
Mostrando entradas de abril 18, 2010

Fat: A Cultural History of Obesity

Sander L. Gilman.  Fat: A Cultural History of Obesity.  Cambridge Polity, 2008.  237 pp.  $64.95 (cloth), ISBN 978-0-7456-4440-0; $22.95 (paper), ISBN 978-0-7456-4441-7. Reviewed by Corinna Treitel (Washington University - St. Louis) Published on H-German (April, 2010) Commissioned by Benita Blessing Making Obesity History In his long and illustrious career, Sander Gilman has taken on many roles: literary analyst, cultural historian, and even public intellectual. In his new book, _Fat: A Cultural History of Obesity_, he operates as all three. Trained in _Germanistik_ (German studies), he wrote an important study of the novelist and poet Klabund (the nom de plume of Alfred Henschke) in 1971. His scholarly interests broadened in the 1980s to the cultural study of topics as diverse as insanity, psychoanalysis, and Jewish self-hatred. By the 1990s he was pioneering the new field of body history, contributing several important works including _The Jew's Body_ (1991)

Science and the Public 2010: Registration Open

Registration is open for Science and the Public 2010. Now in its fifth year, this conference aims to bring together the various people who reserach science’s relationships with that group sometimes known as "the public". Draft programme and registration details here: http://www3.imperial.ac.uk/humanities/sciencecommunicationgroup/sciencepublic Keynote speakers: * Professor Mike Michael, University of London, Goldsmiths: "Public Engagement with Science: Finding the Idiot Within" * Professor David Edgerton, Imperial College, London: "Pots and Kettles: Science Policy Elites and their Understanding of Science" Cost: £20 per day (£10 per day concessions). Please note lunch will not be provided. Any enquiries to: alice.bell@imperial.ac.uk. Alice p.s. I know under session 5.2. it says "teh internets". I have already had several emails informing me about this "typo". It is intentional - it is a paper about web communicat

New Representation in Scientific Practice

New Representation in Scientific Practice Deadline: May 30 2010 In 1990, MIT Press published Representation in Scientific Practice, edited by Michael Lynch and Steve Woolgar. The volume included papers by Bruno Latour, Karin Knorr-Cetina, John Law, and others on the then- emerging topic of visualization in science. The book’s treatment of the production and communication of visual images and other inscriptions in the sciences helped coalesce a long-standing interest in visualization in the history, philosophy and sociology of science. Since then a new generation of Science Studies scholars has taken inspiration from many of the key essays in the book, and it still stands as a touchstone for current investigations. However, the two decades since the publication of Representation in Scientific Practice have also seen important changes in visualization practices in the sciences. Current research on visualization in science explores novel forms of image production, from biomedica

Número reciente de Galileo, revista de problemas metacientíficos

Es posible consultar el número 41 (2010) de Galileo, publicación dedicada a problemas metacientíficos del Departamento de Historia y Filosofía de la Ciencia, Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación de Montevideo. La dirección es http://galileo.fcien.edu.uy/

Colección Historicomédica de la Universitat de València

EXPOSICIÓN MÉDICA Colección Historicomédica de la Universitat de València http://hicido.uv.es/Expo_medicina/ Presentación En esta parte de «Colecciones permanentes» del Museo del Instituto de Historia de la Medicina y de la Ciencia López Piñero (Universitat de València-CSIC), presentamos la Colección Historicomédica. Se trata, en parte, de la versión en red del proyecto museográfico realizado para el montaje físico del Museo que, por distintas razones, se está dilatando en el tiempo. Se ciñe, además, a la parte consagrada a la medicina. Como es habitual en la actualidad, las exposiciones virtuales y las físicas no suelen superponerse. Las primeras permiten profundizar y reunir materiales que no son adecuados para incluir en los montajes. La que aquí se presenta conserva la estructura de origen del ya desaparecido Museo Historicomédico, instalado en la Facultad de Medicina y Odontología de la Universidad de Valencia hasta el año 2006. Fue creado en los años s

