williams, Department of English, University of Rhode Island, tdwilliams@uri.edu
Valerie Allen, Department of English, John Jay College, CUNY, vallen@jjay.cuny.edu