
Mostrando entradas de junio 12, 2016

Máster interuniversitario en Historia de la Ciencia y Comunicación Científica

Nos complace anunciar que acaba de abrirse el plazo de inscripción al  Máster interuniversitario en Historia de la Ciencia y Comunicación Científica , impartido de manera conjunta por las Universidades de Valencia, Alicante y Miguel Hernández de Elche. Su objetivo es la formación de  investigadores en historia de la ciencia  con habilidades en la comunicación científica y de  comunicadores e investigadores en comunicación de la ciencia  con sólidos conocimientos en los temas, métodos y técnicas de la investigación histórica. El proceso de  enseñanza y aprendizaje  se sustenta en la integración de diferentes  metodologías docentes , tales como las clases y los seminarios, el trabajo autónomo, la colaboración y el debate, las tutorías y la orientación personalizada o el uso de una amplia variedad de recursos documentales y bibliográficos. Todas las actividades programadas podrán ser seguidas  a distancia , mediante el uso de las nuevas tecnologías de la información. Toda la

CFP reminder: Eä - Journal of Medical Humanities & Social Studies of Science and Tecnology. Deadline: June 30

Call for papers for upcoming issues of Eä - Journal of Medical Humanities & Social Studies of Science and Tecnology  ( http://www.ea- journal.com/en ) is   currently open. Next deadline is June 30 . Manuscripts are accepted in Spanish, English and Portuguese.  Information for authors available at:  http://www.ea-journal.com/ en/information-for-authors   Any questions? Contact us here:  submit@ea-journal.com .::  Eä – Journal of Medical Humanities & Social Studies of Science and Technology (Eä Journal, ISSN 1852-4680)  is a peer reviewed open access online journal. The publication is available at  www.ea-journal.com  and is currently registered in several journal indexes. Read more  »  http://bit.ly/1852ihr ..:: Digital Humanities Award:  Eä - Journal of Medical Humanities & Social Studies of Science and Technology (Eä Journal) has been awarded at the Digital Humanities Awards as Best DH Contribution Not in English.    Read more »  http://bit.ly/1q

Two Job Opportunities at Cambridge: Research Associates in History of Biology and in Philosophy of Biology

University of Cambridge Department of History and Philosophy of Science TWO RESEARCH ASSOCIATE POSITIONS: ONE IN HISTORY OF BIOLOGY AND ONE IN PHILOSOPHY OF BIOLOGY Salary: £28,982-£37,768p.a., depending on experience 2-year Limit of Tenure applies The Department of History and Philosophy of Science, University of Cambridge, seeks to appoint two post-doctoral Research Associates, one in history of biology and one in philosophy of biology, to contribute to the multi-centre project ‘Putting the Extended Evolutionary Synthesis to the Test’, which is contextualizing, clarifying and evaluating recent calls for extensions to the ‘Modern Synthesis’ in evolutionary biology. These Cambridge-based sub-projects will address historical and philosophical concerns. The early years of the

PhD Studentship on the history of sexual science

Type:  Grant Date:  June 12, 2016 Location:  United Kingdom Subject Fields:  History of Science, Medicine, and Technology, Literature, Social Sciences, Sexuality Studies, Art, Art History & Visual Studies A PhD studentship is offered from 1st September 2016, in connection with the project “Rethinking Sexology – The Cross-Disciplinary Invention of Sexuality: Sexual Science Beyond the Medical, 1890-1940” at the University of Exeter. The studentships will be for a period of up to 3 years, dependent on satisfactory progress, and will cover full fees and an annual maintenance grant of £14,296 for 2016/17. Please note that this studentship is open to UK/EU students only. Applicants from all humanities and social science fields, engaging with a wide range of approaches, themes and sources are welcome. Rethinking Sexology is a major five-year Wellcome Trust-funded Joint Investigator Award project, led by Professor Kate Fisher (History) and Dr Jana Fu

