CfP: Special Issue “Science and Values: the interaction of science, technology, and society”
I. Presentation:
A little over 20 years ago, Hugh Lacey (Emeritus Professor of Philosophy, Swarthmore College) published in Brazil the book Valores e atividade científica [Values and scientific activity] (Lacey 1998). Acknowledging the value of this academic contribution to the Brazilian teaching and research scene, in the same year, Principia published a book review, authored by Alberto Cupani (1998).
As the book in particular, and the science and values approach in general – developed before and after the aforementioned 1998 book –, motivated classes, conferences and further publications, the areas of Philosophy of Science and of Technology were positively affected by the model of the interactions between scientific activities and values, as well as the model itself was refined along the years (Lacey & Mariconda 2014). This model encourages multiple dialogues of the humanities (Philosophy, History, Sociology etc.) with the sciences and technologies by broadening the scope of perspectives on these activities. Thereby it unfolds, among different forms of knowledge, inclusively within the “diálogo de saberes” [Dialogue between knowledge], motivating a search for alternatives to decontextualized strategies.
Hence the model of the interactions between scientific activities and values has been – and still is – sensitive to context, so that after 20 years it is still open for the pressing challenges presented by the 21st century. Among such challenges, we can mention the environmental questions, the matter of food sovereignty, of the distribution of scientific and technological goods, of the recognition of human values (such as the values of human flourishing, of well-being and of respect to nature).
It is worth remarking that that the model of the interactions between scientific activities and values is a model for analyzing science and technology that is self-criticizing and in constant elaboration, regarding not only that science and technology change, but also that particular cases require the adjustment of the general model. Besides, even when it criticizes the decontextualized approach (for instance, in the case of the impacts of the use of genetically modified seeds), this model encourages the continuation of scientific and technological production towards social welfare and, therefore, it cannot be mistaken as an anti-scientific stance. The model of the interactions between scientific activities and values warns us to sustain human agency in ethical, theoretical, and experimental choices of scientists and engineers, as well as in the reflexive attitude of philosophers facing the pervasiveness of the impact of science and technology on society.
II. Instructions for authors:
II.1. Themes:
This special issue of Principia will be mainly interested in, but not restricted to, the following themes.
1. Theoretical debates between the model of the interactions among scientific activities and values and other approaches that emphasize interrelations between science, technology, and society;
2. Studies about the interaction between scientific activities and values, with emphasis on technoscience;
3. Studies about the constitution of the Baconian program and about the value of controlling nature;
4. Studies of alternatives to the value of controlling nature;
5. Emerging social matters and their effects on the interaction between science, technology, and society, such as those stemming from biotechnology, information technology, environmental matters, agriculture and food sovereignty, “diálogo de saberes” [Dialogue between knowledge], etc.
II.2. Guidelines for contributions:
– Articles:
This special issue will receive original articles in English, Portuguese, and Spanish. All contributions will be subject to the usual process of double-blind peer-review.
– Book reviews:
This special issue will receive reviews of works published in the last five years that deal with the model of the interactions among scientific activities and values or with the interrelations of science, technology, and society.
II.3. Submissions:
→ select the section “Special Issue: Science and Values”
III. Deadlines:
First Call for Papers: October 2020
Deadline for submissions: 05 April 2021
Publication (expected): August 2021
IV. Editors for the Special Issue: “Science and Values: the interaction of science, technology, and society”:
IV.1. Editor: Prof. Dr. Ivan Ferreira da Cunha (Philosophy / UFSC)
IV.2. Guest editor: Profa. Dra. Débora Aymoré (Philosophy / NECTEC, UFPR)
V. Book and articles mentioned in this Call for Papers:
Cupani, A. 1998. Valores e Atividade Científica, de Hugh Lacey. Principia 2(2): 281-290.
Lacey, H. 1998. Valores e atividade científica. São Paulo: Discurso.
Lacey, H. & Mariconda, P. R. 2014. O Modelo das Interações entre as Atividades Científicas e os Valores. Scientiae Studia 12(4): 643-668.