Migration and Diversity in the Greater Mediterranean

MIGRATION AND DIVERSITY IN THE GREATER MEDITERRANEAN: SOCIAL AND OTHER IMPLICATIONS Kamilari Crete Greece  11  to 16 July 2010 Call for Papers PURPOSE AND THEMES OF THE CONFERENCE The end of the Cold war and the increasing pace of globalization brought about significant changes in the once isolated and relatively homogenous counties of the Mediterranean basin. Prompted by these and other developments, young people from neighboring countries, the Middle East, Asia, and elsewhere flocked to Mediterranean countries in search for employment opportunities. Unaccustomed to receiving immigrants, countries in the region were caught unprepared to deal with the economic, social, political, security and other implications. In a broader perspective however, migration has been a major factor of social transformations at each 'epoque. The Mediterranean basin was always a crossroad of migrating movements with enormous impact at historic, social, economic and political level.

XI Congreso Internacional Salud -Enfermedad.

El Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia a través de la Dirección de Estudios Históricos C O N V O C A XI CONGRESO INTERNACIONAL SOBRE SALUD-ENFERMEDAD DE LA PREHISTORIA AL SIGLO XXI Del 23 al 28 de agosto de 2010 Museo Nacional de Antropología Auditorio Fray Bernardino de Sahagún Ciudad de México TEMAS 1.- Condiciones de salud, enfermedad, métodos curativos y terapéuticos durante la época prehistórica y/o prehispánica. 2.- Condiciones de salud, enfermedad, métodos curativos y terapéuticos durante la época histórica. 3.- Condiciones de salud, enfermedad, métodos curativos y terapéuticos durante los siglos XIX al XXI. 4.- Impacto social de la medicina moderna, los métodos curativos alternativos y los avances científicos y tecnológicos para las condiciones de salud de las poblaciones actuales. A los interesados en participar se les invita a enviar su propuesta de ponencia, con el respectivo resumen o abstract en media cuartilla (en Microsoft Word p

Gesnerus 66 (2009) No 2

Contents Editorial Note Journals under Threat: A Joint Response from History of Science, Technology and Medicine Editors (p. 205) Costas Tsiamis, Effie Poulakou-Rebelakou and Eleni Petridou: The Red Sea and the Port of Clysma. A Possible Gate of Justinian’s Plague (p. 209) Sabine Arnaud: Citation and Distortion: Pierre Pomme, Voltaire and the Crafting of a Medical Reputation (p. 218) Grégory Quin: Jules Guérin: brève biographie d’un acteur de l’institutionnalisation de l’orthopédie (1830–1850) [Short Biography of an Actor of the Institutionalisation of Orthopaedics (1830–1850)] (p. 237) Thomas Rütten: Cholera in Thomas Mann’s Death in Venice (p. 256) Essay Review Stefanos Geroulanos: Beyond the Normal and the Pathological: Recent Literature on Georges Canguilhem (p. 288) News and Activities (p. 307) Book Reviews (p. 309) Book Notes (p. 339) Books Received (p. 343) Contents of Vol. 66 (2009) (p. 347)

American NEH "Bridging Cultures" Program

The NEH is offering grants of up to $250,000 for projects in the new Bridging Cultures program. We welcome proposals to plan and implement a forum and workshop on one of two themes: “Civility and Democracy” or “The Muslim World and the Humanities.” For more information about Bridging Cultures, please visit http://www.neh.gov/grants/guidelines/BridgingCultures.html         202-606-8337 Email: bridgingcultures@neh.gov Visit the website at http://www.neh.gov/grants/guidelines/BridgingCultures.html

Curating the European University: Exposition and Public Debate

KU Leuven (Belgium) on 10-11 February 2011: Curating the European University: Exposition and Public Debate Why do we have universities? Are they only there to serve students and conduct research? Or is it that, through this and in addition to this, they also have an important public responsibility and public role? In a time when politicians, policy makers and other stakeholders are constantly increasing their expectations about what universities should deliver, we believe that it is important to re-engage with the idea of the university as a public institution. To this effect we will be organizing an international event at the KU Leuven (Belgium) on 10-11 February 2011: Curating the European University: Exposition and Public Debate. The aim of the event is to bring together individuals and groups who share a concern about the public role of the university and who have developed concrete initiatives for promoting and enhancing the public role of the university. The ev

