CfP: People, Places, Practices: Joint BSHM-CSHPM/SCHPM Conference 2020

People, Places, Practices: Joint BSHM-CSHPM/SCHPM Conference 2020

6-8 July 2020, University of St Andrews, UK

People, Places, Practices, is the 5-yearly joint conference of the British Society for the History of Mathematics and Canadian Society for History and Philosophy of Mathematics/La Société Canadienne d'Histoire et de Philosophie des Mathématiques, in collaboration with HOM-SIGMAA, the History of Mathematics Special Interest Group of the MAA. 

People, Places, Practices, will showcase a broad range of approaches to the history of mathematics: 
•       People allows discussion of the cultural roles of mathematical biography, the historiographic and technical challenges of writing mathematical biography, as well as more straightforward biographical approaches 
•       Places provides for the influence of location, geographical, spatial, conceptual or cultural, on mathematics and mathematicians 
•       Practices encompasses the ways in which mathematicians and mathematical practitioners work or have worked, along with the materials, devices, and ideas used 

Confirmed invited speakers include: Karen Parshall (Virginia), Edmund Robertson (St Andrews), Colm Mulcahy (Spelman College), Brendan Larvor (Hertfordshire), Serafina Cuomo (Durham), Valeria Giardino (Lorraine), Robin Wilson (Open)

We invite submissions for short presentations (20 mins presentation + 10 mins questions), or for symposia or workshops (60 mins or 90 mins), on topics related to the main themes of the conference. Topics from any historical period or geographical focus are welcome. Other session formats are encouraged; if you would like to propose one, please contact Isobel Falconer

Please submit abstracts of up to 500 words (individual papers), or 1000 words (symposia or workshops) by 30 November, at Individual paper abstracts should include a short biography of the speaker. Symposia/workshop abstracts should give brief details of the chair and presenters, their topics and what the symposium/workshop as a whole will contribute to the conference.

We expect to have reached decisions on papers by 15 January 2020. Early-bird conference registration will close on 31 March 2020.

For further details of the conference and venue, see