Workshop on “History of economics as culture"

Dear colleagues,
This is to announce that I am organizing on the behalf of the H2S (History of Social Science) group the second workshop on “History of economics as culture (Histoire culturelle des savoirs économiques)” to be held Friday 9 April 2009 in Paris (exact location to be disclosed later). My intention is to bring together scholars from different disciplines to discuss from an historical vantage point, the place of economics in our culture. Below are some suggestions of topics that exemplify what will be at issue:
- To consider the interactions between art, literature and economics;
- To discuss the interactions between cultural or artistic objects such as magazines, books, maps, photographs, paintings, graphs and economic thinking and to consider economic texts as cultural items and to reflect upon the consequences their physical form had on their reception.
- To consider economics as part of cultures (political, commercial, scientific, etc.) of past (including very recent past) societies; in particular, to discuss the economic representations (or culture) of specific social groups such as merchants, workers, business men, etc.
The workshop will comprise of 5 or 6 papers containing genuine unpublished research. I have already solicited a few papers but I have room for two or three more papers. If you have an interest in these topics, please send me a proposal or no more than 500 words or a draft paper of what you want to present before February, 15 at the following address:
If you are interested in the subject, although but are unable to send a proposal, feel free to contact me at the same address for further discussion/information. Also, last year program is available here:


Loïc Charles
Full Professor - Department of Economics, University of Reims
EconomiX-Cachan Group H2S
Associate Researcher at the National Institute of Demographic Studies