
Mostrando entradas de septiembre 1, 2019

CfP: Natures, Sciences, Cultures, Politics 500-1500 / St Andrews, March 2020

How should we understand pre-modern sciences and what they were for? That people did not have ‘modern’ epistemologies, methods, or concerns is often less instructive and interesting than what people did do, in what contexts, and to what ends. The purpose of this conference is to discuss how the natural world was seen, discussed, rationalised and conceptualised c. 500-c. 1500, paying attention to the diversity of worldviews within and between regions globally. Papers (20mins) are invited that might explore: Competing epistemologies and methodologies The transmission and reception of ideas between cultures Processes and contexts of organising knowledge about natures Intersections of sciences (defined broadly), religions, politics, art The politics of misrepresenting pre-modern sciences Email abstracts (200-300 words) or queries to James T Palmer at jtp21@st-andrews.ac.uk by 1 October 2019.

CfP: Workshop on"Logistical Natures. trade, traffics, and transformations in natural historycollecting"

A workshop organized by the joint research project “Animals as Objects. Zoological Gardens and Natural History Museum in Berlin, 1810−2020”, Museum für Naturkunde Berlin, Feb 13/14 2020 Deadline CFP: Sept 20 2019 No collection, no research, no natural history museum nor zoological garden without logistics. Traders, colonial shipping routes, transport companies, feed producers and distributors, chemical and pharmaceutical industries, waste disposal infrastructures, but also computerized databases, catalogues, daily veterinary logs, and finances, all take part in forming and maintaining natural history collections. We understand natural history collections to encompass both informational and material collections of specimens in museums and databases, and collections of living animals and other organisms in zoos and botanical gardens. In order to supply these collections with specimens or animals, the objects have to be procured, transported, prepared, maintained, organi

CFP Cities in Transition. Historical Approaches to Urban Change fromthe 18th to the 21st Century (EAUH 2020)

Main Session M-URB-4 Cities in Transition. Historical Approaches to Urban Change from the 18th to the 21st Century Organizers: Stéphane Frioux (Université Lyon 2), Charles-François Mathis (Université Bordeaux-Montaigne), Celia Miralles Buil (Universidade de Lisboa)  Short abstract: This session aims at putting into a historical context the urban transition. It proposes to analyse the technical solutions considered to pass through one urban system to another in world cities from 18th to 21st century.  Papers will also critically consider the notion of transition, discussing whether it is relevant to think the plurality of historical moments (past/present/future) of cities. Session content: In a context of global environmental change, “Urban Transition” is nowadays a fashionable topic claimed by various stakeholders involved in urban planning, social or environmental policies. These actors aim at building a resilient city and propose technical innovations t

PhD Position in Philosophy at Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Project ‘Changing Tools'; deadline: 30 September 2019

The research project ‘ Changing Tools: An In-Depth Study of the Development of Isaac Newton’s Scientific Methodology, and its Impact and Significance’ will run from 1 October 2019 to 2024 at the Centre for Logic and Philosophy of Science ( https://www.vub.be/CLWF/ welcome/index.shtml ) of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel. The research project is funded by the Special Research Fund of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel ( https://www.vub.ac.be/en/ research#home ). We are hiring a doctoral student who will conduct his or her doctoral research under the supervision of the PI of this project, Prof. dr. Steffen Ducheyne. Project Description The research proposal entitled ‘Changing Tools: An In-Depth Study of the Development of Isaac Newton’s Scientific Methodology, and its Impact and Significance’ seeks to contribute to a better understanding of the mathematical physics and scientific methodology of Isaac Newton. This research proposal seeks to contribute to the history of s

BSHM small grants scheme

The closing date for the latest round of the British Society for the History of Mathematics small grants scheme will be on the 30th September. The aim of the scheme is to provide grants (from £100 to £500) for specific research purposes, such as archival visits, research trips, and archival copying costs. Preference will be given to applications which have clear and demonstrable outcomes. For further details please see go to the Society web site at: http://www.bshm.ac.uk/bshm-sma ll-grants-scheme

CfP: 13th HISRECO Conference (University of Lausanne March 20-21st 2020)

