Open CFP International Journal of Philosophical Studies
The International Journal of Philosophical Studies is currently open for submissions from all areas of philosophy including, but not limited to phenomenology, philosophy of mind and action, philosophy of language, history of philosophy, social epistemology, philosophy of race, philosophy of gender, ethics, and aesthetics. We welcome articles that contribute new positions to existing debates or generate new avenues of exchange.
Founded in 1993 the IJPS is a top-ranking journal and has come to occupy a significant place in the philosophical landscape as home to the work of some of the world's leading thinkers such as Donald Davidson, Charles Taylor, Dan Zahavi, Elizabeth Anderson, Hilary Putnam, John McDowell, Sara Heinamaa, Steven Crowell and many more, addressing some of the most important philosophical debates.
IJPS also publishes annual special issues devoted to key thematic areas or to critical engagements with contemporary philosophers of note. We welcome proposals for thematic special issues from prospective guest editors.
Submission guidelines can be found here and queries can be directed to We look forward to hearing from you!