CfP: LSE-Sciences Po Seminar in Contemporary International History

The seminar welcomes presentations from faculty and PhD students at any institution on any aspect of 20th or 21st century contemporary international history, broadly defined.

The seminar is an ideal environment to share works-in-progress, such as PhD chapters, journal articles, or sections of monographs and books by providing a forum for the discussion of new research by PhD students, postdoctoral researchers, and faculty members from across the world. All seminars will be held in-person as hybrid sessions when possible, but otherwise will take place on Zoom on Wednesdays, 4-6pm in London, and on Wednesdays, 5-7pm in Paris, between October and December 2021. Two seminars during this term will be joint LSE-Sciences Po sessions on Zoom. Presenters will be asked to submit a 15-20 page paper ten days before their presentation, to be circulated to participants beforehand. Presentations will be 20-30 minutes and are followed by a Q&A discussion.

Applicants are welcome to apply to both the London and Paris seminars and should submit a provisional title, a brief (one-page maximum) abstract, and a CV by Friday 20 August. Those interested in presenting in either London or Paris are invited to complete this form. Applicants applying to both the London and Paris seminars must indicate a preference for presenting in either Paris or London on the application form.

For further information, please consult these webpages: (London) | (Paris)