
Mostrando entradas de enero 3, 2010

1er Coloquio del Seminario Interdisciplinario en Salud Mental. Los tratamientos de la locura a lo largo de la historia.

1 er Coloquio del Seminario Interdisciplinario en Salud Mental. Los tratamientos de la locura a lo largo de la historia. 30 de enero de 2010: Fecha límite para presentar ponencias. A lo largo de los siglos se han buscado y aplicado múltiples tratamientos para lidiar con la locura. Los diferentes paradigmas médicos y sociales han tenido formas distintas de explicar esta condición de las cuales se derivan propuestas de remedios específicos. Desde la trepanación de los cráneos hasta los fármacos, pasando por las terapias del habla y los electroshocks, la terapéutica en materia de salud mental ha sido variopinta. Lo que se ha mantenido como una constante ha sido la incapacidad de encontrar una cura definitiva que libere de una vez por todas a los seres humanos del sufrimiento psíquico que los aqueja. El presente coloquio tiene como objetivo discutir diferentes tipos de tratamientos, contextualizados en su sociedad y modelo médico explicativo, con el fin de analizar los alcan

New about BSHS Monographs. SUPERSALE now on!

New about BSHS Monographs. SUPERSALE now on! Our birthday celebrations continue with our supersale. Massive reductions on BSHS monographs, with 11 volumes on sale for £2.00 each. That's a reduction in most titles over 75%! For more information, visit the Society's Website: www.bshs.org.uk/monographs Joe ___________________ Dr Joe Cain Department of Science and Technology Studies University College London Gower Street, London  WC1E 6BT  UK j.cain@ucl.ac.uk   |  www.ucl.ac.uk/sts/cain Know about our two MSc degrees? www.londoncentre-hstm.ac.uk

This is an announcement for a PhD position in the history of philosophy and/or science at the University of Nijmegen.

Dear Colleagues, This is an announcement for a PhD position in the history of philosophy and/or science at the University of Nijmegen. Best regards, Alexis Smets Centre for the History of Philosophy and Science Radboud University Nijmegen The Center for the History of Philosophy and Science of the Faculty of Philosophy of Radboud University Nijmegen seeks an outstanding junior researcher for a PhD project in the history of philosophy and/or science. Applicants are invited to submit a project proposal (max. 2000 words), which should attempt to fit into the Center€™'s overall programme. The junior position will involve the writing of a doctoral (PhD) dissertation, participation in the activities of the Center and (possibly) teaching at the Faculty of Philosophy. You have an MA (or equivalent) in the history of philosophy and/or science, and possess the language skills necessary to study the primary sources in the original language and to read the relevant secondary lite

A reminder that the deadline for abstract submission for the 2010 British Society for the History of Science Annual Conference is 22 January 2010.

A reminder that the deadline for abstract submission for the 2010 British Society for the History of Science Annual Conference is 22 January 2010. Further Details: The BSHS Annual Conference will take place at the University of Aberdeen from 22 - 25 July 2010. The conference will start late in the afternoon of 22 July with a plenary lecture and reception. The main venue is the Conference Centre at the heart of the sixteenth-century campus of King's College in Old Aberdeen, with the conference dinner to be held in the impressive Elphinstone Hall. The programme will include parallel themed sessions, plenary lectures, education and outreach activities, an opportunity to explore the rich resources available in Aberdeen for historians of STM and a conference dinner and ceilidh. An inclusive conference package will be available. Aberdeen is served by fast and comfortable rail and coach connections to major UK destinations. It has an international airport with regular direct connec
Le comunico que el número 4 del volumen 5 de la Revista de Medicina y Cine/ Journal of Medicine and Movies, editada por el Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Salamanca, está disponible en http://www.usal.es/revistamedicinacine Contenidos/ Contents: Editorial ¿Qué futuro nos espera? Cine y “distopía” pdf What future awaits us? Film and “dystopia” pdf Íñigo Marzabal Albaina Originales/Originals Yesterday (2004) pdf Yesterday (2004) pdf Olaia Cores Calvo Magnolias de acero (1989) pdf Steel Magnolias (1989) pdf Aurora Galache Montero León y Olvido (2004): familia y discapacidad pdf León y Olvido (2004): familia y discapacidad pdf José Martín Ruano, María Gloria García Domínguez, José Antonio Mirón Canelo Clonación humana y otros conflictos éticos en La isla/ The Island (2005) pdf Human Cloning and Other Ethical Conflicts in The Island (2005) pdf Antonio Blanco Mercadé Medicina en fotogramas/ Medicine in Film Stills Parasitología: Schistosoma japonicum