I Am Already Dead: Essays on The CW's iZombie and Vertigo's iZOMBIE

Type:  Call for Publications Date:  September 30, 2016 Location:  United States Subject Fields:  Cultural History / Studies, Journalism and Media Studies, Popular Culture Studies, Women's & Gender History / Studies, Film and Film History Project Overview Editors Szanter and Richards seek original essays for an edited collection on Rob Thomas’s television series iZombie as well as the show’s graphic novel source material, Roberson and Allred’s iZOMBIE . This particular series has begun to overhaul modern constructions of the zombie in popular culture and media. While scholarship on the television zombie is not in short supply, particularly in regards to AMC’s The Walking Dead , we believe this particular show and comic series speak to a growing trend in zombie culture whereby the zombie “passes” as human—fully assimilating into normalized society. The collection aims to explore how this new, “improved” zombie altered popular notions of the zombie

Silenced: Invisible Illness and Ambiguous Loss

Type:  Call for Publications Date:  June 17, 2016 Location:  Pennsylvania, United States Subject Fields:  Communication, Health and Health Care SUBMISSION GUIDELINES: Deadline for chapter proposals (approx. 500 words excluding citations) June 15, 2016. Submissions should adhere to APA Style created in MSWord or RTF. Include a cover page with all of the authors' contact information, key terms, and a short c.v. for each author. Submit via email to keshamorantwilliams@gmail.com with Invisible Illness Proposal in the subject line. (If selected) your chapter submissions must be original works of 3000-4000 words, including references. Living with or caring for someone who is living with an invisible illness can be a challenging experience. “In the absence of definitive medical tests for some invisible illnesses…patients fight to be taken at their word—to have doctors, friends, and family believe that they’re reliable narrators of their own experiences,

Proposals: Science and Culture in the 19th Century

University of Pittsburgh Press Science and Culture in the Nineteenth Century Editor: Bernard Lightman, York University An era of exciting and transformative scientific discoveries, the nineteenth century was also a period when significant features of the relationship between contemporary science and culture first assumed form. This book series includes studies of major developments within the disciplines—including geology, biology, botany, astronomy, physics, chemistry, medicine, technology, and mathematics—as well as themes within the social sciences, natural philosophy, natural history, the alternative sciences, and popular science. In addition, books in the series may examine science in relation to one or more of its many contexts, including literature, politics, religion, class, gender, colonialism and imperialism, material culture, and visual and print culture. Url:  http://www.upress.pitt.edu/renderHtmlPage.aspx?srcHtml=htmlSourceFiles/Series/scnc.ht

Novedad editorial: Viruela, vacunas y sociedad. Ourense: 1805-1929

Autores: David Simón Lorda y María Luisa Rúa Domínguez. Ourense: Deputación de Ourense, 2015.  ISBN:978-84-92554-96-6 . 125 páginas. Si alguna persona estuviese interesada en adquirir el libro, puede solicitarlo al Servicio de Publicaciones de la Diputación Provincial de Ourense.  C/ Progreso, 32 .  32003 OURENSE   Tf.: 988317791/ 988317792.  Correo electrónico:    publicacions@ depourense.es Ver  http://publicacions. depourense.es/index.php/es/ venda Algo mas sobre el libro en el blog:  http:// diariodeunmedicodeguardia. blogspot.com.es/2016/06/ viruela-vacunas-y-sociedad- ourense-1805.html Los inicios de la lucha antivariólica en la provincia de Ourense (Galicia-España) podemos datarlos en el contexto de la Real Cédula de 1805 que obligaba a todos los hospitales a tener una sala de vacunación. En Ourense, a finales de mayo de 1805, se dispone la apertura de dicha sala en la Inclusa en el Hospital de San Roque, perteneciente al Obispado de Ourense. 

