2 funded PhD positions in the project “The Construction of Diagrams of Relatedness in the History of Natural History and Genetics, 17th to 20th Centuries”
Two funded PhD positions are available at the Institute for Medical
History and Science Study at the University of Lübeck in the context of
the project “The Construction of Diagrams of Relatedness in the History
of Natural History and Genetics, 17th to 20th Centruies”. The project
is funded by the Swiss National Foundation as part of the Sinergia-Grant
“In the Shadow of the Tree. Diagrammatics of Relatedness as Scientific,
Scholarly, and Popular Practice” (Prof. M. Sommer, Luzern, Leading
house; Prof. C. Arni, Basel; Prof. S. Müller-Wille, Exeter/Lübeck; Prof.
S. Teuscher, Zürich). It combines approaches from cultural history,
history and philosophy of science, science studies and historical
anthropology to study the diversity of diagrams that have been used
since the late medieval period to conceptualize relatedness and descent.
More detail on the positions is available from the website of the University of Lübeck (https://www.uniluebeck.de/fil eadmin/uzl_personal/stellenaus schreibungen/IMGWF.pdf). Bewerbungsschluss ist der 15. Februar 2019. Please contact Staffan Müller-Wille (sewm201@ex.ac.uk) for further questions.