Archives Poincaré : Fully-funded PhD scholarship
The Archives Poincaré (CNRS UMR 7117 / University of Lorraine / University of Strasbourg) welcomes applications from prospective PhD students for a fully-funded scholarship at the University of Lorraine.
Each year the graduate school Sociétés, Langages, Temps, Connaissances (SLTC) at the University of Lorraine runs a campaign for fully-funded 3-year doctoral scholarships. The Archives Poincaré, a CNRS laboratory in history and philosophy of science, is a member of this graduate school. Candidates who would like to apply for one of these scholarships should contact a member of the Archives Poincaré who could serve as that candidate’s thesis director, in order to discuss their application.
We are open to co-directed theses with another university as well, provided that the program of study is well-constructed.
Normally in France a student starting doctoral work will already have a two-year masters degree. Please write to us if you have questions about this.
The deadline for submitting dossiers to the graduate school SLTC is Thursday, 23 May, 2024. To give the members of the Archives Poincaré enough time to decide which applications to support at the graduate school, candidates should send the director of the Archives Poincaré (Andrew Arana), before TUESDAY, 7 MAY, a detailed dossier containing an advanced version of their project of study and all information that will permit the laboratory to make its decision.
This dossier must include (in French or in English):
- a CV : including the grades and notes in pertinent prior degree programs
- a letter of motivation
- a description of the doctoral project between 4 and 6 pages, 1.5 spacing, font Times New Roman size 12. This should include the focal question of the project, the hypotheses to be investigated, a summary of the state of the art in the domain, the corpus of pertinent research in a bibliography, a description of the methodology to be used, the objectives of the thesis, and a sketch of the calendar envisioned to achieve the planned stages of the project.
The dossiers will be examined by the members of the Archives Poincaré, and after this first phase, the director of the Archives will inform the candidates if their dossier will be sent to the graduate school for its eventual review.
Andrew Arana. Professor of philosophy, University of Lorraine. Director, Archives Henri-Poincaré (CNRS UMR 7117), University of Lorraine and University of Strasbourg