
Mostrando entradas de octubre 23, 2011

2012 Midwest Junto Call for Papers

ANNOUNCEMENT AND CALL FOR PAPERS  Midwest Junto for the History of Science 55th Annual Meeting 23-25 March 2012   The Midwest Junto for the History of Science and Missouri University of Science and Technology invite students, faculty, and independent scholars to the 55th Annual Meeting of the Midwest Junto, to be held on the Missouri S&T campus in Rolla, Missouri, from Friday, 23 March to Sunday, 25 March 2012. The Midwest Junto retains its founders' vision that it should be informal and congenial.   Short papers (about 15-20 minutes) on any topic in the history of science, technology, and medicine, or the philosophy of science and technology, are welcome.   A brief abstract (one-page maximum) and short CV should be submitted electronically (preferred) or via post to:   Midwest Junto c/o Jeff Schramm 116 H-SS, 500 W. 14th St. Rolla, MO 65409-1260 junto@mst.edu < mailto:junto@mst.edu >  Submissions must be received by 9am Monday, 23 January 2012.  Questions only

History of Pharmacy/Drugs Grant for Research in Madison

Sonnedecker Visiting Scholar Grants Assistance for short-term historical research related to the   history of pharmacy, including the history of drugs, at the University   of Wisconsin-Madison is available periodically. Historians, pharmacists,   and other scholars working in the field (of any nationality) may apply   for the next available Sonnedecker Grant for Visiting Research in the   History of Pharmacy. The program provides assistance for travel,   maintaining temporary residence in Madison, and meeting research   expenses associated with utilizing the collections. A brochure is available on request that describes the   pharmaco-historical collections, which have been developed in Madison   during more than a century by the University of Wisconsin-Madison, the Wisconsin Historical Society, and the American Institute of the   History of Pharmacy. Printed sources emphasize pharmaceutical   literature of Western Europe and the United States, from the Renaissance   to the presen

100 Years of the Max Planck Society: German Science, Culture and the Élite in the Spanish and Portuguese Speaking Countries

Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Department of Humanities , Carrer Ramón Trias Fargas 25/27, 08005 Barcelona   Program November 17-18, 2011 November 17th, Thursday 16:00 - 16:30 Official Opening of the Workshop 16:30 - 17:15 Plenary address: Jürgen Renn / Horst Kant (Max Planck Institute for the History of Science) "A short history of the Kaiser Wilhelm / Max Planck Society" 17:15 - 18:00 Discussion 20:00 Official Reception Dinner November 18th, Friday 09:00 - 13:30 Mitchel Ash (University of Vienna) Resource Exchanges. The Kaiser-Wilhelm and Max-Planck Societies in times of political change – 1918, 1933, 1945, 1990   Lorenz Beck (Archive of the Max Planck Society, Berlin) The international relationsship of the KGW/MPG Dieter Hoffmann (Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Berlin) KWG / MPG and the relaions with East Europa 15:00 - 19:30 Wolfgang Schäffner (Humboldt University of Berlin) German Culture in Latin America Albert Presas i Puig (UPF, Barcelona) Scie

Call for papers/Hagley Library/Wharton School

Call for Paper Proposals Historicizing Routines November 1-2, 2012 Hagley Museum and Library and the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania For a conference on November 1-2, 2012, the Center for the History of Business, Technology, and Society at the Hagley Museum and Library in Wilmington, Delaware and the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia invite empirical and historically focused papers that explore the development, devolution, destruction, and re-creation of routines in 20th century organizations and bounded communities. Routines are central to much human behavior, both within organizations and more broadly, because they facilitate the navigation of complex social, economic, and ecological environments. Too often, however, they are simplistically equated with stasis and adaptation, and unfairly counter-posed to innovation or transformation. In reality, routines can be dynamic, as the organizations and individuals that follow them encounter

2012-2013 Dissertation Fellowships in Philadelphia

The Philadelphia Area Center for History of Science invites applications for one- or two-month Dissertation Research Fellowships and nine-month Dissertation Writing Fellowships in the history of science, technology and medicine, broadly construed. The deadline for applications is January 9, 2012.  For detailed information, a list of former and current fellows, and to apply online go to http://www.pachs.net/fellowships . The Center is a consortium of cultural and educational institutions offering exceptional resources for research.  Our fellows are part of a challenging and collegial community and can participate in many public and scholarly events as well as informal reading and writing groups held at the Center and throughout the region. The Center's consortium includes Johns Hopkins University, Princeton University, the University of Pennsylvania, the Academy of Natural Sciences, the American Philosophical Society, the Chemical Heritage Foundation, the College of Physicians of

Update / reminder: call for papers: psychology, emotion, and the human sciences

A reminder and update concerning our call for papers for 'Psychology, Emotion, and the Human Sciences.'   We welcome both rhetorically focussed work and scholarship that concerns early modernity.   In addition, we have now secured a marvellous keynote speaker, Professor Stephen Leighton, Philosophy, Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada.   Professor Leighton will be speaking on Friday evening, likely in a convivial location, over dinner. http://www.queensu.ca/philosophy/People/Faculty/leightons.html We have already received a substantial number of submissions; the deadline remains 1 November 2011, and we will notify applicants by mid-November. With all best wishes, Stephen Stephen Pender, Ph.D. Associate Professor, English Research Leadership Chair, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences Fellow, Centre for Research in Reasoning, Argumentation, and Rhetoric University of Windsor, Windsor, Ontario, Canada N9B 3P4 t: 519.253.3000 [2307] f: 519.971.3620 e: spender@u