The thirteenth History of Recent Economics Conference (HISRECO) will be held at the University of Lausanne, Centre Walras Pareto, on March 20-21, 2020. Since 2007, HISRECO has brought together researchers from various backgrounds to study the history of economics in the postwar period. The increasing availability of archival materials, along with the development of new perspectives inherited from the larger history and sociology of knowledge, has helped to provide insightful histories of the development of recent economic practices, ideas, and techniques. In particular, this area of research offers good opportunities to young scholars who are interested in interdisciplinary approaches to the history of economics. We invite researchers in the history of postwar economics and related fields to submit a paper proposal of no more than 800 words. Paper proposals that use approaches from the history and sociology of science, or cultural and science studies will be particular

CfP: People, Places, Practices: Joint BSHM-CSHPM/SCHPM Conference 2020

People, Places, Practices: Joint BSHM-CSHPM/SCHPM Conference 2020 6-8 July 2020, University of St Andrews, UK http://www.mcs.st-andrews.ac.u k/bshm-cshpm/index.shtml People, Places, Practices, is the 5-yearly joint conference of the British Society for the History of Mathematics and Canadian Society for History and Philosophy of Mathematics/La Société Canadienne d'Histoire et de Philosophie des Mathématiques, in collaboration with HOM-SIGMAA, the History of Mathematics Special Interest Group of the MAA.  People, Places, Practices, will showcase a broad range of approaches to the history of mathematics:  •       People allows discussion of the cultural roles of mathematical biography, the historiographic and technical challenges of writing mathematical biography, as well as more straightforward biographical approaches  •       Places provides for the influence of location, geographical, spatial, conceptual or cultural, on mathematics and mathematician

Collaborative doctorate on commercial history of Manchester

Url:  https://www.jobs.ac.uk/job/BUZ652/manchester-goods-trading-a-global-commodity-the-role-of-the-merchant-community-in-the-rise-of-manchester-as-a-world-centre-for-cotton-textiles-in-the-19th-century-griffineu19cdpsmacsm Location: Norwich Start Date: January 2020 Closes: (Deadline) 6/10/19 No. of positions available: 1 Hours: part time or full time Contract: Contract Supervisor: Prof E Griffin Project description: This collaborative doctoral award is jointly supervised between the Science and Industry Museum, Manchester and the School of History, UEA. Manchester was the world’s foremost cotton textiles trading city between the early nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, playing a unique role as the engine for the international marketing and sale of Lancashire’s finished textiles. Using rich material in the Science and Industry Museum’s archive and other archives, this studentship will address the development of Manchester as a global trading powerhouse durin

Research fellowships at National Maritime Museum & in history of Royal Observatory Greenwich

Applications for Royal Museums Greenwich fellowships for 2020-2021 (Caird Fellowships) and 2020-2022 (Sackler ROG 350 Fellowships) are now open. Caird Research Fellowships Royal Museums Greenwich has a well-established fellowship programme supporting high-quality research that provides new perspectives on our collections. We welcome applications that engage with our thematic priorities which, for this call, comprise the following:   *   The migration of people, objects and ideas   *   British identities in imperial, post-colonial and global contexts   *   Human perspectives on the modern maritime world   *   Understandings of nation, community and identity in museum practice   * Developments in citizen heritage, public engagement and heritage science   * Female patronage, art, architecture and performance in the Stuart court   * Naval/military uniform and concerns regarding status, display and identity Engagement with our collections is essential, and applicants unfamili

Biblioteca de Antropologia Francisca Keller no Horto Botânico

Vamos reabrir a Biblioteca de Antropologia Francisca Keller! Let's reopen the Francisca Keller Anthropology Library!      Plantando sonhos, colhendo livros, conhecimento e diversidade! Vamos juntos reabrir a Biblioteca de Antropologia Francisca Keller no Horto Botânico! O incêndio no Museu Nacional destruiu o maior acervo bibliográfico em antropologia e ciências humanas de toda a América do Sul. Além de livros, o fogo destruiu um espaço de convivência crítica, de vida intelectual plural e diversa. Agora, menos de um ano após o incêndio, estamos prontos para inaugurar uma nova biblioteca fruto das doações de milhares de livros vindos do Brasil e do Exterior. Já recebemos 10.500 volumes, outros 8 mil já estão a caminho e esperamos atingir a marca de 40 mil livros ao fim de três anos. É chegada a hora de colocar esses livros nas estantes e torná-los disponíveis ao público. Livros livres para serem consultados, emprestados e lidos. Para tirar os livros das caixas

