CfP: International conference of the International Association for Alpine History (IAAH), September 3th-5th 2020, University of Lausanne
Mountain „global“: a Comparing Story of the Natural Science in the Mountains, 16-19. Century Responsible: Simona Boscani Leoni, University of Berne/ University of Lausanne Since the renaissance research on the indigenous nature in mountains regions has experienced a major boom. After the discovery of America, the Spanish crown started to claim „relaciones” (reports) from sailors, as well as from local officials, to gather information about the nature and people of the newly discovered territories. The goal of these consults was the optimization of the administration in the overseas regions. Under the rule of Philipp II (1527-1598) cuestionarios para la formación de las relaciones geograficás were printed. They contained a lot of questions for the officials in the colonies and asked them, to give written information (Solano 1988; Álverez Pelaéz 1993). The subjects of a lot of questions were the mountains and their nature (Mathieu 2011). At the same time, a similar „discovery”