
Mostrando entradas de mayo 20, 2018

Curso de verano: Acceso a medicamentos y el derecho a la salud

Url:  http://www.ucm.es/data/cont/media/www/pag-13641/73305.pdf Farmamundi, a través de su cátedra extraordinaria, se suma a la oferta formativa de los cursos de verano de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM) y lanza “Acceso a medicamentos: Inequidad global en el cumplimiento del derecho a la salud”, que tendrá lugar entre el 16 y el 18 de julio en el Paraninfo San Bernardo de Madrid y que cuenta con 1 crédito ECTS. Gracias al apoyo de la Secretaría de Estado de Cooperación Internacional y para Iberoamérica y el Caribe ( SECIPI), la ONG sigue apostando por ampliar el conocimiento y analizar con profesionales de reconocido prestigio internacional las variables que impiden el acceso a medicamentos con igualdad y las claves de las políticas globales entorno al derecho a la salud. “ El curso está dirigido a todas las personas interesadas en la justicia sanitaria. Pretende arrojar luz sobre la actual falta de equidad en el acceso a los medicamentos, condicionada especialm

Convocatoria de becas de Doctorado 2018-2019

Url:  https://www.juaneloturriano.com/noticias/2018/05/16/convocatoria-de-becas-de-doctorado-2018-2019?utm_source=Bolet%c3%adn&utm_medium=newsletter&utm_campaign=Bolet%c3%adn+144+Mayo+2018 La Fundación Juanelo Turriano convoca dos becas para la realización de tesis doctorales, dotadas con 14.400 euros anuales cada una.  La tesis debe versar sobre materias propias de la historia de la ciencia o de la técnica, valorándose la relación del tema con la historia de la ingeniería en los campos de la hidráulica, construcciones civiles, mecánica o arquitectura. El plazo para la presentación de solicitudes concluye el 17 de septiembre de 2018. Consultar bases Descargar formulario

Call for thematic issue: Journal of History of Science and Technology

Url:  http://www.revistahcsm.coc.fiocruz.br/english/call-for-thematic-issue-journal-of-history-of-science-and-technology/ HoST – Journal of History of Science and Technology  is an open access, on-line peer-reviewed international journal devoted to the History of Science and Technology, published in English by a group of Portuguese research institutions and De Gruyter ( https://www.degruyter.com/view/j/host ). HoST  encourages submissions of original historical research exploring the cultural, social and political dimensions of science, technology, and medicine (STM), both from a local and a global perspective. Past thematic issues have dealt with topics as diverse as circulation, communication of science and the relation between science and politics. The editors of  HoST  are looking for proposals for two thematic issues to be published in 2020 ( HoST  volume 14, issues 1 and 2). Each thematic issue should be prepared by a guest editor and include four research papers


La Fundación Española para la Ciencia y Tecnología, FECYT, es una fundación del sector público que depende del Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad. Nuestra MISION es impulsar la ciencia, la tecnología e innovación, promover su integración y acercamiento a la Sociedad y dar respuesta a las necesidades del Sistema Español de Ciencia, Tecnología y Empresa (SECTE). La Fundación, además, gestiona el Museo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología, MUNCYT que tiene como objetivo contribuir a la educación científica efectiva y de calidad , conservar y poner en valor el patrimonio histórico científico y tecnológico y ser escaparate de la ciencia y la tecnología españolas. Para cumplir con la MISION que FECYT tiene encomendada contamos con un programa formativo para la realización de practicas académicas en diferentes áreas. Si como entidad estas interesada en alguno de nuestros programas formativos será necesario la  firma de un convenio de colaboración con FECYT. Si como es

CfP Workshop: Histories of Technology’s Persistence: Repair, Reuse and Disposal

Workshop at the Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History (C2DH), University of Luxembourg 7-8 December 2018 Submission deadline: 2 July 2018 The everyday use of technology involves practices of maintenance and repair but also raises questions of reuse and removal, dismantling and disposal. According to Stephen Graham and Nigel Thrift (2007: 19), repair and maintenance constitute “the engine room of modern economies and societies”. The current “maintainers network” (Russell/Vinsel 2018) argues for an emphasis on maintenance instead of the traditional focus on invention and innovation in the field of history of technology. Indeed, we still know surprisingly little about the history of repair, reuse and disposal practices. In his plea for a history of “technology-in-use”, David Edgerton (2008: 81) summarised: “Unfortunately we are not in a position to give an overview of the main trends i

