
Mostrando entradas de junio 30, 2019

CfP: International conference of the International Association for Alpine History (IAAH), September 3th-5th 2020, University of Lausanne

Mountain „global“: a Comparing Story of the Natural Science in the Mountains, 16-19. Century Responsible: Simona Boscani Leoni, University of Berne/ University of Lausanne Since the renaissance research on the indigenous nature in mountains regions has experienced a major boom. After the discovery of America, the Spanish crown started to claim „relaciones” (reports) from sailors, as well as from local officials, to gather information about the nature and people of the newly discovered territories. The goal of these consults was the optimization of the administration in the overseas regions. Under the rule of Philipp II (1527-1598) cuestionarios para la formación de las relaciones geograficás were printed. They contained a lot of questions for the officials in the colonies and asked them, to give written information (Solano 1988; Álverez Pelaéz 1993). The subjects of a lot of questions were the mountains and their nature (Mathieu 2011). At the same time, a similar „discovery”

Women in Sciences: Special Issue in Transversal: International Journal for the Historiography of Science 6

Special Issue in Transversal: International Journal for the Historiography of Science 6 (June) 2019 is online: Women in Sciences: Historiography of Science and History of Science http:// historiographyofscience.org/ index.php/transversal/issue/ view/11

Novedad editorial: Los imaginarios colectivos, la salud pública y la vida. Para conversar desde las artes sobre nuestro bienestar en sociedad

Editor: Miguel Porta La vida y la muerte han sido siempre temas sugestivos en todo tipo de artes. Desde la pintura a la música, pasando por la literatura, el cine, las artes visuales y cualquier otra manifestación artística, creadores de todos los tiempos han alimentado con ellas nuestro imaginario colectivo. El tema subyacente en ese camino a recorrer entre la una y la otra (y que afecta cada una de nuestras expresiones humanas) es la salud. Los textos de este libro nos hablan sobre salud pública —y privada— y su relación con la cultura, el arte, la historia, la filosofía, la medicina, la democracia, la igualdad, la justicia, la libertad, el género, la economía, los medios de comunicación, el trabajo, el medio ambiente, la enfermedad, el cuerpo, el placer, los sueños, el amor, el dolor y, claro, la condición humana. Con el arte como denominador común y escrito por un magnífico abanico de profesionales de la salud, este es un libro destinado a aquellas personas inte

CfP: Workshop Sex, science, and censorship in the 19th and 20th centuries - Granada, 17-18 de febrero de 2020

http://rethinkingsexology. exeter.ac.uk/2019/06/cfp-sex- science-and-censorship-in-the- 19th-and-20th-centuries/ Monday 17th and Tuesday 18th February 2020 - Granada, Spain Confirmed Speakers: Melissa Adler, Western, Canada Agnieszka Kościańska, Warsaw, Poland Fay Brauer, East London, UK Birgit Lang, Melbourne, Australia Sarah Leonard, Simmons, US Rebecca Langlands, Exeter, UK Kateřina Lišková, Masaryk, Czech Republic The burning of Magnus Hirschfeld's library and archive from his Institut für Sexualwissenschaft by the Nazi party in 1933 is one of the most Michael Sappol, Uppsala, Sweden frequently discussed examples of modern scientific work falling victim to suppression. From Richard von Krafft-Ebing's use of Latin and Greek for sexual terms in his Psychopathia Sexualis (1886), through to the 'Spanish Kinsey' Ramón Serrano Vicens's 14 year struggle to publish his scientific attempts to understand sex in a variety of political, national and reli

Journalist-in-Residence Fellowship Max Planck Institute for the History of Science Berlin

Guest residencies for journalists with a focus on the history of science The Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Berlin, offers guest residencies of up to two months each.  The objectives of the Fellowship program are to support high-quality journalism in the area of the history of  science, promote the public dissemination of topics in the history of science, and strengthen the dialogue that  the history of science enables among the humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences. At the same time, the  program offers scholars at the Institute the opportunity to find ways of enhancing the public communication of  their research. As a Fellowship recipient, you will shadow a research project in one of the  Institute’s departments   and research  groups and carry out your own research (please note that Department II closed its work in June 2019). You will  be able to attend the colloquiums and workshops of the various departments. During your residency, you will