Premio Manuel Bartolomé Cossío 2016 - Patrimonio histórico-educativo

Premio Manuel Bartolomé Cossío  2016.  Patrimonio histórico-educativo El plazo de recepción hasta el 17 de septiembre de 2016 Bases de participación: http://institucional.us.es/ paginasephe/cosaspdf/cosaspdf/ Premio%20Cossio%202016.pdf La Sociedad Española para el Estudio del Patrimonio Histórico-Educativo (S.E.P.H.E), con la colaboración del Instituto del Patrimonio Cultural de España (IPCE), convoca el PREMIO MANUEL BARTOLOMÉ COSSÍO, dirigido a impulsar y valorar las iniciativas y trabajos que -desde la dedicación a ese ámbito- concurran al desarrollo de la que constituye su fundamental finalidad: la protección, conservación, estudio e investigación del patrimonio histórico-educativo, así como la promoción de acciones que estimulen tales tareas. El Premio tendrá como ámbito geográfico de referencia las iniciativas personales o colectivas llevadas a cabo en el contexto territorial del Estado español. Podrán optar al Premio las actuaciones personales, de

Call for Participants: Michel Foucault’s Lectures on Governmentality, Biopolitics and Neoliberalism

Type:  Summer Program Date:  June 25, 2016 Location:  United States Subject Fields:  Communication, French History / Studies, Philosophy, Government and Public Service, Cultural History / Studies Graduate Student Summer Institute in Rhetoric and Public Culture July 19-23 (Tuesday-Saturday), 2016 at Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 60208 This year’s institute theme is: “Michel Foucault’s Lectures on Governmentality, Biopolitics and Neoliberalism”. We will focus on three volumes of Foucault’s lectures at the Collège de France: Society Must Be Defended (1975-76); Security, Territory, Population (1977-78); and The Birth of Biopolitics (1978-79). In these volumes, Foucault provides a complex analysis of two complimentary forms of power that circulate and shape conduct in modern societies: the disciplinary power directed at governing individual bodies and the biopower directed at governing the population. He explains how the shift towards the promi

Job opportunity: Content Developer, Science Museum Sun Exhibition

The Science Museum is seeking someone with a background in the history of science and / or technology to work with our Curatorial and Exhibitions teams developing a major temporary exhibition about the Sun, opening in 2018. This is a fixed term post until November 2018. Details of the role, job description and how to apply here:  https://vacancies.nmsi.ac.uk/ VacancyDetails.aspx? FromSearch=True&MenuID= 6Dqy3cKIDOg=&VacancyID=1349 The closing date is 23 June and interviews will be held on the 4th and 5th of July. Please feel free to share with anyone you think might be interested.

CfP International Conference Information and Power in History

Type: Call for Papers Date: April 16, 2017 Location: Netherlands Subject Fields: Contemporary History, Cultural History / Studies, Intellectual History, Political History / Studies, Social History / Studies CfP International Conference Information and Power in History   "Nowadays we all know that information is the key to power, and that the masters of information rule the world," Anthony Grafton wrote in his commendation of Jacob Soll's book on Jean-Baptiste Colbert, The Information Master (2009). Yet this notion is much older; it has even been attributed to the Chinese general Sun Tzu (544-c. 496 BCE). As far as the relationship between power and information is concerned, present-day scholars point out that we find ourselves in a special phase. The ‘information revolution’ of today has caused information to become a separate object of study during the last two decades. Historians distinguish different ages of information, from the i

A special issue of Global Food History on the Histories of Dietary Advice

Type:  Call for Papers Date:  August 31, 2016 Subject Fields:  Cultural History / Studies, Economic History / Studies, History of Science, Medicine, and Technology, Social History / Studies, World History / Studies The Oxford English Dictionary defines nutrition as: "the process of providing or obtaining the food necessary for health and growth." As such, nutrition inevitably finds its way into food history, and historiography. This special issue of Global Food History: “From Nourishment to Nutrition” focuses on the histories of dietary advice and will include histories of food as: nourishment for mind and body, a vehicle for essential nutrients, a tool of public policy, and everything in between. We welcome articles that include but are not limited to: The history of epistemology of nutrition as a discipline The early uses of food as treatment or prevention of disease and malnutrition The regional definitions of nutrition The role of taste

