Call for Papers for 2021-22 Working Groups

Submission Deadline: Thursday, July 15, 2021

The Consortium’s working groups bring together scholars from around the world for monthly meetings in specialized fields related to the history of science, technology and medicine to share their works in progress. All interested scholars are welcome online via web conferencing software.

Submit Paper Proposal

We are currently soliciting paper proposals for the 2021-2022 academic year in the following working groups:

Applied Historical Methods for the Environment

Collections and Collecting

Digital History of Science

Early Modern Science

Earth and Environmental Sciences

Energy History

History and Politics of Immunity

Medicine and Health

Ocean Science, Technology and Medicine

Science in Asia: Decolonizing the History of Science

Science, Capitalism, and Knowledge Commodities

Science in Early South Asia

Social History of Race, Health, and Environment


Anyone interested in sharing their works in progress for discussion should submit, as a single PDF, a proposal including:

  • a description of the paper
  • what you hope to gain from discussion with the group
  • relevant biographical information

Proposals longer than 1000 words will not be considered. Accepted papers will be due one month before the scheduled meeting date.

Submit Paper Proposal