PostDoctoral Position on Science, Technology and Gender Studies, FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg
The Chair for Science, Technology, and Gender Studies (STGS) at
Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nürnberg will be established on 1
January 2021.
Being highly interdisciplinary, the chair is unique within the German academic
We think across the traditional divide between the social sciences and
humanities on one side and the natural sciences and engineering on the other.
Our aim is to identify what has been historically taken for granted as
legitimate model of knowledge; make visible the sociocultural and gender
aspects of technoscience that are often hidden;
engage in the design process of technoscience in a collaborative and
cooperative manner; extend our agenda to science policy and science diplomacy.
Overall, the STGS stands at the crossroad of Science and Technology Studies,
Gender Science Studies, Transnational History of Science, and the emerging
Diplomatic Studies of Science.
To support and develop the chair’s research projects we seek an outstanding
female scholar as
Postdoctoral Fellow in
Science, Technology and Gender Studies, Full time (40h/week) E13
Das Aufgabengebiet
umfasst u. a.:
Key research areas may include:
• gender in the history of science and technology
• materiality, gender, and scientific practice
• the social, cultural, and political history of nuclear sciences
• the history of science and international organizations
• science, technology, and international affairs
• science, innovation, and health diplomacy
Reqirements are:
• an excellent PhD in Science, Technology Studies, Gender Science Studies,
History of Science or related fields
• not more than a period of three years of research experience since the
doctoral degree
• proficiency in English and ideally in German language
• experience in interdisciplinary and international research contexts
we offer:
• two one-year employment contracts (1+1 year) with salary in the range of E 13
• The main task is the development of a grant proposal for a junior research
group (DFG application, ERC Starting Grant or equivalent) within the first
After the submission of a grant proposal at the end of the first year, the
contract may be prolonged for another year.
• The position offers the possibility to enhance teaching experience
(undergraduate and/or graduate; 2 hours per week during the semester).
• A yearly travel budget is included.
• Knowledge in motion is FAU’s motto.
We at FAU therefore strive to generate knowledge to shape the future
responsibly and openly share knowledge with all stakeholders in society to
drive prosperity and create value,
as well as using knowledge to improve our world for future generations.
Applicants who have carried out their main research activity outside of the
University Erlangen-Nürnberg are strongly encouraged.
The position is funded through the “Professorinnen-Programm 3” of the BMBF.
Beabsichtigte Eingruppierung je nach Qualifikation und persönlichen
Entgelt-/Bes.Gr.: E13
Zeitliche Befristung: 1 Jahr + 1 Jahr
Es handelt sich um eine Vollzeitstelle.
Voraussichtlicher Einstellungstermin: 01.03.2021.
Die Bewerbungsfrist
endet zum: 31.1.2021.
Für Auskünfte steht
Ihnen zur Verfügung:
Die Bewerbungen sind
zu richten an:
Please apply with:
• a cover letter
• a curriculum vitae
• a research proposal (maximum 3000 words) in the research field(s) of the
chair listed above
• two external letters of reference.
Applications should be submitted via mail (PDF, max. 5 MB).
Inquiries may be addressed
to: Prof. Dr. Maria Rentetzi,