Fat: A Cultural History of Obesity
Sander L. Gilman. Fat: A Cultural History of Obesity. Cambridge Polity, 2008. 237 pp. $64.95 (cloth), ISBN 978-0-7456-4440-0; $22.95 (paper), ISBN 978-0-7456-4441-7. Reviewed by Corinna Treitel (Washington University - St. Louis) Published on H-German (April, 2010) Commissioned by Benita Blessing Making Obesity History In his long and illustrious career, Sander Gilman has taken on many roles: literary analyst, cultural historian, and even public intellectual. In his new book, _Fat: A Cultural History of Obesity_, he operates as all three. Trained in _Germanistik_ (German studies), he wrote an important study of the novelist and poet Klabund (the nom de plume of Alfred Henschke) in 1971. His scholarly interests broadened in the 1980s to the cultural study of topics as diverse as insanity, psychoanalysis, and Jewish self-hatred. By the 1990s he was pioneering the new field of body history, contributing several important works including _The Jew's Body_ (1991)