CfP: - 9th Congress of the Society for the Philosophy of Science (May 31 - June 2, 2023, University of Paris Nanterre) Deadline: March 20th, 2023

The 9th Congress of the Society for the Philosophy of Science (SPS,

University of Paris Nanterre (France) , May 31. - June 2. 2023

The proposed theme for the 2023 edition of the Congress is “Gender and science” (for example, contributions can be about the status of women in scientific practice, criticisms of bias in science, objectivity and feminism, the naturalization of sexual difference, etc.)

But note that, this year like in previous editions, any proposal for a contribution relating to the philosophy of science broadly conceived will be examined.

Also note that the congress will give rise to a publication in the form of a special issue of the online journal Lato Sensu.


Announced plenary lectures

Round table: Objectivity in science (Wed. May 31. 2023)

• Guilhem Corot, EHESS doctoral student

• Claire Grino, Senior FNS Researcher - UNIGE University of Geneva, Institute of Gender Studies.

• Julie Jebeile, CNRS Research Officer

• Stéphanie Ruphy, Professor of Philosophy of Science, École Normale Supérieure – PSL University.


Sex roles in biology (Thursday June 1. 2023) (in English) 

Malin Ah-King, Stockholm University

Clémentine Vignal, Sorbonne University 


Gender in prehistory

Claudine Cohen, philosopher, historian of science, director of studies at EHESS and member of the Center for Research on Arts and Language (CRAL) 

Raphaëlle Chaix, researcher in genetic anthropology at CNRS and at the National Museum of Natural History, in Paris.


Registration & Submission

• The website for registration is open:

To register for the congress, you must go to the webpage :

You must then log in (or create an account) with credentials for the sciencesconf platform.

For your registration to be complete, you must:

1/ Complete the registration form;

2/ Submit your abstract or panel proposal.

Deadline for submissions: March 20, 2023

Submission via website

Notification of acceptances from March 27, 2023

3/ After acceptance of your communication, you can pay your registration fees by credit card via the SPS website: France/


Call for papers: 

Deadline for submission: March 20, 2023

Notification of acceptance: from March 27, 2023


Registration fees

From March 27 to April 10, 2023:

  • Standard registration: 90€
  • Registration as a member of the Society for the Philosophy of Science: €40
  • Student registration: 20€

After April 10, 2023:

  • Standard registration: 100€
  • Registration as a member of the Society for the Philosophy of Science: €50
  • Student registration: 25€

To become a member of SPS:


Scientific Committee

Vincent Ardourel, IHPST, CNRS & Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, France.

Denis Bonnay, Ireph, Paris Nanterre, France.

Claire Schwartz, Ireph, Paris Nanterre, France.

Elie During, Ireph, Paris Nanterre, France.

Yves Gingras, UQAM, Montréal, Canada.

Thierry Hoquet, Ireph, Paris Nanterre, France.

Florence Hulak, Cresppa, Paris 8, France.

Cyrille Imbert, Archives Henri Poincaré, Nancy, France.

Molly Kao, Université de Montréal, Montréal, Canada.

Sabina Leonelli, University of Exeter, Angleterre.

Francesca Merlin, IHPST, PanthéonSorbonne, Paris, France.

Anne-Lise Rey, Ireph, Paris Nanterre, France.

Stéphanie Ruphy, Ecole normale supérieure - Université PSL, France.

Christian Sachse, Université de Lausanne, Suisse.

Marion Vorms, IHPST, Panthéon Sorbonne, Paris, France.


Steering committee

Thierry Hoquet and Anne-Lise Rey, in collaboration with Elie During, Denis Bonnay, Claire Schwartz, Dinh-Vinh Colomban, Quentin Serot, Germana Berlantini.