
CfP: Epidemics: contacts and contagions, reactions and emotions, Naples, 4-6 June 2025

The Institute of History of Mediterranean Europe (ISEM) of the Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR), in collaboration with the IN-HOPPE network (International Network–Historical and osteoarchaeological Past Populations Exploration), is organising a congress on reactions and emotions in the face of epidemics in the pre-industrial age. This will be held in Naples, 4-6 June 2025. A flyer describing the conference's ambitions and goals can be found here: https://www.academia.edu/122177429. The conference organizers welcome interdisciplinary approaches to the topic of epidemics before the era of modern bacteriology. Papers may be presented in English, Italian, Spanish or French. The Scientific Committee consists of Isabella Cecchini (CNR-ISEM), Idamaria Fusco, (CNR-ISEM), Geraldine Granados Vasquez (Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia, Mexico), Monica Green (independent scholar), Geltrude Macrì (CNR – ISEM), Isabelle Séguy (Institut national d’études démographiques, Franc

CfA: Epistemic Diversity in European Philosophy of Science (Online Seminar Series)

Epistemic diversity, understood broadly as the diversity of ways of approaching the study of a subject matter within an intellectual community, has been a topic of increasing interest for philosophers of science in the last ten-odd years. Building on this, the European Philosophy of Science Association (EPSA) invites submissions of abstracts for its first-ever online seminar series, dedicated to investigating and promoting the epistemic diversity of European philosophy of science. A central aim of this seminar series will be to showcase historical figures, institutes, schools of thought, or themes that have shaped the discipline of philosophy of science in different regions of Europe and across time. In focusing on these various different ‘European philosophies of science’, EPSA strives to contribute to an increased awareness of intellectual traditions that have been overlooked or forgotten by the international philosophy-of-science community. We are particularly interested in rediscov

CfP: Medicinal Plants, Empires and the Industrialization of Drug Production

The investigation into the appropriation of indigenous knowledge of medicinal plants has become a focal point for historians and anthropologists in past decades. Contrasting with triumphant narratives on the development of “modern science,” recent works have repositioned the history of knowledge within an economic and social context that acknowledges the asymmetric power relations between the West and the colonized worlds. However, most studies on colonial botany have concentrated on the early modern and modern period. The fate of bioprospection in the post-1880 era—a pivotal period marked by the industrialization of drug production—remains underexplored. This oversight might stem from the long-held belief that the years following 1880 marked a shift in Western history from plant-based to synthetic drugs—a perspective only recently questioned, yet without a corresponding reevaluation of how medicinal plants were appropriated thereafter. In contrast, environmental history has increasing

CfP: History and Philosophy of Programming Workshop (HaPoP-6)

We are delighted to announce the 6th Workshop on the History and Philosophy of Programming (HaPoP-6). We invite contributions on the history and philosophy of programming broadly understood, including different conceptual and practical aspects of programming, the relation of programming practices to other social and scientific practices, the aesthetics of programming, the development of programming languages and others. In addition to general aspects of programming, this year’s workshop will focus on conceptions of ‘fairness’ and ‘bias’ in the history and philosophy of programming. Practices of coding and the evaluation of computer programs have changed with the rise of machine learning and so-called ‘artificial intelligence’ (AI). The increasing automation of programming has led to questions about programming practices, transparency, and evaluative standards in programming in general. In particular, there has been an increasing concern with ‘fairness’ and ‘bias’ within a wide range of

CfP: Special Issue on Materiality, Brutality, and Risk in the Twin Climate and Energy Crises

The twin climate and energy crises shaping socioenvironmental and human vs non-human relationships within the Anthropocene pose critical challenges in our current planetary landscape. Predatory neo-colonial extractivism shapes these crises, exacerbating vulnerabilities and inequalities globally. In response, Environmental Sociology invites submissions that critically engage with the notions of materiality, brutality, and risk in decolonial readings of these crises. The climate and energy crises are interlinked on several grounds. The fossil fuel-intensive transformation of the world economy during the Anthropocene, and the range of composite forms of predatory neo-colonial extractivism on which economic growth unquestionably rests, stem out nowadays among some of themes calling for further research. The main objective of the proposed special issue of Environmental Sociology (ES) is to bring into the debate the challenging notions of materiality, brutality, and risk that, if taken as a

CfP: Transversal: International Journal for the Historiography of Science: Leviathan and the Air-Pump

In 1985, Steven Shapin and Simon Schaffer published Leviathan and the Air-Pump, a book that became emblematic and not just for the history of science. It was the last book they wrote with a typewriter and a paper manuscript (Shapin and Schaffer 2011). That work was produced in the world of the typewriter, in an academic culture that expressed the skills and limitations of those who worked with a typewriter and the intellectual and social orders which that technology enabled. It was a production with a different tempo, surrounded by a set of indispensable objects – today wholly unnecessary and almost unknown – to avoid typographical errors and to correct the sloppiness caused by the clumsiness of urgent hands. To sum up, Leviathan burst into academic circles as an act of intervention, seeking to provoke significant changes: “it is a product of its time (...) it is a historical document. It is a moment in changing scholarly traditions, changing cultural and institutional settings, changi

CfP ArtefaCToS: Science Diplomacy and Science Cooperation

The Growing Role of Space Diplomacy on International Cooperation The scientific community works across national boundaries on problems of common interest, and these channels of scientific exchange can contribute to the formation and improvement of cooperative relationships among international actors. The intersection between science, technology, innovation, international affairs, and domestic politics and policies has become a strategic issue in the 21st century due to its ability to find common grounds and win-win situations among actors. Science Diplomacy is an increasingly prevalent phenomenon that is broader, deeper, and more complex than traditional diplomacy. Many actors in the international system employ science diplomacy as a means of reducing tensions, solving problems, exploring cooperative agreements, strengthening relationships, and addressing common issues to improve international development in a multitude of areas, including grand challenges related to education, health,

CfA: Epistemic Diversity in European Philosophy of Science

The EPSA invites submissions of abstracts for its first-ever online seminar series, dedicated to investigating and promoting the epistemic diversity of European philosophy of science. More precisely, we are currently inviting submissions for the first cour of this seminar series, which will take place on 4th October, 8th November, and 6th December 2024. Please note that the deadline for submissions is 31st July 2024. For more information, please see:  https://philsci.eu/Epistemic-Diversity-Seminar

CfA: Understanding and Assessing Climate Change, LMU Munich, October 28-29

A call for abstracts for the upcoming conference on "Understanding and Assessing Climate Change," which will take place from October 28th to 29th, 2024 at Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich. The conference aims to explore and discuss the understanding and assessment-related issues associated with the scientific study of Earth’s climate system and will serve as the end-of-project event for the “Climate Models and Climate Scientific Understanding” project, funded by the European Commission under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions. Keynote Speakers: - Prof. Dr. Stephen John (Cambridge University) - Prof. Dr. Vincent Lam (Universität Bern, Institut für Philosophie) - Prof. Dr. Mathias Frisch (Leibniz Universität Hannover, Institut für Philosophie) - Prof. Dr. Julie Jebeile (Universität Bern, Institut für Philosophie) Submissions on any topic related to the conference theme are welcomed. Potential topics include (but are not limited to): - What does it take to make progress

Publicado nuevo número de Asclepio: Vol. 76 Núm. 1 (2024)

Asclepio acaba de publicar su último número, Vol. 76 Núm. 1 (2024) Se puede acceder a su contenido a través del siguiente enlace:  https://asclepio.revistas.csic.es/index.php/asclepio/issue/view/80