
Mostrando entradas de enero 3, 2016

Third Biennial Early-Career Conference for Historians of the Physical Sciences 2016

Call for Papers The Third Biennial Early-Career Conference for Historians of the Physical Sciences *Deadline extended until January 20 th  2016*   The American Institute of Physics (AIP) Center for the History of Physics is pleased to host a third international conference for graduate students andearly career scholars, to be held April 6-10, 2016 in Annapolis, MD.   The goal of this conference is to foster communication and collaboration amongst junior scholars and to provide a forum for exploring and reflecting upon current issues in the historiography of the physical sciences. The conference will also provide an opportunity for junior scholars to interact with invited senior scholars. “Early Career” includes graduate students and recent PhDs, independent scholars, post-docs, and those in early-stage academic positions. We welcome submissions, including works-in-progress, from all time periods and areas of the history of the physical sciences, including geophysic

Society for Philosophy of Science in Practice (SPSP) Sixth Conference

17–19 June 2016 Rowan University, Glassboro, NJ Call for papers Abstract submission deadline: 11 January 2016  Notification of acceptance: 1 March 2016 Main contact: Joe Rouse, jrouse@wesleyan.edu The Society for Philosophy of Science in Practice (SPSP) is an interdisciplinary community of scholars who approach the philosophy of science with a focus on scientific practice and the practical uses of scientific knowledge. For further details on our objectives, see our mission statement on our website at http://www.philosophy-science- practice.org/en/mission- statement/ . The SPSP conferences provide a broad forum for scholars committed to making detailed and systematic studies of scientific practices — neither dismissing concerns about truth and rationality, nor ignoring contextual and pragmatic factors. The conferences aim at cutting through traditional disciplinary barriers and developing novel approaches. We welcome contributions from not only philosophers o

From Knowledge to Profit? Scientific Institutions and the Commercialization of Science

Type:  Call for Papers Date:  October 10, 2016 to October 12, 2016 Location:  Germany Subject Fields:  Contemporary History, Economic History / Studies, History of Science, Medicine, and Technology, Political History / Studies, Cultural History / Studies - Deadline for abstracts (250-300 words): 28 February 2016 - The relationship of science and technology – often seen as the relation of basic and applied research – is a constant theme in science and technology studies. Especially the commercialization of scientific research has steadily gained attention in the last years. Our workshop will focus on scientific institutions such as universities, independent research institutes and other national and international scientific organizations, and the roles they play in the commercialization of science. The contributions to the workshop should examine the process of commercialization in science with a special focus on scientific institutions and their


Dear colleagues, We are preparing a symposium proposal for the next ICOHTEC congress (Porto, 26-30 July 2016: http://www.icohtec.org/annual- meeting-2016.html ) on the banalization of nuclear technologies through display (see abstract below). If you are interested in participating in the session, please send a proposal consisting of an abstract (250 words maximum) and a one-page cv before January 18th to: jva@fct.unl.pt and jsastrejuan@fc.ul.pt . Best wishes and apologies for cross-posting, Jaume Sastre-Juan (Centro Interuniversitário de História da Ciência e da Tecnologia - Universidade de Lisboa / http://ciuhct.org/en/jaume- sastre-juan ) & Jaume Valentines-Álvarez (Centro Interuniversitário de História da Ciência e da Tecnologia  - Universidade Nova de Lisboa

HPS doctoral grants "for non-residents"; in Paris: deadline 15 January

Dear friends and colleagues, first of all, I would like to wish you a happy New Year.  I am forwarding you a message from our director, who writes us that there are several doctroal contracts available in HPS at my university (Université Paris Sorbonne Cité), exclusively for students coming from abroad . (Nationality is of no consequence, but the student should not have been resident in France for more than 12 months over the last 3 years.) Candidates must have completed their Masters by 30 September 2016. Becouse of poor communication, as for now, no student has shown any interest in applying. Given that the deadline is January 15, this means that it is very probably that there will be little competition!  The start of the doctoral contract is the academic year 2016-2017. They are funded by the Université Paris Sorbonne Cité (USPC) and the European Commission under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie COFUND action. The applicat

Call for papers for Crime, Justice and the Law Network of the Social Science History Association, Chicago, IL, 17-20 November 2016

Type:  Call for Papers Date:  February 20, 2016 Subject Fields:  American History / Studies, European History / Studies, Social History / Studies, Social Sciences Call for papers for Crime, Justice and the Law Network of the Social Science History Association, Chicago, IL, 17-20 November 2016. The Crime, Justice and the Law Network is part of the Social Science History Association (SSHA) and linked with the European Social Science History Conference (ESSHC). Historians, sociologists, economists, criminologists, geographers, lawyers and independent scholars who are interested in both historical and contemporary developments in crime, policing and the law, are part of this network. The network’s purpose is to provide an international forum for the exchange of ideas and research across disciplines and methodologies. Many members of the network attend the annual meetings of the SSHA and the ESSHC to participate in sessions, roundtables, and poster displays

CfP: Cultural Mobility and Knowledge Formation in the Americas

June 30 – July 2, 2016 – International Conference at the Amerikahaus, Munich, Germany, jointly organized by the Bavarian American Academy (BAA) and the German Historical Institute, Washington, DC (GHI) Conveners: Volker Depkat (BAA) and Britta Waldschmidt-Nelson (GHI)    In the ongoing debate about transnational history that gained momentum in the 1990s, hemispheric approaches have either been discussed as one way to transnationalize the study of U.S. history or as frames for exercises in comparative history. Read more

Third Biennial Early-Career Conference for Historians of the Physical Sciences 2016

