
Mostrando entradas de mayo 7, 2017

CfP: “Enfermedad, desviación y subjetividades en el mundo iberoamericano, siglos XX y XXI”

Convocatoria para el envío de artículos académicos “Enfermedad, desviación y subjetividades en el mundo iberoamericano, siglos XX y XXI” Secuencia. Revista de Historia y Ciencias Sociales  editada por el Instituto de Investigaciones Dr. José María Luis Mora contribuye a su campo de especialización con números temáticos especiales que, además de sus números regulares, se publican anualmente y son coordinados por investigadores de alto nivel. Estos números conjuntan trabajos originales que, debido a su afinidad temática, abordan determinados problemas desde un punto de vista específico que permite un análisis más profundo de algunos temas. En esta ocasión convoca a los especialistas a presentar artículos de investigación, inéditos, originales, escritos en español, inglés, francés y portugués, realizados a partir de la revisión de fuentes primarias, para integrar el número especial cuyo tema será: “ Enfermedad, desviación y subjetividades  en el mundo iberoamericano, siglos X

Novedad editorial: Los ingenieros de Franco. Ciencia, catolicismo y Guerra Fría en el Estado franquista

Autor: Lino Camprubí Bueno Url:  https://www.planetadelibros.com/libro-los-ingenieros-de-franco/245672 El objetivo principal de este libro, nos dice el autor, «no es escribir una historia de la ciencia y la tecnología bajo el franquismo (que también), sino tratar de entender su papel en la constitución del nuevo régimen» a través de sus proyectos de redención de la España salida de la guerra civil. De este estudio surge un panorama distinto al habitual de los años difíciles de la autarquía: un panorama en que la investigación científica y técnica aparece, no como una simple herramienta del poder, sino como «un elemento constituyente que dotó de contenido al régimen».

Novedad editorial: Is the Universe a Hologram? Scientists Answer the Most Provocative Questions

By Adolfo Plasencia Foreword by Tim O'Reilly Url:  https://mitpress.mit.edu/books/universe-hologram Overview Science today is more a process of collaboration than moments of individual “eurekas.” This book recreates that kind of synergy by offering a series of interconnected dialogues with leading scientists who are asked to reflect on key questions and concepts about the physical world, technology, and the mind. These thinkers offer both specific observations and broader comments about the intellectual traditions that inform these questions; doing so, they reveal a rich seam of interacting ideas.  The persistent paradox of our era is that in a world of unprecedented access to information, many of the most important questions remain unsolved. These conversations (conducted by a veteran science writer, Adolfo Plasencia) reflect this, with scientists addressing

Latest issue of Technology's Stories (free online resource): 'Arctic Technologies'

The  newest edition of Technology's Stories – ‘ Arctic Technologies ’ - is now available at www.technologystories.org   This includes a piece about indigenous technologies in the Arctic and articles about rare earth mining in Greenland and telemedicine in Alaska in the 1970s. An issue on energy technologies is in development for July, and on gender and technology for October.

Exposición: Forensic Architecture

Forensis , en la antigua Roma, era el oficial encargado de pregonar los comunicados de interés público, pregón que -naturalmente- tenía lugar en el foro. Lo forense, pues, tiene en un principio una relación directa con el foro, el lugar por antonomasia para el debate público acerca de la política, es decir, del poder y de los modos de ejercerlo. Porque, en su acepción física o metafórica, el foro es también el espacio para la crítica al poder y sus abusos. Lo forense, en ese sentido, es algo que conviene preservar contra todo intento silenciarlo. O de limitarlo al morbo de las salas de disección y los depósitos de cadáveres judiciales o policiales. Algo que ocurre con demasiada frecuencia en las pantallas que conviven diariamente con nosotros. Algunos creen que el “giro forense” -denominación que esconde una cierta ironía- se refiere al éxito de series televisivas como los diversos CSI y Bones , imitadas hasta la saciedad por todas las demás. Por fortuna, no es así realm

Postdoctoral researcher “history of medicine and/or technology” at the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Department Technology and Society Studies, Maastricht University

