
Mostrando entradas de agosto 28, 2016

Postdoctoral positions at Warwick and Dublin: Prisoners, Medical Care and Entitlement to Health

Please can we alert you to a couple of new and exciting postdoctoral job opportunities, one to be held at the University of Warwick and the other at University College Dublin: two three-year Postdoctoral Research (Public Engagement) Fellowships connected to the Wellcome Trust funded project, 'Prisoners, Medical Care and Entitlement to Health in England and Ireland, 1850-2000’. The Warwick position will involve research on 'Women, Health and Maternity in the English and Irish Criminal Justice Systems’ and the UCD post the development of a project on ‘Reform, Welfare and Prisoner “Health Rights”'. We encourage candidates who have completed or who are very close to the submission of their PhD, with an emerging track record of publications and demonstrable public engagement experience. A background in the history of medicine is required, and knowledge of prisons, 19th/20th Irish and/or British History and/or the history of crime, welfare and institutions o


HISTORIES OF HEALTHY AGEING University of Groningen, 21-23 June 2017 As Western populations grow increasingly older, 'healthy ageing' is presented as one of today's greatest medical and societal challenges. However, contrary to what many policy makers want us to believe, the aspiration to live long, healthy and happy lives is not a problem specific to our times. On the contrary successful ageing has a long history.         The conference Histories of Healthy Ageing is based on the assumption that 'healthy ageing' has informed the medical agenda since Antiquity. With 'healthy ageing' we refer to ways of thinking about and treating the body not only from a medical perspective, but also taking into account questions of what constitutes a happy and fulfilled life. In particular these latter issues were central to medicine before 1800 and relate to healthy living as much as to questions connected specifically to old age. Thus whether we spea

Microscopic views of the world sent around the globe. Spreading environmental issues through postal stamps. Session proposal for the ESEH Conference 2017: “Natures in between"

Type:  Call for Papers Date:  June 28, 2017 to July 2, 2017 Location: Croatia Subject Fields:  Environmental History / Studies Postal stamps are a widely underestimated pictorial source for historians, and even more for environmental historians. Those little pieces of paper originally designed just to pay the postage for a letter or a postcard, quickly developed to be a medium to spread political propaganda, to celebrate anniversaries, or to propagate societal concerns. In many cases, stamps are not only tiny little images to decorate a letter or to make collectors happy, but they reflect general issues in society. Stamps and the images they display are circulated millions of times. In an unapparent way they help to generate and convey modern views of the world (Josef Fürnkäs). In this sense, environmental protection as a topic appeared on stamps in the 1950s and 1960s, whereas concerns about environmental pollution, clean mobility, and ending reso

Workshop: Ether and Modernity

ETHER AND MODERNITY. THE RECALCITRANCE OF AN AGONISING OBJECT IN PHYSICS AND IN CULTURE. San Sebastian/Donostia (Spain) 30 – 31st March, 2017 CFP: Physicists, Historians of Science and Philosophers are invited to attend and submit short presentations to the workshop "Ether and Modernity", on the presence of the ether in twentieth-century science and culture. This is the third of a series of meetings (Oxford 2014, San Francisco 2015, San Sebastian 2017) to discuss the way an epistemic object like the ether was rejected, modified or maintained in the firs half of the twentieth century, and the later attempts to resuscitate it in contemporary physics. The workshop has a twofold practical purpose: the finalisation of a joint publication with the contributions of the invited speakers; and the dissemination of the results and the incorporation of new ideas into the project by other historians of science, physicists and philosophers. Please s

XX Simposio de la Sociedad Española de Historia de la Medicina

Segunda Circular El Simposio se celebrará en la nueva Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad de Granada los días 10 y 11 de noviembre de 2016, bajo el título “La investigación historicomédica en España, presente y futuro”. Se estructurará, como indicamos en la Primera Circular, en sesiones expositivas, a cargo de responsables de proyectos de investigación que presentarán y debatirán sus proyectos; exposición de pósters, referidos a resultados de investigación publicados después de 2013 o noticias de otras actividades historicomédicas relevantes o significativas; y una mesa de debate sobre salidas profesionales en la actualidad, según el siguiente Programa   Provisional Jueves 10 Retirada de documentación e instalación de pósters, a partir de las 14:30 h. -           PRIMERA SESIÓN, 15:30 h. José Ramón Bertomeu, "Vivir en un mundo tóxico: expertos, regulaciones y controversias públicas en la España del siglo XIX". -     

“Medicina, literatura y cultura en el mundo hispánico de la Edad Moderna”,

University of St Andrews,  Escocia, 3 a 5 de julio de 2017 Objetivos del congreso: Reunir a diversos expertos en medicina, literatura, historia y disciplinas relacionadas, incluyendo las artes visuales, para compartir ideas e investigaciones centradas en la medicina y su papel en el mundo hispanohablante de los siglos XV a XVIII. También se pretende promover un enfoque interdisciplinar que permita responder a las preguntas que han ido surgiendo en este campo de investigación, así como proponer futuras colaboraciones. Ponentes plenarios confirmados: Dr. Alexander Samson, University College London Dra. María Luz López-Terrada, I.n.g.e.n.i.o. (CSIC - Universitat Politècnica de València) Prof. M. Pierre Civil, Université Sorbonne Nouvelle - Paris 3 Prof. Christoph Strosetzki, Universität Münster Para proponer una comunicación: Será bienvenida una amplia gama de enfoques y disciplinas, siempre que se refieran a la medicina y a la cultura hispanohablante

Southern Association for the History of Medicine and Science

Type:  Call for Papers Date:  March 16, 2017 Subject Fields:  History of Science, Medicine, and Technology Call for Papers: Southern Association for the History of Medicine and Science (SAHMS) Nineteenth Annual Meeting,  Coastal Carolina University, Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, March 16-18, 2017 Submissions for individual papers or for panels can be made online at the SAHMS website, at http://www.sahms.net/call-for-papers.html . SAHMS is seeking paper submissions from scholars in the history of medicine and science. Anyone including students, with an academic interest in the history of medicine and or science is to welcome and encouraged to submit a paper.  History of Medicine and Science is broadly construed to encompass all fields and subfields historical, literary, philosophical, legal, and sociological related to the historical understanding of any aspect of science, medicine, health care, and the medical and health science professions.  SAHM

CFP “Interdisciplinary Futures: Open the Social Sciences 20 Years later”

“Interdisciplinary Futures: Open the Social Sciences 20 years later” Conference on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of Open the Social Sciences (1996) 19-20 January 2017 Lisbon, Portugal Organised by INTREPID < www.intrepid-cost.eu > and TINT < www.helsinki.fi/tint > with support from the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation < https://gulbenkian.pt/en/ > Conference web site here:  https://ifoss20. wordpress.com/ Keynote speakers: Immanuel Wallerstein on "Forty Years Later: Are the Social Sciences More Open?” Björn Wittrock on "Social Sciences in Their Contexts: Five Transformative Periods" Felicity Callard on “The social sciences, life sciences and humanities: shifting plate tectonics” BACKGROUND The slim but remarkable volume (Open the Social Sciences: Report of the Gulbenkian Commission on the Restructuring of the Social Sciences) was published in 1996. The Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation had established, in 1993,