Call for Papers The Third Biennial Early-Career Conference for Historians of the Physical Sciences *Deadline extended until January 20 th 2016*   The American Institute of Physics (AIP) Center for the History of Physics is pleased to host a third international conference for graduate students and early career scholars, to be held April 6-10, 2016 in Annapolis, MD.   The goal of this conference is to foster communication and collaboration amongst junior scholars and to provide a forum for exploring and reflecting upon current issues in the historiography of the physical sciences. The conference will also provide an opportunity for junior scholars to interact with invited senior scholars. “Early Career” includes graduate students and recent PhDs, independent scholars, post-docs, and those in early-stage academic positions. We welcome submissions, including works-in-progress, from all time periods and areas of the history of the physical sciences, including geophy

PhD scholarship on the History of the Liverpool Medical Institute

PhD scholarship on the History of the Liverpool Medical Institute Please see below for a link that describes the particulars for a fully funded ESRC (Case) (+3) PhD scholarship (fees and maintenance)  based in the History dept and supervised by Sally Sheard and Stephanie Snow(University of Manchester) in collaboration with the Liverpool Medical Institute. http://www.findaphd.com/ search/ProjectDetails.aspx? PJID=70526 The deadline for applications is quite tight (January 22nd) but the process for the applicants is less onerous than normal (as the project proposal has already been developed). I would be grateful if you could forward to any likely applicants and circulate amongst any networks that you might have. With thanks and best wishes, Leon Rocha

Science/Technology/Security: Challenges to global governance?

Final CfP (extended deadline): Science/Technology/ Security : Challenges to global governance? 20-21 June 2016 at University College London New deadline for submissions: ( 18 January 2016 )   UCL’s Global Governance Institute ( http://www.ucl.ac.uk/global- governance/ ) will host a two-day international conference on the interdisciplinary theme of science, technology and  security  on 20-21 June 2016. We welcome contributions from sociologists, geographers, engineers, STS scholars, anthropologists, historians, IR scholars,  security  scientists, and other relevant fields.   We live, interact and research in a world rife with the demands, rhetoric, technologies and policies of  security . Recent work across the social sciences and humanities has not only attempted to identify and describe the networks, norms, agendas, spaces and actors that constitute environments of  security , but has also identified how manifold notions of  security  co-exist, co

Nordic Network for Philosophy of Science 2016 – deadline January 18, 2016

Nordic Network for Philosophy of Science: Fourth Annual Meeting University of Tartu April 21-23, 2016, Tartu, Estonia https://nnpscience.wordpress. com/meetings/tartu-2016/ The Department of Philosophy at the University of Tartu is proud to host the 4th meeting of Nordic Network for Philosophy of Science. We welcome papers on all areas of philosophy of science, including: ·          General  philosophy of science (methodological, epistemological and metaphysical issues in sciences) ·          Philosophy of special disciplines and metaphilosophy (philosophy of the natural sciences, life sciences, formal sciences, cognitive and behavioural sciences, humanities and the social sciences, technology and the applied sciences etc.) ·          Logic and formal approaches to philosophy of science ·          Ethical, socio-political, historical and cultural issues in science. All the selected papers will have a commentator, format 20+5+15 minutes (talk, comment, discussio

New Wellcome Witnesses publication: 'The Development of Waste Management in the UK c.1960–c.2000'

A new volume of Wellcome Witnesses to Contemporary Medicine is freely available to download at the History of Modern Biomedicine Research Group website: The Development of Waste Management in the UK c.1960–c.2000 http://www.histmodbiomed.org/ witsem/vol56 The maintenance of public health relies on effective management of domestic and industrial waste. Waste management is therefore implicitly an issue of concern to all. A Witness Seminar on developments in the waste management industry and the production of waste in the UK since the 1960s, with a particular focus on London. The volume includes testimonies from former refuse collectors, senior municipal waste managers, policy makers and academics. Chaired by Dame Joan Ruddock with an introduction by Councillor Lewis Herbert. Jones E M and Tansey E M. (eds) (2015) Wellcome Witnesses to Contemporary Medicine, vol. 56. London: Queen Mary University of London. ISBN 978 1 91019 5062 '… there was n

2nd International Conference on Science and Literature, 1st Call for Papers

2 nd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE on SCIENCE & LITERATURE   7-9 September 2016, Pöllau, Austria First call for papers Following the successful 1 st International Conference on Science and Literature which took place in Athens this Conference is the second to be organized under the aegis of the Commission on Science and Literature DHST/IUHPST. The second International Conference will be co-organized by the History of Physics Group/European Physical Society, Echophysics and the Victor Franz Hess Society with the technical support of the Hellenic Open University. As it was the case with the first Conference, the second one does not have a specific theme, as its intent continues to be the creation of an open forum for all scholars interested in Science and Literature, thus bringing into the dialogue multiple perspectives. Nevertheless, the Conference will be organized along thematic sessions, according to the papers which will be accepted by the Scientific Committee. Propo

Clystère n° 46. E-revue histoire des objets et instruments médicaux anciens, histoire de la santé

SOMMAIRE N° 46 – JANVIER 2016  Conseils aux auteurs Vœux : Les belles étrennes du Docteur Levasseur (Jean-Michel Meunier) Histoire de la santé : -           Les vaisseaux d’étain étaient-ils toxiques ? (Jean-Louis Dupré) -          De la réforme de trois institutions françaises après la Seconde Guerre mondiale (Xavier Riaud) Histoire des instruments : -          Une prothèse de main « système  Cauet » (Jean-Pierre Martin) -          Histoire de se creuser un peu la tête (Bernard Baldivia) -          Les objets médicaux à l’origine d’expressions argotiques (Jean-Bernard Cazalaà) En musardant sur la Toile (Bernard Petitdant) Courrier des lecteurs Actualités