ARCA (Arxiu de Revistes Catalanes Antigues

Queridos amigos y amigas, les remito una relación de revistas que próximamente se incorporarán a ARCA (Arxiu de Revistes Catalanes Antigues). Algunas de ellas -como el 'Boletín de la Academia de Ciencias Naturales y Artes de Barcelona' o el 'Butlletí del Sindicat de Metges de Catalunya' (1920-1938)- pueden ser muy útiles para la historia de la ciencia, la tecnología y la medicina. Antologia dels fets, les idees i els homes d’Occident Boletín de la Academia de Ciencias Naturales y Artes de Barcelona Butlletí de l'Acadèmia de Ciències i Arts de Barcelona Butlletí del Sindicat de Metges de Catalunya Calendari catalá del any ... : escrit pels més coneguts escriptors y poétas catalans, mallorquins y valencians Eco del Bruch : periódico católico-monárquico, Dios , Patria, Rey, El Flama Medicina catalana : portantveu de l'Occitània médica Nosaltres sols!: publicació adherida a la Unió Catalanista Rambla : esports i ciutadania, La (1935-1936) Rambla de Catalunya


MÁSTER HISTORIA DE LA CIENCIA Y COMUNICACIÓN CIENTÍFICA Información general El «Máster en Historia de la Ciencia y Comunicación Científica» está organizado por el Instituto de Historia de la Medicina y de la Ciencia López Piñero, centro mixto de la Universitat de València y el Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC). Se trata de uno de los centros dedicados a la historia de la ciencia más antiguos que existen en nuestro país. Ubicado en un edificio histórico recientemente reformado, el IHMC dispone de una selecta biblioteca de libros y revistas de historia de la ciencia y un fondo histórico formado principalmente por libros de medicina de los siglos XVI al XIX. También cuenta con un museo, que organiza exposiciones temporales y permanentes, y una colección de más de 3000 instrumentos médicos y científicos. Además de los profesores e investigadores del IHMC, el máster será impartido por profesores del área de periodismo del Departamento de Te

First European Seminar for Philosophy of the Life Sciences, Causation and Disease in the Postgenomic Era, Hermance (Geneva), Switzerland, September 6-11, 2010

Dear Friends of the Institute, Let me start by sending best wishes for the New Year from all the staff. Announcement and call for applications First European Seminar for Philosophy of the Life Sciences Causation and Disease in the Postgenomic Era Hermance (Geneva), Switzerland, September 6-11, 2010 The Brocher Foundation and a Consortium of five leading European institutions in the philosophy of the life sciences are inviting postgraduate, doctoral and early career postdoctoral researchers in the philosophy of life sciences to submit applications for participation in the First European Advanced Seminar in the Philosophy of the Life Sciences, to be held on the premises of the Brocher Foundation in Hermance (Geneva), Switzerland, September 6-11, 2010. The deadline for applications is February 22, 2010. For more details visit: http://www.brocher.ch/pages/sympvenir.asp With best regards, Miriam -------------------------------------------------------------------- Mme Miriam Sp

Call for Papers Language as a Scientific Tool. Managing Language as a Variable of Practice and Presentation, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna, 29th-30th November 2010

Call for Papers Language as a Scientific Tool. Managing Language as a Variable of Practice and Presentation Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna, 29th-30th November 2010 Organizers: Institute for Culture Studies and History of Theatre, Austrian Academy of Sciences Working Group “History of Science”, History Department, University of Vienna Department of Political Science and Sociology, European University at St. Petersburg English and German Departments, University of Granada Language has played an important and extended role in the history and philosophy of sciences, with language itself also becoming the subject of scholarship. Linguistic environments of scientists have unavoidably affected scientific research at various levels by, for instance, imposing cultural constraints and preconceptions, and by affecting the bounds of communication that structure science as social engagement. Despite the relevance of this phenomenon, insufficient historiographical and philo

Sentient creatures: Transforming biopolitics and life matters Conference hosted by the University of Oslo, 15-17 September 2010

Call for papers Sentient creatures: Transforming biopolitics and life matters Conference hosted by the University of Oslo 15-17 September 2010 The concepts of biopower and biopolitcs, so eloquently and significantly laid out by Michel Foucault, are quite possibly insufficient to our understanding of past and contemporary living. Just think about zoonoses including the ?swine flue? pandemic, and the ways in which the production of facts about the human body have been and continue to be built upon the observation and manipulation of animals. These and similar examples suggest that two correctives or re-emphases are required.  First, studies of life and the living alert us to the fact that biopolitics is not only about humans, in the form of the human individual, or in the form of the human population, it is rather about an assemblage of matters of life.  Second, there is neither a self evident or totalising human power over life, nor an unproblematic politics of life. Th

