CfP: XLI Scientific Instrument Symposium, 19 – 23 Sept 2022
The Past, Present, and Future of Scientific Instrument Studies
We will take the 40th anniversary of the Scientific Instrument Symposia as an occasion to discuss how the study of scientific instruments has changed in the last four decades and where we stand today. Are we now studying different kinds of instruments? Has the very definition of what is a scientific instrument changed? Are we studying the same instruments in a different way and within different contexts? How have the questions we seek to answer and our methodologies changed? What about our disciplinary and regional boundaries?
While it comes natural for a historian to historicise their own past, we should think in the same way about the future of scientific instrument studies. What are our new objects and objectives? While we are comfortable as a community of scientific instrument enthusiasts, we want to remain open to new scholars, new methods and new approaches to instruments, and aim to extend our geographical reach.
The theme “The Past, Present, and Future of Scientific Instrument Studies” was chosen for the 41st Scientific Instrument Symposium long before the recent and sudden demise of Paolo Brenni, former President of the Scientific Instrument Commission, but we believe that this theme is a fitting tribute to honour Paolo’s achievements. His dedication, enthusiasm and generosity with his knowledge embodied the heart and soul of scientific instrument studies like nobody else!
For the upcoming 41st SIC Symposium in Athens, we invite you to reflect on these and other issues related to the past, present and future of scientific instrument studies. As always, we welcome all proposals for sessions, papers or posters on any topic dealing with the history of scientific instruments.
Any questions?