
Mostrando entradas de diciembre 12, 2021

FEM ciència?, propostes de la SCHCT per repensar el feminisme, la història i la cultura científica

1è lliurament de la 2ª edició de “FEM ciència?” Entrevista a Tania Pérez-Bustos: “Es la Historia, no hay otra gente que puedas ver ahí, es el propio género operando.” En aquesta entrevista parlarem amb Tania Pérez-Bustos sobre la tecnologia tèxtil i els diàlegs dels sabers, entre d’altres temes relacionats amb  els i les referents, les dones en contexts postcolonials, i el feminisme. Ver: https://youtu.be/Y_PqVS73qTs Tania Pérez-Bustos és investigadora en Estudis socials de la ciència i la tecnologia a la Escuela de Estudios de Género de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia. De formació és antropòloga (Universidad Nacional de Colombia), Comunicadora social (Pontificia Universidad Javeriana), i doctora en educació i cultura política (Universidad Pedagógica Nacional). En la seva trajectòria investigadora ha publicat articles relacionats amb educació, gènere i etnografies. És fundadora d’ Artesanal Tecnológica , col·lectiu feminista transdisciplinar que treballa entre les pràctique

18º Seminário Nacional de História da Ciência e da Tecnologia (SNHCT)

A Sociedade Brasileira de História da Ciência (SBHC) tem o prazer de anunciar que realizará o 18º Seminário Nacional de História da Ciência e da Tecnologia (SNHCT) entre os dias 05 e 09 de Setembro de 2022, nas dependências da Universidade de São Paulo, Campus Leste, São Paulo, SP. Promovido regularmente desde 1986, este é o mais antigo e maior evento nacional da área, congregando pesquisadores de diversas origens e especialidades. Entre as atividades previstas estão conferências, mesas redondas, simpósios temáticos, minicursos, apresentações de pôsteres, lançamento de livros e atividades socioculturais. Envio de propostas de Simpósios Temáticos e de Minicursos: 20 de Dezembro de 2021 a 12 de Fevereiro de 2022. Acessem a página da SBHC para atualizações das informações nas próximas semanas: https://www.sbhc.org.br/

CfP: Routledge Companion to Performance and Science

  CFP Routledge Companion to Performance and Science Editors: Paul Johnson, Simon Parry and Adele Senior Deadline for Abstracts 29/1/2022 We invite proposals for  The Routledge Companion to Performance and Science.    This extensive volume aims to capture the growing international interest in the intersections between performance and science, both as a body of knowledge and a set of practices. The focus is both on contemporary practice and on the long and varied histories that mark the relationship between performance and science. The collection will chart a wide range of theoretical approaches, as well as both new and well-established attitudes towards science, scientific methods, and scientific knowledge. We welcome a range of perspectives including, but not limited to, postcolonial, decolonial, posthumanist, feminist, queer and eco-critical approaches to the study and practice of performance and science. The definition of ‘practice’ is manifold, including diverse drama, theatre, dan

CfP: (Special Issue) Hydrocarbons and societies: histories of labor, social relations, and industrial culture in the oil and gas industry

The Journal of Energy History is seeking submissions for a special issue on  "Hydrocarbons and societies: histories of labor, social relations, and industrial culture in the oil and gas industry" Special Issue Editors: - Radouan Mounecif, Sciences Po Paris - Natasha Pesaran, Columbia University Workers, engineers, technocrats, and managers have played a central role in the development of the hydrocarbon industry. Concentrated in refineries, oilfields, pipeline stations, off-shore drilling platforms, oil tankers, and gas stations, human labor has played a central role in hydrocarbon history. As well as capital and technology, human workforce has contributed to the development of extraction, production and distribution activities, fostering fossil fuels consumption and shaping the flows of carbon energy. Despite the recent turn in the scholarship away from energy diplomacy and financial revenues, towards the study of what has been termed variously an ‘oil complex’ or ‘oil

CfP: International Research Network for the Study of Science & Belief in Society, 3rd Annual Conference, 13–15 July 2022

International Research Network for the Study of Science & Belief in Society, 3 rd  Annual Conference 13–15 July 2022. University of Birmingham and Online (hybrid conference)   The International Research Network for the Study of Science and Belief in Society  has been at the centre of the recent significant growth in social scientific and humanities research focusing on science, religion, and belief in society. Following our successful online conference in 2021, this 3 rd  annual conference of the network will have a hybrid in-person and online format and will focus on the theme of crossing boundaries. As this field of research has grown it has engaged in myth busting popular perceptions and stereotypes about the relationship between science and religion, which treat both science and religious/spiritual populations as monolithic. To date, much of this foundational research has focused on North American contexts or debates. This conference seeks to build on this essential w

CfP: Edited volume on the power of elites and nonelites

In a world of vertiginous inequality, escalating ecological disaster, and extraordinary political and economic turbulence generated by a winner take all society seemingly designed to concentrate privilege and power in the hands of a very few, the central question that faces sociology is whether social protest will change anything or whether elites will continue to lead the planet and its population to disaster. All the important topics of contemporary sociology, including racial justice, environmental change, immigration, economic inequality, and education, to name a few, turn around this issue. The question of the power of elites, and the conditions under which that power might be tamed, happened to lie at the heart of the historical sociology of Richard Lachmann, who died tragically and suddenly this Fall. In his honor, we solicit papers that address the issues of elite and nonelite influences on political and social processes and outcomes. We welcome both theoretical and empirical p

CfP: HaPoP-5

  Fifth Symposium on the History and Philosophy of Programming (hybrid):  https://www.shift-society.org/ hapop5/ 13 June 2022, Lille, France Maison Européenne des Sciences de l'Homme et de la Société Co-located with the final conference of the ANR-funded PROGRAMme  project, 14-15 June 2022 (more details to follow soon). In a society where computers have become ubiquitous, it is necessary to  develop a deeper understanding of the nature of computer programs, not  just from the technical viewpoint, but from a broader historical and  philosophical perspective. A historical awareness of the evolution of  programming not only helps to clarify the complex structure of  computing, but it also provides an insight in what programming was, is  and could be in the future. Philosophy, on the other hand, helps to  tackle fundamental questions about the nature of programs, programming  languages and programming as a discipline. HaPoP 2022 is the fifth edition of the Symposium on the History and