
Mostrando entradas de mayo 22, 2022

Novedad bibliográfica: Salud en emergencia Historia de las batallas contra las epidemias y la COVID-19

Autor: Marcos Cueto La crisis sanitaria global producida por la COVID-19 ha representado un desafío sin precedentes para las naciones en desarrollo. La pandemia ha desnudado la precariedad de los sistemas de salud y ha revelado las profundas grietas que dividen a los ciudadanos de países como el nuestro, donde acceder a una atención médica universal, gratuita y de calidad no es más que una ilusión. Salud en emergencia aborda, desde una perspectiva diferente, el impacto, el desarrollo y las consecuencias de esta y otras epidemias que han mantenido en vilo al planeta durante las últimas cuatro décadas, como las del sida y el ébola. En lugar de prestar atención al discurso oficial, Marcos Cueto, reconocido especialista en historia de la medicina, ha decidido concentrarse en las percepciones y testimonios de los pacientes y los trabajadores de salud que no pertenecen a las "élites" médicas, para trazar un panorama ciertamente inquietante, pero lleno de lecciones para el futuro. M

CfP: 2022 Annual Meeting of the Society for the History of Discoveries

Where: St. Louis, Missouri When: September 29 –October 1, 2022 Venue: St. Louis University, co-sponsored by the Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies Our 2022 Annual Meeting, will be held in the Pere Marquette Gallery at St. Louis University, and cohosted by the Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies. The opening reception will take place on Thursday evening (September 29), followed by the conference the following two days, and a post-conference excursion on Sunday (October 2). Theme: At the Heart of the Continent: Native Americans and Newcomers in the Upper Mississippi Region Often referred to as the “Gateway to the West,” St. Louis was founded by French fur-traders in 1764, ceded to Spain within the year, returned to French control in 1800; then bought by the United States in 1803 as part of the Louisiana Purchase. It was a territory that was rich in people and natural resources. Directly across the Mississippi River from the city are the Cahokia Mounds, a major center o

CfP: Writing Alternative Histories of Disaster Relief: Architecture and Humanitarianism (SAH 2023 Conference)

Writing Alternative Histories of Disaster Relief: Architecture and Humanitarianism The architectural discourse on disaster relief has always been entangled with humanitarianism, but architectural humanitarianism is an imprecise concept that resides in the linkages between architecture and the two kinds of aid, humanitarian aid and development aid. The epistemological perceptions and the theoretical distinctions between these two kinds of aid became blurred with development aid supported by the 1947 Marshall Plan and the institutionalization of humanitarian aid with the 1949 Geneva Conventions and the founding of different United Nations (UN) bodies. This session is a call to rethink the architectural discourse on disaster relief from the inception of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) in 1863 to the present, taking the perspective of the entanglement between architecture, humanitarianism, and disaster relief. The session sets out to correct the canonical histories of d

CfP: Health and Work in Early Modern World, 1500-1750ca. September 20-21 2022 at Ca'Foscari University of Venice

This conference aims to bring together scholars working on any aspect of the relationship between health and work in the early modern period. A growing field of scholarship on health and medicine has examined how people cared for their own health, looking at how patients experienced and recovered from disease, interacted with multiple medical practitioners, and altered their domestic environment to improve health. In the period developing public health procedures were directed at industries and jobs that could cause harm to health. Meanwhile, the subject of work in the early modern period is the focus of new scholarship that broadens the scope of analysis to include previously overlooked and marginalised workers. By drawing these strands together to view working lives through the lens of health in a period of technological change, advances in medical sciences, and fewer yet still devastating epidemics, the conference will explore new ways of understanding health and ill-health, percept

Call for Chapters: Trauma and Covid-19: Transdisciplinary Perspectives

For the series Transdisciplinary Trauma Studies, De Gruyter:  https://blog.degruyter.com/call-for-manuscripts-transdisciplinary-trauma... We entered the Covid-19 pandemic in February 2020 and since then it seems that there is a “pre” pandemic life, pandemic life, and the desire for a fully post-pandemic time. Trauma research throughout disciplines has focused on popular responses to pandemic realities – surging mortality, isolation, increased fear, media messaging, government management, mask and vaccine use, food and supplies shortfalls, ventilator scarcity, and blame assignment. A number of studies, such as the recent work by Caruth (Caruth (2022) “Who Speaks from the Site of Trauma? Temporality, Testimony, and Problems of Address in Recent Trauma Discourses”) or Silver (Silver, R.C. (2020) Surviving the trauma of Covid-19. Science, 369 (6499)) look into the discourses of relationship, survival and resilience, where jarring loss seems to dominate. Are we now seeing a new form of t