CFP: Second London Philosophy of Science Graduate Conference

What: Second London Philosophy of Science Graduate Conference When: 1st & 2nd of September 2016 Where: UCL Department of Science and Technology Studies CfP Deadline: 4th July 2016 CALL FOR PAPERS:  Second London Philosophy of Science Graduate Conference We are pleased to announce the call for papers for the forthcoming Second London Philosophy of Science Graduate Conference. The conference will run from September 1st to 2nd, 2016 at UCL Department of Science and Technology Studies.  We are pleased to say Dunja Šešelja (Ruhr-Universität Bochum), Emma Tobin (UCL), Eric Scerri (UCLA) and Mary Morgan (LSE) will be joining us as plenary speakers. The theme of this year's conference is ‘the Philosophies of Science’: an opportunity to explore the wide variety of sub-disciplines within the philosophy of science. Our aim is to bring together the growing community of philosophers of science in London and across the UK, giving them an opportunity  to

Call for Papers - Arcadia: Explorations in Environmental History

Type:  Call for Papers Date:  August 1, 2016 Location:  Germany Subject Fields:  Environmental History / Studies, Digital Humanities, Atlantic History / Studies, European History / Studies, Humanities Become part of the Arcadia network! Founded as a partnership between the European Society for Environmental History (ESEH) and the Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society (RCC), Arcadia is an online, peer-reviewed publication platform for short, illustrated, and engaging environmental histories. Arcadia’s goals are to promote visibility and connections in global environmental history and historically minded cognate disciplines and to make original research accessible for general audiences. Arcadia (ISSN 2199-3408) features now 92 articles and is archived and catalogued by the Bavarian State Library. We are currently seeking submissions for our Autumn 2016 volume. We will also evaluate proposals for multiple, inter-connected contributions by both

CFP MUSA Workshop - Negotiating Technologies

Type:  Call for Papers Date:  July 15, 2016 Location:  United Kingdom Subject Fields:  South Asian History / Studies, Islamic History / Studies, History of Science, Medicine, and Technology, Colonial and Post-Colonial History / Studies, Social Sciences   MUSA Workshop – Negotiating Technologies Jointly organised by SOAS, CEIAS (CNRS-EHESS), Paris, & the Centre of South Asian Studies, Cambridge Date: 14 & 15 October 2016 Venue: Trinity College, University of Cambridge Deadline for abstract submissions: 15 July 2016 The Muslim South Asia Research Forum (MUSA), a young scholar network based at SOAS, is organising a workshop on "Negotiating Technologies", to be held on October 14th and 15th, 2016 at the University of Cambridge. For more details and submission guidelines, please see the call for papers below. If you are interested in participating, please send a 300-word abstract along with a CV to musa@soas.ac.uk before July

Third Lisbon International Conference on Philosophy of Science: Contemporary Issues

Third Lisbon International Conference on Philosophy of Science: Contemporary Issues Call for Abstracts and Proposals for Symposia   Submission is now open for Abstracts and Proposals for Symposia to be presented at the Third Lisbon International Conference on Philosophy of Science: Contemporary Issues. The Conference will take place in Lisbon between the 14 th and the 16 th of December 2016. The Lisbon International Conferences on Philosophy of Science are biennial conferences organized by the Centre of Philosophy of Sciences of the University of Lisbon [ cfcul.fc.ul.pt ]. The conferences are directed to a wide audience with interests in the philosophy of science broadly conceived. Reflecting the main lines of research of our Centre, we are especially interested in subjects related to:   ·          Epistemology and Methodology; ·          Philosophy of the Natural Sciences; ·          Philosophy of the Life Sciences; ·          Philosophy of the Human Sci