Journal of Early Modern Studies. Call for Proposals, Special issues Spring 2023-Fall 2023
The Journal of Early Modern Studies (JEMS), ISSN: 2285-6382 (paperback), ISSN: 2286-0290 (electronic), edited by the Research Centre “Foundations of Modern Thought”, University of Bucharest, welcomes proposals for its Spring and Fall 2023 Special Issues. Prospective guest editors are invited to explore any topic pertinent to JEMS’s general interest in cross-disciplinary approaches to early modern thought that draw on intellectual history, history of philosophy and history of science. The main language of the journal is English, although contributions in French are also accepted. JEMS is a double blind peer-reviewed journal, currently indexed in Web of Science Emerging Sources Citation Index, ERIH+, EBSCO, Philosophy Research Index, PhilPapers.