Postdoc advert from CRASSH colleague

ARTEFACT is a 5-year project (2017-2022) led by Dr. Inanna Hamati-Ataya and funded by the European Research Council under the EU’s Horizon 2020 Framework Programme for Research and Innovation. Approaching the global history of human political organisation as an artefact of our cultural evolution, the project aims to develop an anthropological understanding and theorisation of ‘the global’ grounded in the deep history of humankind’s epistemic development. ARTEFACT interrogates the ways in which the emergence, development, and diffusion of human knowledge systems have shaped the constitution, functioning, and path-dependent transformation of global political structures and world systems. It does so specifically by taking as a case-study the rise, diffusion, and impact of four major successive global agricultural revolutions of the Neolithic/ancient, medieval, modern, and contemporary eras, and their associated global-political configurations. ARTEFACT also aims to develop ‘Glob

CfP: BSHP annual conference (London)

Proposals for individual papers and for papers organized in themed symposia are invited on any period and aspect of the history of philosophy. In line with the BSHP’s commitment to broadening the canon, proposals on currently under-represented philosophical traditions, periods and authors are especially welcome. All proposals must be anonymized for blind peer-review.  Individual papers : please send an abstract of MAX 500 words (in word format) for a paper suitable for a 30 minute slot (20 mins for the paper, 10 mins for Q&A) to  katharine.oreilly@kcl.ac.uk . Symposia : please send a proposal of MAX 500 words (in word format) for a symposium of 3-4 papers (each paper suitable for a 30 minutes slot) with abstracts of MAX 300 words for each paper to  katharine.oreilly@ kcl.ac.uk . Please also submit, in a separate document, the email address and institution of each participant, and the name and email of the symposium organizer who will serve as contact person.  De

3 postdoctoral positions in ethics and digital technologies: 2 in Oxford and 1 in London, The Alan Turing Institute

Postdoctoral Researcher in Ethics and Digital Technologies (2 posts) Oxford Internet Institute, University of Oxford Grade 7: £31,076 – £38,833 p.a. Deadline: 11 June 2018 Job description and how to apply:  https://t.co/lgg2Vmx9yy Ethics Fellow The Alan Turing Institute SALARY £45,000 p.a. (negotiable dependent on skills & experience) HOURS Full-time CONTRACT TYPE Permanent CLOSES 6 June 2018

Exposición "Maestros y Discípulos en la Edad de Plata de la Ciencia española", Facultad de Educación (UCM), 30 de mayo

Exposición   "Maestros y Discípulos en la Edad de Plata de la Ciencia española" , que celebraremos (con una Visita guiada ) el próximo miércoles 30 de mayo de 2018, a las 12:00 h ., en la  Biblioteca  de la  Facultad de Educación  de la UCM:  https://www.facebook.com/ photo.php?fbid=160272763317733 0&set=gm.2178215652189352&type =3&theater&ifg=1   En la Exposición  podrás ver 20 artículos originales de autoridades internacionales como Albert Einstein, Marie Curie, Henri Poincaré, Maurice De Broglie, Arnold Sommerfeld, Lord Rutherford, Paul Langevin, Enrico Fermi, Pierre Weiss, Pieter Zeeman, etc., junto a 30 trabajos  de personalidades españolas  tales como José Echegaray, Santiago Ramón y Cajal, Leonardo Torres Quevedo, Zoel García de Galdeano, Odón de Buen, Blas Cabrera, Esteban Terradas, Julio Rey Pastor, Enrique Moles, Mª Teresa Toral, Sixto Ríos, etc.: https://www.facebook.com/photo .php?fbid=1604956612954432&set =pcb.2181229291887988&am

CfP: First Irvine-Munich-PoliMi-Salzburg,Conference in Philosophy and Foundations of Physics

*First Irvine-Munich-PoliMi-Salzburg Conference in Philosophy and Foundations of Physics* *(IMPS 2018)* *Salzburg, Austria, 03-04. Sep 2018* *Organizing committee: *Erik Curiel (Munich), Patricia Palacios (Salzburg), Giovanni Valente (Milan), Jim Weatherall (Irvine), and Charlotte Werndl (Salzburg) *Call for Papers* Over the past decades, important contributions to the mathematical and conceptual foundations of physical theories have been made within the philosophical community.   Conversely, critical analysis of the formal structures of our best physical theories inform central philosophical concerns, and in some cases new theorems have been proven and new lines of argument developed that are of philosophical significance. This conference aims to bring together philosophers, physicists, and mathematicians working on such issues. The event will be held on September 3-4, 2018 at the University of Salzburg (Austria). It will immediately precede a workshop on "T