2019-20 Medical Research Foundation Antimicrobial Resistance PhD Studentship

One studentship is offered at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (LSHTM) for 2019-20 through the Medical Research Foundation (MRF) PhD Training Programme in Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) Research . This studentship is available for an excellent candidate interested in researching the problem of AMR in a cross-disciplinary manner. The successful candidate will commence study in January 2020. This 4-year interdisciplinary studentship covers: the cost of fees (at the Home/EU fee rate) a tax-free stipend (at the MRC stipend ‘plus’ rate – GBP 17,000.00 in Year 1 increasing to GBP 18,500.00 in Year 4, including London weighting) funding for research costs, an interdisciplinary 3-month research project/placement allowance, and an annual travel allowance. Projects There are two project choices for this studentship. These are: Promoting Use and Non-Use: Medicines for TB and other Bacteria in an Era of AMR Systems, structures and change: conceptu

Graduate Teaching Fellowship

ILLINOIS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, CHICAGO, IL.  Fay Horton Sawyier Pre-Doctoral Teaching Fellowship in Philosophy.  One year fellowship, renewable for a second year, intended for graduate students at the dissertation stage of their studies.  Begins August 2020.  Salary is $38,000 per year plus benefits and relocation assistance. Additional summer teaching opportunities possible. We are interested in candidates in ethics/moral theory whose research displays a naturalistic approach to problems in their field, drawing on evidence and methods from psychology, neuroscience, biology, and other related fields.  First year course load of 1-2 -- one upper-level undergraduate and two lower-level humanities courses. If renewed, the courseload would be 2-2, consisting of two upper level and two lower-level courses.  Funding for travel to professional conferences is available on a case by case basis. The successful candidate would be joining a vital philosophical community in Chicago. Candidates mu

CfP: &HPS8, Integrated History and Philosophy of Science 2020

The Committee for Integrated History and Philosophy of Science invites the submission of individual paper and poster abstracts for “&HPS8”, the 8th conference in the series Integrated History and Philosophy of Science. We seek contributions that genuinely integrate the historical and philosophical analysis of science (i.e., the physical sciences, life sciences, cognitive sciences, and social sciences), or discuss methodological issues surrounding the prospects and challenges of integrating history and philosophy of science. For information about Integrated History and Philosophy of Science and previous conferences, see http://integratedhps.org/en/ Recent scholarship in history and especially in philosophy of science has shown that scientific practice can best be characterized as a pluralistic endeavor. Might the field of integrated history and philosophy of science (HPS) also need a pluralistic framework for the analysis of the full sweep of science in past and present, combin

Translating 18th- and 19th-century Science: Interdisciplinary Perspectives

Conference venue: Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz (Campus Germersheim), Germany Dates: 17 th -19 th  September 2020 By casting scientific communication as “knowledge in transit”, James Secord (2004) drew attention to translation’s central role in shaping the knowledge-sharing processes seminal to scientific endeavour. More recently, both historians of science and of translation studies have placed greater focus on the power dynamics that determine which texts are selected for translation, by whom and for onward transmission into which other languages and scientific cultures. In the late 18 th  and 19 th centuries, “standard” languages of science started to emerge in Europe, marking a shift away from the  lingua franca  of Latin towards the development of a handful of more “major” languages, which cast themselves as carrying a cultural and intellectual authority in transnational scientific communities. Meanwhile the growing body of work on the relationship

CfP: Virginia Tech Graduate Philosophy Conference Due Sept. 15, 2019

The Graduate Philosophy Club at Virginia Tech is pleased to announce the 16th Annual Virginia Tech Graduate Conference in Philosophy: Society, Ethics, and Science: Insights from Philosophy of Technology ~ DATES : October 5th-6th, 2019 CONFERENCE VENUE : Blacksburg, Virginia KEYNOTE SPEAKERS : Shannon Vallor (Santa Clara University) and Don Howard (Notre Dame) ~ SUBMISSIONS : We are accepting papers for presentation at Virginia Tech's 16th annual graduate student conference in philosophy. We invite current graduate students to submit papers that philosophically engage with topics concerning the philosophy of technology, broadly construed. Submissions may be from any philosophical sub-field, and may address issues in these sub-fields which overlap with technology. These areas include, but are not limited to: philosophy of science, epistemology, social and political philosophy, philosophy of mind, artificial intelligence, engineering, or aesthetics. Possible to