CfP: 3rd TiLPS History of Analytic Philosophy Workshop

On July 15 and 16, the Tilburg Center for Logic, Ethics, and Philosophy of Science (TiLPS) organizes the third annual TiLPS History of Analytic Philosophy workshop. This workshop brings together researchers interested in a wide range of topics and thinkers from the history of analytic philosophy.

Confirmed keynotes
Thomas Uebel
Flavia Padovani
Yemima Ben-Menahem

Submission guidelines
Please submit an extended abstract (max. 1000 words) and a short abstract (max. 100 words) suitable for blind review. Submissions in all areas of the history of analytic philosophy are welcome. The deadline for submission is March 15.

Dates and Deadlines
March 15: Submission deadline
April 15: Notifications
July 15-16: Workshop

Programme committee
Filip Buekens (TiLPS, Tilburg University)
Sander Verhaegh (TiLPS, Tilburg University)
Nathan Wildman (TiLPS, Tilburg University)

More information
Information about the workshop can be found at If you have any questions regarding the workshop, please email us at A.A.Verhaegh[at]