Nuevo número: DYNAMIS 42 (2)

The public perception of “rare diseases” has been constructed through the media. Patients and family organisations in synergy with the mass media and the support of online social networks have provided their own defining elements. Between slogans that deny, question, or qualify what is “rare”, and others that maintain that “normal” is unreal, the last decades of the 20th century have witnessed the popularisation of “rare diseases”. The historical approach to rare diseases must start from an integrative perspective of multidisciplinarity, both in approaches and methodologies. This dossier has been designed on this premise and the most consolidated and suggestive lines of historical research have been selected for an understanding of the problem in its complexity. The various geopolitical spheres —Japan, Brazil and the Iberian Peninsula— provide a rich transnational comparative historical study. The discussed topics address the defining characteristics of rare diseases, from the perspective of a history of the present ranging from political history to visual studies, with attention to healthcare spaces, professional expertise and, especially, patients, their associative movements, and their impact on legislation. The medical and scientific aspects of minority diseases have been studied for different periods and historical contexts. Political agents, pharmaceutical companies, health and science professionals, and patients and their relatives thus constitute a set of relationships that combine national idiosyncrasies with the need for international networks in which the minority is no longer a minority. The transnational approach presented in this dossier can contribute to an enriching reflection on the multiple variables that act in the changes of an unfinished process.

Edited by Juan Antonio Rodríguez-Sánchez and Raúl Velasco Morgado


Acta Hispanica ad Medicinae Scientiarumque Historiam Illustrandam


  VOLUMEN 42 (2)                                                                                                                      2022


Rare diseases: an historical introduction

Juan Antonio Rodríguez-Sánchez and Raúl Velasco Morgado

Molecularización, genetización y centros de referencia: el Instituto de Bioquímica Clínica de Barcelona (1969-1980)

Raúl Velasco Morgado

 A historical analysis of the policy on intractable diseases in Japan and its peculiarity

Koichi Mikami

 Many of us are rare: the right to health and the moral economy of rare diseases activism in Brazil (1990-2020)

Luiz Alves Araújo Neto and Luiz Antonio Teixeira

 Medicamentos órfãos em Portugal no contexto internacional (séculos XX-XXI)

João Rui Pita e Ana Leonor Pereira

 Ver para pensar: la construcción visual de las enfermedades “raras”.

Juan Antonio Rodríguez-Sánchez y María José Ruiz Somavilla




La gestión sanitaria de la epidemia de fiebre amarilla de 1800 en Cádiz

Pablo Ortega-del-Cerro 

Enfermedades y terremotos en la Granada del siglo XVIII

Julen Ibarburu Antón 

Educar en el «hábito científico»: Modesto Bargalló y la ciencia en las aulas normalistas en España (1912-1939)

José Luís Moreno Martínez

La conexión francesa de Ángel Garma: psicología y psicoanálisis en la correspondencia con Daniel Lagache

Miguel Huertas-Maestro y Rafael Huertas



Carmel Ferragud. L’hospital, la dona i el capellà. Sant Andreu de Mallorca (1230-1445)
Pol Bridgewater

Yarí Pérez Marín. Marvels of Medicine. Literature and Scientific Enquiry in Early Colonial Spanish America

Marcos Cortés Guadarrama 

Frabrizio Bigotti. Physiology of the Soul. Mind, Body and Matter in the Galenic Tradition of the Late Renaissance (1550-1630)

Rosa María Moreno 

Saulo de Freitas Araujo, Thiago Constâncio Ribeiro Pereira, and Thomas Sturm, eds. The Force of an Idea: New Essays on Christian Wolff’s Psychology

Fernando Vidal 

Ricardo Campos. La sombra de la sospecha. Peligrosidad, psiquiatría y derecho en España (siglos XIX y XX)

Francisco Molina 

Luis Enrique Otero Carvajal y Santiago de Miguel Salanova (eds.) Sociedad urbana y salud pública. España 1860-1936 

Diego Armus 

Josep L. Barona. Nutritional Policies and International Diplomacy. The impact of Tadeus Saiki in the Imperial State Institute of Nutrition (Tokyo, 1916-1945)

Lorena Patricia Mancilla López 

Florent Serina. C. G. Jung en France. Rencontres, passions et controverses

Andrea Graus 

Rosa Toran, Àlvar Martínez-Vidal. El metge Josep Torrubia Zea. Lliurepensador, maçó i socialista

Nicolas Berjoan 

Joaquim Sales. Enrique Moles. Una biografía científica y política

Roque Hidalgo Álvarez 

Miquel Carandell Baruzzi. The Orce Man: Controversy, Media and Politics in Human Origins Research

Lydia Pyne

Klara Ana Kapova, Erik Persson, Tony Milligan and David Dunér (eds.) Astrobiology and Society in Europe Today

Iván López García.