
Mostrando entradas de diciembre 15, 2013

ESHS Symposium proposal 'Hypnotism and the circulation of knowledge in Europe, 1880-1940"

Dear colleagues, We would like to propose a symposium for next year’s ESHS conference in Lisbon, September 4-6 ( http://eshs2014.ciuhct.com/callforpapers.html ). We are still looking for one additional speaker to complete our proposal on hypnotism and the circulation of knowledge in Europe, 1880-1940. If you are interested, we would appreciate if you could send us a message by December 26th. Abstracts are due by January 8 th . Also, feel free to drop us a line if you are interested but have further questions. Best wishes and apologies for cross-posting! Andrea Graus & Annette Mülberger (CEHIC, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona), Heather Wolffram (University of Canterbury), Kaat Wils (University of Leuven) – kaat.wils@arts.kuleuven.be Symposium “Hypnotism and the circulation of knowledge in Europe, 1880-1940” The history of late 19th and early 20th century hypnotism challenges historians of science.  Hypnotism played a constitutive albeit contested rol

SCHCT - XIII Trobada - Sant Feliu de Guíxols 26, 27 i 28 de setembre de 2014 - 1a Circular

Benvolgudes/ts, La Societat Catalana d’Història de la Ciència i de la Tècnica (SCHCT) convoca la XIII Trobada, la reunió científica general que, cada dos anys, té per objectiu acollir els treballs de recerca i les activitats que duen a terme els seus socis, així com els treballs de tots els historiadors de la ciència i de la tècnica que hi vulguin participar. En aquesta ocasió, la Trobada tindrà lloc al Museu d’Història de Sant Feliu de Guíxols els dies 26, 27 i 28 de setembre de 2014. Aprofitem l'enviament de la primera circular per desitjar-vos a totes/s, en nom de tot el Consell Directiu i la Comissió de Col·loquis: Bones Festes i Feliç 2014! Ben cordialment, Alfons Zarzoso Orellana (Vicepresident de la SCHCT i Coordinador de la Trobada 2014) Emma Sallent Del Colombo (Presidenta de la SCHCT) http://blogs.iec.cat/schct/

ESHS Symposium proposal: “Scientific practice in amateur research, c. 1850–1914: a study across disciplines”

Dear colleagues, we would like to propose a symposium for next year’s ESHS conference (see below). We are still looking for additional speakers to complete our proposal on amateur science with talks from disciplines other than physics or astronomy. If you are interested, we would appreciate if you could send us a title and abstract by January 6. Also, feel free to drop us a line if you are interested but have further questions. Best wishes and apologies for cross-posting! Johannes-Geert Hagmann, Benjamin Mirwald (Deutsches Museum) Symposium “Scientific practice in amateur research, c. 1850–1914: a study across disciplines” Parallel to full-time professional research in science, there has always been amateur activity as well. Because “amateur science” is hard to define, historic research has to consider the fields amateurs were committed to, what kinds of knowledge they generated, how and with whom they performed their work. As the call for papers points out, “th

Workshop announcement and call for papers: 'The "Artificial" and the "Natural" in the Life Sciences, c. 1850-1950'

As co-organisers of a planned workshop to be held at the University of Exeter (UK), entitled 'The "Artificial" and the "Natural" in the Life Sciences, c. 1850-1950', we would like to announce the dates for the workshop (25th-27th June 2014), and the call for papers. More details of this event are on the workshop website located at: http://exeter2014.wordpress.com . The conference programme includes three plenary talks by invited speakers including Helen Curry (University of Cambridge) and Jon Hodge (University of Leeds) and multiple slots for contributed papers. The call for contributions is now open. We particularly invite postgraduate students with an interest in the history and/or philosophy of the life sciences to submit papers. Abstracts should be no more than 300 words in length and should be sent as word documents, PDFs or in the body of an e-mail to Tarquin Holmes at th252@ex.ac.uk by Friday 14th February 2014. If you know of an

CFP: International Conference on the History of Physics, Cambridge, 2014

International Conference on the History of Physics 2014 Trinity College, Cambridge, 4-5 September 2014 Conference website: http://historyofphysics2014.iopconfs.org/183640   Organised by the Institute of Physics (History of Physics Group), in collaboration with the EPS History of Physics group. The conference will inaugurate a new international series, bringing together professional historians of science, practicing physicists, science museum staff, lecturers, teachers and others with interests in any aspects and periods of physics history Abstracts can be submitted via the conference home page or here :  Programme It is envisaged that the programme will consist of 8 invited lectures of duration 35 minutes and 15 contributed lectures of 20 minutes. In addition there will be a poster session and a one-hour debate on contemporary issues concerning the presentation of science and its history in museums. Invited speakers currently include Paolo Brenni, Jed