RSA Dublin 2022 - Call for papers and panels - Philosophy (Deadline 25 July)
Papers and/or traditional panels and/or roundtables on Renaissance Philosophy are invited for the 68th Annual Meeting of the Renaissance Society of America (30 March – 2 April 2022) in Dublin, Ireland. Proposals on all aspects of Renaissance philosophy and thought will be considered, but preference may be given to papers and/or sessions that either explore interdisciplinary topics (e.g., philosophy and literature / medicine / theology, etc.) or adopt transnational, crosscultural, and/or crossdisciplinary approaches (e.g., translation studies, reception studies, environmental studies, gender studies, etc.).
Please consult the RSA submission guide as well as the checklist below before submitting your proposal. Incomplete proposals will not be considered. Note, in particular, the requirements on graduate student eligibility and the chronological boundary of c. 1700 for all papers. All participants must be members of the RSA by the time of the conference.
Please submit your proposal as a single Word document to Dr Sara Miglietti (interim discipline representative for Philosophy) by 25 July 2021. Decisions will be communicated by 30 July.
Proposals for papers should include:
- the presenter’s name, academic affiliation, email address
- paper title (up to 15 words)
- paper abstract (up to 150 words)
- a one-page CV in tabular format (up to 300 words; indicate date of PhD)
- up to four keywords
- specification of any AV or computer projection needs.
Proposals for panels should include:
- panel title (up to 15 words) and panel keywords
- panel abstract (no longer than 150 words)
- specification of panel chair (and respondent, if foreseen), along with affiliation and email address
- a one-page CV for each organizer and participant in tabular format (max. 300 words each; indicate date of PhD)
- for each paper (minimum 3, maximum 4): as above (“papers”)
- specification of any AV or computer projection needs
Proposals for roundtables should include:
- session title (15-word maximum)
- session abstract (300-word maximum)
- organizer(s), chair(s)
- discussion participants (minimum five, maximum eight)
- a one-page CV for each organizer and participant in tabular format (max. 300 words each; indicate date of PhD)
- current email addresses for all participants