               Specifications - (explanation) Location Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Grote Gracht 90-92, 6211 SZ Maastricht Function types Postdoc positions Scientific fields Behaviour and Society , Language and Culture Hours 38.0 hours per week Education Doctorate Job number AT2017.120 Translations en   About employer Maastricht University (UM) Short link www.academictransfer.com/39993 Apply for this job within 15 days Job description This is an exciting opportunity to join a relatively new research team carrying out comparative collaborative work o

5 PhD Positions

Project Leader: Professor Mikael Hård Institution: Department of History, Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany Financial Support: European Research Council (Project No. 742631) Timeframe: October 2017 – September 2022 Announcing Five PhD Positions! More information here... Today, people in practically every corner of the world use mobile phones. In many places, though, the same population that uses this so-called modern form of communication also prepares their meals with a “primitive” technology: the charcoal cook stove. Indeed, confronted by economic and political crises, the inhabitants of some countries have returned to using techniques many consider out-of-date. In some cases, horses have replaced tractors to plow fields. Such observations challenge established views of globalization and technological change. Empirical evidence contradicts the notion that globalization holds irresistible power, and that technological change is a linear and evolut

BJHS Themes: Call for Proposals

We are calling for proposals for Issue 4 (2019) of  BJHS Themes , the annual open-access journal that is a companion to the  British Journal for the History of Science.  Like the  BJHS ,  BJHS Themes  is published by Cambridge University Press on behalf of the BSHS.   Previous volumes have included 'Science of giants: India and China in the 20th Century' (issue 1, 2016, guest editors Jahnavi Phalkey and Tong Lam) and 'Animal agents' (issue 2, 2017, guest editor Amanda Rees).   We are looking for proposals of the highest quality for the third issue, with the successful proposal to be decided through competition. The deadline for submission of proposals is  15 July 2017 . Publication will be in early 2019.     Here are the aims:     BJHS Themes  aims to publish open access, high-quality, scholarly, engaging collections of history of science papers, each collection of which will address a provocative theme. The journal is wholly open access

CfP: Conference of the International Society for Hermeneutics and Science 22 – 24 August 2017, Baden, Austria

The International Society for Hermeneutics and Science, ISHS, http://ishs.hu/ is and informal society of academics.The purpose of the International Society for Hermeneutics and Science is to develop an understanding of the role of hermeneutics in natural sciences and technology through, among other activities, organizing meetings, editing a newsletter, disseminate information, and facilitate discussions by an international group of scholars. The first ISHS conference was organized in September 1993 in Hungary and the last one was held in Vienna and Budapest in July/August 2013. Besides regular conferences thematic sessions were occasionally organized at the 4S/EASST conferences, last time at their Barcelona conference in August 2016. As for the details you can consult our webpage: http://ishs.hu/meetings-of- ishs/ . This summer the ISHS will have its regular conference - the 16th in the series of meetings. The aim of the conference is to provide an open and stim

CfP: Big Data on Human and Social Sciences – History, issues and challenges

The Instituto de Hist ória Contemporânea /  Institute of Contemporary History (IHC, FCSH-NOVA) and the History Lab (Columbia University ) will be hosting an international conference to examine the challenges and impact of ‘Big Data’ in the human and social sciences, which opens up new connections and collaborations within the research community and with the civil society. The conference will be held on  November 6-7, 2017 , in Lisbon and it is open to all scientific areas. Humanists and social scientists have at their disposal an unprecedented amount of data today. For sure, the wide variety of data available, including the massively growing public archival data, creates many opportunities. For instance, it allows to extend the geographical and longitudinal scope of analysis on a new scale. But nor the data existent in social and historical processes is neutral nor the ways to store, retrieve and analyse such amount of data is based upon simplistic decisions. Wi

Call for Publications: Special Issue "Collaborative Learning with Technology—Frontiers and Evidence"

This Special Issue, “Collaborative Learning with Technology—Frontiers and Evidence”, addresses the surge for developments and research related to using technology towards collaborative learning. In an ever-changing world where skills go obsolete in months rather than years, working collaboratively has become a core skill to survive and flourish in the 21st century. There is probably no better way to promote skills in collaboration by learning collaboratively.  With the rise of social constructivism and blended learning in the education sector, we welcome for inclusion in this Special Issue articles that: (1) provide an empirical evidence on strategies and interventions that facilitate collaborative learning with technology for narrowing the literature gaps; (2) present studies (qualitative, quantitative, or mixed) that demonstrate how effective blend of collaborative learning and technology could enhance learning experience, student-cantered learning, and learning