Circulating Ideas in 17th Century Europe: Networks, Knowledge, Forms

‘Circulating Ideas in 17 th Century Europe: Networks, Knowledge, Forms’ The Royal Society, 6-9 Carlton House Terrace, London Thursday 8 – Saturday 10 July, 2010   The seventeenth century in Europe was an age of turmoil. Wars, revolutions, and exploration constantly redrew the boundaries of the physical world.  But equally important was the turmoil of new ideas that redrew the boundaries of the intellectual world. In poetry and in polemics, men and women involved in philosophy, theology, politics, and science created a dynamic knowledge economy. If ideas were the currency of this economy, how did these writers, thinkers, and agents choose the forms in which that currency should circulate? This conference takes up that question, investigating the relationship between the circulation of ideas and the forms in which they circulated.   Plenary speakers: Mark Greengrass, Margaret Ezell and Richard Serjeantson   Registration for this conference is now open. A list of abstracts,

TEUS - 2 PhD Positions available at the CHSTM, Manchester

Description These studentships form part of the ERC programme ?The Earth Under Surveillance: Climate Change, Geophysics and the Cold War Legacy?. The studentships cover university fees and a maintenance stipend, and are tenable for 3 years from September 2010. The successful applicants will work with Dr. Simone Turchetti at the CHSTM, University of Manchester. A European collaboration based in Manchester, Strasbourg and Barcelona, the TEUS project is exploring the history of scientific studies of the earth and the environment, especially by examining how the Cold War shaped funding and research trajectories. Among its innovative features is a focus on the interplay and mutual shaping of the geosciences and national security/intelligence programmes, especially in the organisation of geophysical exploration. Drawing broadly on approaches from Science & Technology Studies and diplomatic/intelligence/international relations history, the research team uses a variety of sources, i

Brought to life -- the complete website

The Science Museum’s new history of medicine website has now been completed. In all it now present 4000 new images of artefacts from the collections linked to 16 specialised themes on medicine across time, written by staff and other professional historians of medicine. Each theme is associated with bibliographies and interactives suitable for teaching at several levels. The themes are: Belief and medicine; Birth and death; Controversies and medicine; Diagnosis; Diseases and epidemics; Hospitals;Mental health and illness; Practising medicine; Public health;Science and medicine; Surgery;Technology and medicine; Medical traditions;Treatments and cures; Understanding the body; War and medicine You can find the site at: www.sciencemuseum.org.uk/broughttolife Under a creative commons policy the images are available for download. Dr Robert Bud Principal Curator of Medicine The Science Museum, London +44 207 942 4200 For updates on all Science Museum news and events sign

The James Lind Library: Explaining and illustrating the development of fair tests of treatments in health care.

The James Lind Library ( http://www.jameslindlibrary.org/ ) has been established to improve public and professional general knowledge about fair tests of treatments in healthcare and their history. Its foundation was laid ten years ago at the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh, and its administrative centre is in the College’s Sibbald Library, one of the most important collections of historic medical manuscripts, papers and books in the world. The James Lind Library is a website that introduces visitors to the principles of fair tests of treatments, with a series of short, illustrated essays, which are currently available in English, Arabic, Chinese, French, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish. A 100-page book –Testing Treatments— is now available free through the website, both in English and in Arabic and Spanish translations. To illustrate the evolution of ideas related to fair tests of treatments from 2000 BC to the present, the James Lind Library contains key passages and images

Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences Volume 65, Number 2, April 2010

Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences Volume 65, Number 2, April 2010 http://muse.jhu.edu/content/alerts/journals/journal_of_the_history_of_medicine_and_allied_sciences/toc/jhm.65.2.html