CfP: Irreducible Subjects: Disability and Genomics in the Past, Present and Future

The National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) invites you to submit your ideas for an opportunity to be one of six speakers at our upcoming symposium, “Irreducible Subjects: Disability and Genomics in the Past, Present and Future.” The symposium will address historical and present-day constructions of disability and ableism, with a focus on the history and lived experiences of people with disabilities in the context of genetics and genomics. The symposium will take place Oct. 6-7, 2022. Through this open call for presentations, the event aims to develop a fuller account of the lives and experiences of people with disabilities. Conversations will link disability rights to wider NIH discussions and around inclusivity, intersectionality, equity, and social justice. NHGRI seeks presenters who will help attendees: interrogate the meaning of disability today and its connections to genetics, genomics and contemporary medicine understand the revolutionary realities and potential of geno

CfP: Diderot’s Metamorphoses. Philosophy, Art, and Science

Among the eighteenth-century thinkers, Denis Diderot is undoubtedly one of the hardest to classify. He authored novels, theatre plays, science, and as well as philosophy essays. It is difficult to separate his properly “philosophical” works from the rest of his production. Nor, moreover, would it make sense to do so, because Diderot’s philosophy emerges precisely from the intertwining of all these different spheres of interest and work. The thirty-fifth issue of Lo Sguardo intends to investigate the figure of Diderot in all its different aspects: a philosopher, novelist, playwright, scientist, art critic, and cultural promoter (with the great project of the Encyclopédie). The aim of the issue is thereby to understand how these features of his work interact with each other, and how they contribute to the philosophy that emerges. And finally, to establish the meaning that this complex philosophical heritage can have for today. Scholars worldwide are invited to contribute to this issue by

CfP: Politics, Ideology, and the Discourse of Disease

Guest Editors: Patrizia Piredda (University of Oxford), Kristin Shi-Kupfer (University of Trier) Concepts and notions formed in the fields of medicine have always been used in politics and ethics as metaphors to define good societal models, to manipulate public opinion, to consolidate prejudices, and to gain power. The connection between political power, rhetoric and medicine is therefore ancient and profound. The concept of disease has been often used to attack domestic and foreign enemies, to criticise society as a sick “body”, to legitimise political action (often repressive and violent) as a necessary “surgical” measure to remove the cause of the social illness. War has even been called the “hygiene” to clean the world, while otherness has been labelled in derogatory and judgmental ways aimed at legitimising their subjugation, correction, or even elimination. On the other hand, a broad debate on public health is key to the construction of good societies as far as health is recognis

CfP: Gender and Sexuality Writing Collective, Susan B. Anthony Institute for Gender, Sexuality, and Women's Studies

The Susan B. Anthony Institute for Gender, Sexuality, and Women’s Studies at the University of Rochester will hold a two-day writing collective on October 21-22, 2022. The writing collective will provide a lively platform for graduate students, early career researchers, and independent scholars to workshop a paper with peers and faculty from multiple institutions. The aim of the collective is to create an intimate space for emerging scholars of gender and sexuality to share their work with a focus on preparing their paper for publication. This event is intended as an opportunity for graduate students to consider issues pertaining to gender, sexuality, race, class, and disability. Participants will engage with one another in interdisciplinary discussions led by established scholars in the humanities, arts, and social sciences whose experience and outstanding research in their respective fields will benefit and help shape the papers. We welcome emerging scholars to join us in this progra

1 post-doc Historical GIS, 4 years, ERC-CoG History of Mediterranean Science

The DEEPMED Project (Discovering the Deep Mediterranean Environment: A History of Science and Strategy, 1860-2020) at the Universidad de Sevilla (Spain), funded by the European Research Commission (Consolidator Grant) is seeking: 1 Post-doc, full time; 4 years: PhD (awarded by the time of appointment) in history, geography, digital humanities, computer science, or a related field. Demonstrable knowledge of Historical GIS as well as statistics and (preferably) bibliometric methods. Solid programming skills in databases, digital mapping, and programming languages. Peer-reviewed publications with affinity with the project’s topic. Excellent speaking and writing skills in English and Spanish. Willingness to work in teams and willingness to contribute to the development of a research and dissemination structure.