Postdoct fellowships 2019, History of Science, Technology and Medicine, IILP, Valencia

The research group "History of Science, Technology and Medicine" of the University of Valencia, now part of the Interuniversity Institute for Science Studies IILP (UJI-UMH-UV) is now accepting candidates for the postdoctoral fellowships “Juan de la Cierva” 2019 funded by the Spanish government. The main characteristics of these contracts are available on the website:
The fellowships/contracts are aimed at researchers who have recently completed a doctoral program in history of science, technology and medicine or related fields. We invite applications from candidates wishing to work in all the major areas of interest covered by the group. The research interests are outlined on the website:
Candidates interested in applying for the fellowships have to access to the mentioned websites (Applications can be sent after January 17, 2019). They have also to send the following documents (to, before January 22:
1. Full CV.
2. Research project to be developed (max 2000 words).
The HSTM group of the López Piñero interuniversity institute will select the proposals according to its CV and the research program in connection with the topics of history of science, technology and medicine. The selected candidates have to submit before the 25th at the same email address (, the following documents which are necessary to fulfil the application:
1. Pdf document that is obtained once the electronic application form available on the corresponding MICIU website has been completed.
2. Scanned copy of the DNI, NIE or Passport and of the pdf scanned Ph.D. certificate.