Postes à pourvoir @EHESS : 10 contractuels post-doctorants R

L’EHESS recrute 10 contractuels post-doctorants, à compter du 1er octobre 2019 pour une durée d'un an, pour une rémunération brute mensuelle de 2365 €. Les 10 postes porteront sur les thématiques suivantes :  1- L’environnement en Asie orientale et septentrionale 2- Droit et catégories coloniales 3- Le tournant numérique dans les mobilités et l’aménagement urbain 4- Penser avec le droit : philosophie et sciences sociales 5- Enjeux sociaux et politiques de la santé 6- Techniques, objets, matérialités 7- Politiques, institutions et organisations scientifiques dans le monde socialiste et post-socialiste 8- Données environnementales : infrastructures, marchés, régulations et contestations 9- Mobilisations collectives et groupes d’intérêt 10- Discriminations et inégalités au travail  Seuls peuvent candidater les jeunes chercheurs ayant soutenu entre le 1er janvier 2016 et le 31 janvier 2019 , une thèse de doctorat dans un autre établissement que l

CfP: Joint Atlantic Seminar for the History of Medicine - Cambridge, MA

Submission Deadline: July 15, 2019 The Department of the History of Science at Harvard University and the Health, Humanities and Science Initiative at Northeastern University are pleased to host the 17th meeting of the Joint Atlantic Seminar for the History of Medicine on October 11–12, 2019 in Cambridge, Massachusetts. JAS Med is convened annually for the presentation of research by young scholars working on the history of medicine and public health. The meeting was founded in 2002 to foster a collegial community that provides a forum for sharing and critiquing graduate student research. We welcome student presentations on any topic and we especially hope to receive submissions that speak to  this year’s theme,  Confronting (Medical) Barriers: Accessibilities, Disciplines, and Nationalities .  There are many barriers in medicine: the blood-brain barrier and the skin, barriers to access and language barriers, as well as those between disciplines, eras, and nations.

Primera circular XIV Congreso SEHCYT

Presentación En el año 2020 se cumple el bicentenario del Trienio Constitucional. La Junta Directiva de la SEHCYT y el Comité Organizador del XIV Congreso han considerado que dicha efeméride ofrece una buena ocasión para profundizar y reflexionar sobre el desarrollo histórico de la ciencia y la técnica en la época constitucional. Asimismo, la Junta Directiva de la SEHCYT y el Comité Organizador del XIV han considerado que es necesaria una profunda reflexión sobre el papel de las mujeres en la historia de las ciencias y las técnicas, por lo que incluye este tema como eje articulador del Congreso. Por otra parte queremos dar una relevancia especial a la relación entre la historia de las ciencias y de las técnicas con la cultura científica y la divulgación, por lo que se propondrá una mesa especial sobre este tema, coordinada por la Vicepresidencia Adjunta de Cultura Científica del CSIC. Áreas temáticas 1.      Las mujeres en la historia de las ciencias y de las técnicas

Research Fellow in Colonial histories

We are seeking to appoint a Research Fellow to conduct research into the history of the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (LSHTM) with particular reference to its relationship with colonialism.    The role holder will work with members of the Centre for History in Public Health and an advisory group to investigate how colonialism framed the activities of the LSHTM, including areas such as: the origins of the LSHTM; funding and financing; the geographies and nature of research conducted; the curriculum; the backgrounds of staff and students.  This role will include archival research and work with other primary and secondary sources.  In addition, the role holder will be expected to organize events on the history of the LSHTM and the influence of colonialism and work with LSHTM staff and students to further understanding of the history of the LSHTM and colonialism.    The appointment will be full-time for 12 months from start date and will be based in


Publication of Volume 28, Issue 2 of the journal Metascience Editors:  K. Brad Wray and Luciano Boschiero https://link.springer.com/ journal/11016/28/2 Editorial Two symposia worth reading: science, religion, and the history of mechanics Luciano Boschiero , K. Brad Wray Pages 179-180 Symposium on Alan Chalmers: One hundred years of pressure: Hydrostatics from Stevin to Newton Principles of weighing water Fokko Jan Dijksterhuis Pages 181-186 Symposium on Alan Chalmers: One hundred years of pressure: Hydrostatics from Stevin to Newton Under pressure Peter Dear Pages 187-191 Symposium on Alan Chalmers: One hundred years of pressure: Hydrostatics from Stevin to Newton …and three centuries of steam power Keith Hutchison Pages 193-196 Symposium on Alan Chalmers: One hundred years of pressure: Hydrostatics from Stevin to Newton Non-teleological progress in hydrostatics from practitioners’ knowledge to scientific knowledge Alan Cha