BSHM Bristol Congress

All interested are welcome to attend and to submit abstracts for 15-minute oral presentations and posters.
The Congress has 4 themes:

History of Medicine at Sea 
History of Medicine in the West of Britain
History of Health Care Education
History of Mental Illness and Mental Disability

These themes are not exclusive. Papers and posters on any aspect of the history of medicine are also welcome.
Abstracts for oral presentations and posters are invited. Abstract submission will close on 31st May 2019.  Abstracts will be peer reviewed and authors notified by 7th July.

Keynote speakers
Professor Mark Harrison (Director, Wellcome Unit for the History of Medicine, Oxford)
“Samaritans of the Sea: Duty, Disease and Privation in the Black Sea, 1854-6”

Professor Gareth Williams (Emeritus Professor of Medicine, Bristol University)
“Edward Jenner: saint and sinner?”

Sir Simon Wessely (Regius Professor of Psychiatry, Kings College, London)
“Shell shock- gone but not forgotten?” 

Dr Cherry Lewis (author of “The Enlightened Mr Parkinson”)
“James Parkinson: Medical Educator in the Early 19th Century”

Further details are on our website where you can find information on how to register an interest, register as a delegate and submit abstracts. This will be done using our dedicated conference site at

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