APPROACHES TO ANCIENT MEDICINE, Cardiff University, 23-24 August 2010

APPROACHES TO ANCIENT MEDICINE Cardiff University, 23-24 August 2010 Call for Papers Following on from the earlier conferences at Newcastle (2000, 2005, 2007 and 2009) and Reading (2001, 2003, 2006 and 2008), the next "Approaches to Ancient Medicine" conference will be held, for the first time, at Cardiff University on Monday and Tuesday 23-24 August 2010. If you are interested in giving a paper at the Cardiff conference, please send an abstract of up to 200 words to me at the address below by 28 February 2010 at the latest. There is no theme, and any proposal within the broad definition of Ancient Medicine (including Egyptian and Near Eastern medicine) and its reception will be considered. It is hoped that the programme will be finalised in late March 2010. Kind regards Laurence Totelin Cardiff University School of History and Archaeology Humanities Building Colum Drive Cardiff CF10 3EU Téléphone  : (+)44. (0)29 208 75631 E-mail : TotelinLM@car

Conference panel: “Cross-National and Comparative History of Science Education”

CALL FOR PAPERS (reminder) Conference panel: “Cross-National and Comparative History of Science Education” At the 4th European Society for the History of Science congress, Barcelona (Spain), 18-20 November 2010 DEADLINE for Abstract submission:  20th January 2010 BACKGROUND This session assesses the need of further cross-national and comparative work in history of science, medicine and technology prompted by current perceptions of disciplinary crisis, around questions such as “big pictures”, European centres and peripheries, the rise of global history, and the integration of non-Western science in the historical canon. It intends to do so, by focusing on the study of science education, and by promoting interdisciplinary communication between two subjects which rarely interact  (the history of science and the history of education). Cross-National comparison was a major driving force in the nineteenth-century organization of education. Educationists, scientists and

International conference on the theme of marriage patterns household formation and economic development.

The Centre for Global Economic History of Utrecht University would like to invite the submission of paper abstracts for an international conference on the theme of marriage patterns household formation and economic development . Focusing both on geographical scope and historical time span, we plan to run a three-day workshop, building on the GEHN tradition, running from the 7th until the 10th of October 2010. During the conference experts in the fields of history, economics, demography, sociology and anthropology will address the following three areas in particular: A worldwide overview of household organization; The effect of marriage patterns on economic development; Theoretical insights into the functional nature of marriage patterns. We invite you to submit paper abstracts related to the theme of household formation and economic development. Participation is by invitation only. Please see the accompanying document for further information concerning the context of the

January is Math Madness Month!

I am pleased to let you know that January is Math Madness Month! All current and back content for Taylor & Francis’ mathematics and statistics journals will be freely available until 31 st   January including all content published in   Annals of Science . For further information and links to the online content of all journals included in the promotion, please visit www.tandf.co.uk/journals/JanMathMadness .   Please do pass details of this promotion to any colleagues who may wish to take advantage of the free access.   Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.   Kind regards   Zoe   Zoë Sternberg Publishing Editor, Applied Science Journals Taylor & Francis   4 Park Square, Milton Park, Abingdon, OX14 4RN, UK Tel: +44 207 017 4506; Fax: +44 207 017 6714  

[SEHM] Petición de información

Queridos colegas: ando a la busca y captura de unos datos, que a lo mejor alguno de vosotros conoce o se le ocurre cómo o dónde podría encontrar: * el año de la muerte del médico cubano Moisés Chediak. Y también, si el apellido él lo escribía Chediak o, como aparece normalmente en francés o en inglés, Chédiak, con tilde * Nacionalidad (¿Estadounidense?) y años de nacimiento y muerte de Edward L. Kaplan (el de las curvas de Kaplan-Meier) * Nacionalidad (¿Estadounidense?) y años de nacimiento y muerte de Paul Meier (el de las curvas de Kaplan-Meier) * Nombre de pila y años de nacimiento y muerte de R. A. Mees (de las líneas de Mees) * Años de nacimiento y muerte de Tomás Moreno y Maíz (Maïs para los franceses), médico y cirujano peruano formado en Francia; en 1868, fue el primero en proponer el uso de la cocaína como anestésico local. * Años de nacimiento y muerte de Minor Ito, médico japonés (el del nevus de Ito) Aprovecho la ocasión para desearos un excelente 2

Workshop on “History of economics as culture"

Dear colleagues, This is to announce that I am organizing on the behalf of the H2S (History of Social Science) group the second workshop on “History of economics as culture ( Histoire culturelle des savoirs économiques )” to be held Friday 9 April 2009 in Paris (exact location to be disclosed later). My intention is to bring together scholars from different disciplines to discuss from an historical vantage point, the place of economics in our culture. Below are some suggestions of topics that exemplify what will be at issue: - To consider the interactions between art, literature and economics; - To discuss the interactions between cultural or artistic objects such as magazines, books, maps, photographs, paintings, graphs and economic thinking and to consider economic texts as cultural items and to reflect upon the consequences their physical form had on their reception. - To consider economics as part of cultures (political, commercial, scientific, etc.) of past (incl