CfP: “Public Research and Private Knowledge – Science in Times of Diverse Research Funding”
March 26-27, 2020
Center for Applied Philosophy of Science and Key
Qualifications (ZiWiS)
Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nürnberg (Germany)
The production and distribution of knowledge is a key
process in scientific and scholarly inquiry. However, this process is not and has
never been limited to universities and public research institutes alone, but
extends to agents as diverse as the Research & Development Departments of
companies, citizen scientists, and private non-profit research institutes. In
recent years, these agents have shown an increased interest in basic ˗ as
opposed to applied ˗ science, for example in fields of rising social
significance such as AI or biomedical technology. These specific research
interests in turn direct attention to the sources of funding, and, as a
consequence, to the direction of inquiry and the accessibility of results.
The main problem that arises from this development can be
expressed in two questions: First, does the influence of private funding change
the selection of research topics in an epistemically or otherwise
(un-)desirable direction? And second, does it lead to a privatization of
knowledge, and if so, what are the consequences of this privatization?
Some key questions in this area of investigation are:
• Where do new sources of research funding come from, and
how important a role do they play? Which agents foster the development, which
methods do they use, and what are their primary motivations?
• What are the epistemic consequences, and who is affected
by them? What is the impact of business interests on epistemic norms and
ideals, and are there any (additional) sources of bias to be expected?
• Have there been any (changes of) institutional structures
in the last decades that have stimulated or hindered these tendencies? Which
historical idea of science is at stake? Which factors affected the practices of
organizing the production and distribution of scientific knowledge during the
second half of the 20th century?
• Is academic freedom threatened by these developments, and
if so, to what extent? How could it be maintained? What are the epistemic
effects of endowment chairs and industry-sponsored PhD projects?
This set of questions requires an epistemological assessment
as well as a historical, sociological, and economic perspective. Therefore, the
interdisciplinary conference of the Center for Applied Philosophy of Science
and Key Qualifications at Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nürnberg
(Germany) aims at bringing together researchers from all pertinent fields in
order to further our understanding of this apparent organizational shift in
knowledge production and distribution and to accurately evaluate the challenges
and opportunities it presents.
Call for Papers:
There are several slots for presentations (up to 20 minutes for the talk, followed by 10 minutes for discussion).
Please send an anonymized abstract (approx. 500 words) and a separate document specifying your general information (name, contact, affiliation) by June 30th 2019 to . Notifications of acceptance will be sent out by August 15th. We welcome proposals from individuals at all stages of their career.
Please note that unfortunately we cannot cover expenses for travel and accommodation. The conference fee (80 € / 50 €) also applies to accepted speakers.
Manuela Fernández Pinto (Universidad de los Andes)
Bennett Holman (Yonsei University)
Naomi Oreskes (Harvard University)
Sergio Sismondo (Queen's University, Kingston)
Conference Fee and
Conference fee: 80 € (includes lunch and coffee breaks on
both days; reduced fee for students: 50 €)
Conference language: English
Conference website:
Michael Jungert, Julia Böttcher, Jon Leefmann, Christoph
Merdes, Sebastian Schuol
Center for Applied Philosophy of Science and Key
Qualifications (ZiWiS)
Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nürnberg (Germany)