The Future of Medical History

The Future of Medical History 15th - 17th July 2010 International Conference Announcement and Call for Papers The Wellcome Trust and UCL have decided to close the Wellcome Trust Centre for the History of Medicine and initiate a two year wind down, without a quinquennial peer review. This marks the end of the Centre, and its prior incarnation of the Academic Unit of the Wellcome Institute for the History of Medicine. The academic staff of the Centre will be hosting a three day international conference on the Future of Medical History, to take place on 15-17 July 2010 at Goodenough College in London. In keeping with the research of the Centre and former Institute, contributions will be welcome on all aspects of medical history. Papers will be limited to 20 minutes each. Please send an abstract and contact details to Lauren Cracknell (l.cracknell@ucl.ac.uk) by 1 June 2010. Due to current circumstances, the Centre will not be able to cover the cost of travel or accommodation. F
Vacancy - Head of Discovery & Engagement - Wellcome Library Salary £50-£60k plus benefits The Wellcome Trust is a global charity dedicated to achieving extraordinary improvements in human and animal health. We support the brightest minds in biomedical research and the medical humanities. The Wellcome Library is the one of the world's great cultural treasures: a unique and irreplaceable collection, which documents medicine and its role in society, past and present. As Head of Discovery and Engagement, you will play a pivotal role in making these outstanding collections accessible, a key part of an ambitious strategy to transform the Wellcome Library. This will include revolutionising our web presence and reading-room services to meet the needs of existing and new audiences and developing the Library's role not only as a world-class research resource, but also as part of Wellcome Collection, one of London's most exciting cultural destinations. A passionat

Número reciente de História, Ciencia, Saúde-Manguinhos

Ya está disponible el volumen 1, núm, 17, de enero a marzo de 2010 de la revista brasileira História, Ciencia, Saúde-Manguinhos. Los interesados en consultar la versión digital pueden ingresar a la siguiente página: http://www.coc.fiocruz.br/hscience/index.htm

CFP RSA 2011 "Representations of the New Science" (reminder)

Renaissance Society of America (RSA) conference Montreal, 24-26 March, 2011 Papers are invited for a panel or panels on early-modern representations of emergent natural science. The representations can be literary or artistic; the science from any area or discipline. The goal, however, is to find out how the period's scientific innovations were received and understood by its mimetic workers. Please email proposal and cv by May 10th, 2010. -- James Dougal Fleming Associate Professor Department of English Simon Fraser University

Booking now open :Conference announcement: From Books to bezoars

FROM BOOKS TO BEZOARS:  an international conference celebrating the 350 th anniversary of the birth of Sir Hans Sloane, physician, naturalist and collector, will be held at the British Library on 7 and 8 June 2010. The conference forms part of the Sloane Printed Books project, funded by the Wellcome Trust, and is generously supported by the British Library and the British Museum. Sloane Printed Books project   http://www.bl.uk/reshelp/findhelprestype/prbooks/sloaneprintedbooksproject/sloaneprinted.html Conference programme http://www.bl.uk/reshelp/findhelprestype/prbooks/sloaneprintedbooksproject/sloaneconference2010.pdf Tickets can be booked through the British Library Box Office . The cost of the conference is £50 for two days, to include all refreshments and lunch. IMPORTANT NOTE: When booking, please also contact Alison Walker separately to let us know if you wish to attend the reception at the British Museum in the evening of 7 June, and if you wish your name to a

Curator of science

Dear all, Museum Boerhaave is looking for a new curator. If you know anyone who might be interested, please send him/her the job description below. Curator of Science Museum Boerhaave, the National Museum for the History of Science and Medicine in the Netherlands, invites applications for a Curator in the Science Department. This department cares for the collection of the museum by: management (such as acquisition and decollectioning) historical research (providing cultural context and researching literature) engaging in public outreach (by lectures and articles) providing input for exhibitions (selecting objects and writing texts) Museum Boerhaave is looking for somebody with: a degree in one of the sciences experience in the history of science (preferably a PhD degree in a relevant area) a broad interest in scientific instruments experience with museum work the ability to speak and write for a broad audience (non-native speakers will be as

MA in Photographic History and Scholarship

T his may be of interest: MA Course in Photographic History and Scholarship   List readers may be interested in details of De Montfort University's MA course in Photographic History and Practice. It ran for the first time last year and attracted in wide-range of international students and has been widely acclaimed for its innovative approach to photographic history. The course is recruiting for the 2010 intake and once again there is a £5000 scholarship available for one student. Fuller details, including details of the scholarship, can be found here:  http://tiny.cc/6z9er Regards Michael Pritchard www.mpritchard.com http://britishphotohistory.ning.com/ Best wishes Alan Pritchard MPhil FCLIP Tel: +44 (0)1202 417477