CfP: Histories of Anthropology, Cambridge 18-19 September 2017

Histories of Anthropology: Transforming Knowledge and Power (1870-1970) University of Cambridge, 18-19 September 2017 Keynote Speaker: Sadiah Qureshi (Birmingham) The rise of anthropology as an academic discipline transformed the development of cognate disciplines and the interaction of power and knowledge in the modern world. This two-day conference will explore these two themes in terms of the social, intellectual and political history of anthropology, ranging in scale from the local to the transnational and global. We seek papers on the history of anthropology in terms of two broadly conceived themes. The first concerns the history of anthropology's relationship with cognate disciplines. In the second theme, we seek papers on the political and social history of anthropology, its relationship to governance, colonialism and broader political and social transformations. We welcome proposals that seek to describe changes over the course of the whole time

Call for book manuscripts, 'Monsters, Prodigies, and Demons' series

Publisher: MIP University Press at Kalamazoo Series Editors: Kathleen Perry Long, Cornell University Luke Morgan, Monash University Series Advisory Board:  Elizabeth B. Bearden, University of Wisconsin Jeffrey Jerome Cohen, George Washington University Surekha Davies, Western Connecticut State University Richard H. Godden, Louisiana State University Maria Fabricius Hansen, University of Copenhagen Virginia A. Krause, Brown University Jennifer Spinks, University of Melbourne Debra Higgs Strickland, University of Glasgow Wes Williams, University of Oxford This series - 'Monsters, Prodigies, and Demons: Medieval and Early Modern Constructions of Alterity' - is dedicated to the study of monstrosity and alterity in the medieval and early modern world, and to the investigation of cultural constructions of otherness, abnormality and difference from a wide range of perspectives. Submissions are welcome from scholars working within established

3 Fully Funded PhD studentships, 'Imagining and Representing Species Extinction'

Applications are invited for three fully-funded doctoral research studentships in a new Research Network funded by the White Rose College of the Arts & Humanities: "Imagining and Representing Species Extinction" Application Closing Date: 5pm BST on Wednesday 17 May 2017 http://wrocah.ac.uk/new- student/networks/#extinction Imagining and representing species extinction – both currently witnessed and projected into the future, including human extinction – has become a powerful social and cultural discourse, the study of which is the domain of no single discipline. This network brings together researchers in environmental conservation, English literature, interactive media, management, philosophy and religious studies in order to contribute critically to the cross-disciplinary study of extinction in all its different biological forms and socio-cultural functions today. Whilst historically extinction has evoked the disappearance of iconic species of

CfP: Health, Urban Migration and Home - interdisciplinary conference

URL:  http://architecturemps.com/bristol-2018/ Colleagues, this international conference brings together the disciplines of health, migration studies, sociology and the built environment - urban design and architecture. It continues events on migration, housing and urban expansion at previous events in the same series. This one takes health the issue around which to build its interdisciplinary debate. The first keyniote is now announced: Christopher Shaw. Chair, Architects for Health Please pass this on to interested colleagues. Thanks. Conference: Health: The Design, Planning and Politics of How and Where We Live Place: University of the West of England, Bristol , UK Dates: 25-26 January 2018 For people unable to travel to Bristol, pre-recorded film and skype presentations are available. You will still be able to submit a written paper for publication in the journal series and associated books. Abstract Submission (Round 1): 01 June 2017    Nb.  Thi

CfP: Medical History of WWI

Call for Papers: Medical History of WWI San Antonio, Texas, US Proposals Deadline: 10 November 2017 Over 22-25 March 2018, the Army Medical Department Center of History and Heritage and the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences will be co-sponsoring a conference on the medical history of WWI. It will be hosted at the U.S. Army Medical Department Center and School in San Antonio, Texas. Presentations on all facets of medicine and healthcare related to the war are welcome, to include: historical understandings of military medicine as practiced by all participants and in all geographic regions; consideration of the repercussions of the war on the practice of medicine; medicine in various campaigns; effects on the home fronts; postwar medical issues; mental health issues; the pandemic influenza; and related topics. Presentations should be 30 minutes long, and two-paper panels are welcome. As with the 2012 conference, we anticipate publication of sel