Pre-Colonial and Colonial Perspectives on Science and Technology in South Asia

Call for Papers  Workshop Announcement Pre-Colonial and Colonial Perspectives on Science and Technology in South Asia Junior Research Group Asymmetries in Cultural Information Flows: Europe and South Asia  in the Global Information Network since the Nineteenth Century Cluster of Excellence Asia and Europe in a Global Context, 23-24 September 2010, Heidelberg, Germany This workshop welcomes papers from graduate students interested in science and technology in pre-colonial and colonial South Asia. It is the workshop´s particular interest to explore the changing meanings of science and technology throughout this time, including ideas of time and space as well as the language, or translations, involved. Also of importance is the relationship between religious and scientific thought(s), the construction and circulation of scientific and technological knowledge, and the practical applications of science and technology in various domains of South Asian social life, espe

Invitación a publicar en revista de historia

Apreciados amigos, Me permito enviarles una invitación a publicar artículos de investigación en la revista Memoria y Sociedad del Departamento de Historia de la Universidad Javeriana (Bogotá, Colombia). Un cordial saludo, Stefan   --- Stefan Pohl Valero, Ph.D. Profesor Asistente, Departamento de Historia Editor de la Revista Memoria y Sociedad Universidad Javeriana, Bogotá - Colombia http://javeriana.academia.edu/StefanPohlValero http://stefanpohlvalero.jimdo.com

Maps of Dialogue - ISSEI Conference, Ankara 2010 Final Call for Abstracts

FINAL CALL FOR ABSTRACTS - ISSEI CONFERENCE ANKARA - August 2 - August 6, 2010 Maps of Dialogue - Spaces and Dimensions for the Integration of Regional Cultures This workshop aims at discussing the emergence of regional identities and cultures - either in subnational or supranational scales - and the roles they assume in the dynamics involving global, national and local instances. Although not restricted to such focus, it particularly intends to examine the dimensions that favour the interaction of regional spheres: from ways or landscapes as convergence of diversity - "routes to roots", "the shortest distance between myriads of distinct traditions", a collective of regional identities - to vectors like media, science, language, literature, music, cinema, and many others. And finally, it also has the objective of reflecting on the real or imagined boundaries that shape regional cultures and identities in a world of increasing mobility of people a

Making Europe: The Global Origins of the Old World

Making Europe The Global Origins of the Old World 27-29 May 2010, Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies http://www.frias.uni-freiburg.de/history/veranstaltungen/resolveuid/c3c1083335d1f179612aca4c93be77c1 In recent years, a new specter is haunting Europe - the explosion of writings on the history of the continent. These works all advocate an internalist view of Europe that explains Europe - its successes, its failures and its tragedies - largely out of itself, a perspective that contrasts Europe starkly to its Others. Making Europe will offer one of the first sustained critiques of that vision by investigating the economic, cultural, ideological, scientific, and political connections of Europe (and, especially, its regions) to the rest of the world. This conference will argue, in contrast to much of the existing literature, that much of what is allegedly distinctly "European" is the result of interactions between particular European regions and other parts

4th Tensions of Europe Plenary Conference & Closing ESF Inventing Europe Conference

4th Tensions of Europe Plenary Conference & Closing ESF Inventing Europe Conference Sofia, June, 17-20 2010 The main theme of the conference is Technology & East-West relations: Transfers, parallel histories, and the European laboratory. All contributions focus on the circulation and appropriation of technologies between Eastern and Western Europe as an entry point into the contested practice of Europeanization. During the Cold War Europe has been one of the central laboratories for the experimentation with ideological and political regimes, which infected traditional paths of knowledge and technology transfer in Europe. While the history of the Cold War has mainly been told as a history of discontinuity and fragmentation, all conference papers deal with examples of successful co-operation or "hidden continuities" in inter-European technology transfer during the 20th century. General areas to be explored are:   Changing times: Continuities and

Exposición: Corona y Arqueología, España, Italia y América.

Del 15 de abril al 11 de julio de 2010 tendrá lugar en el Palacio Real de Madrid, España, la exposición "Corona y Arqueología, España, Italia y América en el Siglo de las Luces". Una reseña sobre la exposición fue publicada el 14 de abril en El País, con el encabezado "Las ciencias, el arte y la Corona en el Siglo de las Luces": http://www.elpais.com/articulo/cultura/ciencias/arte/Corona/Siglo/Luces/elpepuc http://www.elpais.com/articulo/cultura/ciencias/arte/Corona/Siglo/Luces/elpepucul/20100414elpepucul_8/Tes

2010 MAP Prize in history of physics

The “Société de Physique et d’Histoire Naturelle (SPHN) de Genève” is inviting applications for its 2010 history of science award entitled: “The Marc-Auguste Pictet Prize”. This Prize, in principle intended for a young researcher, rewards, every second year, a significant contribution to the history of science, which is as yet unpublished or has only recently appeared. The theme selected for the 2010 Prize is: History of Physics. The Prize is endowed with an amount of CHF 10’000, and may be shared. The Prize is open to both Swiss and foreign scholars. The applications should be sent before May 31st 2010 to the following address: Président de la SPHN Muséum d’Histoire naturelle Case postale 6434 CH-1211 GENEVE 6 SWITZERLAND The work should be submitted in two copies and include a summary and a curriculum vitae. It may be written in French, German, Italian or English. In the last three cases, the summary should be translated into French and be approximately 12 pag

Call for Papers. Symposium "Science and the Occult in European History" (deadline 20 may 2010). (Purdue, Indiana USA)

Symposium "Science and the Occult in European History" Purdue Univ. , Indiana, USA . Call for Papers Location: Indiana, United States   CALL FOR PAPERS: Symposium, "Science and the Occult in European History", hosted and organized through the Bilsland-Puskas Initiative and convened at Purdue University, Friday 1 OCTOBER 2010. The focus of the Symposium will be the interconnections between the History of Science and the History of the Occult (Alchemy, Herbalism, Cipher manuscripts, Hermeticism, Kabala, Magic, Witchcraft, etc.) from Antiquity through the Early Modern period. We also target the fascinating recurrence of alchemical symbols in European thought, as well as the specific non-rational methods employed by many scientists to promote rational discoveries. We anticipate the publication of an edited volume after the symposium. Event's website: http://catalinaghionea.net/Symposium.html   Please send your 300 words abstract to: ghionea@purdue.edu De
Dear All , The new summer programme of Wellcome Library workshops can be found on the Library website at:   http://library.wellcome.ac.uk/workshops The workshops provide introductions to research and information resources at the Library, and are aimed at the general public. The programme includes:         - thematic workshops such as Plants and Medicine, Medicine and Literature and the History of medicine;         - training on specific resources such as PubMed Central, and Nineteenth Century Newspapers Online;;         - and introductions to the Wellcome Archives, Wellcome Images and genealogical research resources at the library. All workshops are free and available to everyone upon joining the library (library membership is free and open to all). To book a place on any of the workshops, please use the online booking facility on the library web site:   http://library.wellcome.ac.uk/workshops With best wishes, Lalita Kaplish

Managing Knowledge in the Technosciences, 1850-2000, Leeds 5-8 July- registration opens

Managing Knowledge in the Technosciences , 1850-2000 Devonshire Hall, University of Leeds, 5-8 July 2010. This conference is organized by the University of Leeds/Bristol AHRC funded project Owning and Disowning Invention: Intellectual Property, Authority and Identity in British Science and Technology, 1880-1920    http://owninganddisowninginvention.org      Registration for this international conference is now open - see http://owninganddisowninginvention.org/#Conference for the registration form and provisional programme (also below) Early registration deadline: 30 May 2010 (after that date registration costs increase by 20%). Thanks to the British Society for History of Science, some student support is available from the Butler Eyles fund   Our Keynote speaker is: Prof Mario Biagioli (Harvard): "What has happened to 'discovery' and 'invention'? Intersecting the discourse of patent law and science studies" This conference brings together research