
Mostrando entradas de agosto 3, 2014

IHPST August Newsletter

The August IHPST newsletter is now available on the web at: http://ihpst.net/newsletters/ CONTENTS 1.       Science & Education, vol.23 no.8, 2014 Special Issue: Second Nordic HPS&ST Symposium Guest Editor: Ismo T. Koponen 2.       Science & Education Journal, Report (a) Rationale and Purpose of the Journal (b) Journal on the Web        (c) Manuscript Submissions (d) Copyediting Assistance Required for Manuscripts from Non-Anglo Authors (e) Article Downloads (f) Thematic Issues (g) Journal Reviewing 3.       Science & Education Impact Factor (2013) 4.       The 2nd Asian Regional IHPST Conference, December 4 –7, 2014, Taipei, Taiwan (August 15 submission date) 5.       International Handbook of Research in History, Philosophy and Science Teaching 6.       New Book Series Science: Philosophy, History and Education 7.       20th anniversary, revised and enlarged edition, Science Teaching: The Contribution of History and Philosophy of Science 8.       Book Reviews (i) Pete

WORKSHOP: Disability, Prostheses, and Patenting in Historical Perspective, 18-19th September 2014, Leeds City Museum

Disability, Prostheses, and Patenting in Historical Perspective An international and interdisciplinary workshop Leeds City Museum, Leeds, UK 18-19 September 2014 As part of the AHRC Research Network “Rethinking Patenting Cultures”, colleagues are invited to attend this two-day workshop on the history of patenting cultures with particular regard to disability and prostheses. This event will see scholars from a wide range of disciplinary backgrounds come together to examine the relationship between physical impairment and commerce and the ways in which the commodification of disability affected everyday life and health from the eighteenth century. The workshop will also include a public panel debate on historical and current representations of disability within museums and heritage organisations. The symposium will take place at Leeds City Museum in the centre of Leeds. The full programme is appended below, and is also available through the website: http://rethinkingpatentcultures.wordpr

Towards a History of Error: Call for Papers

Towards a History of Error: Call for Papers Organizers: Lorraine Daston (Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Berlin), Fabian Krämer (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München),  Martin Mulsow (Gotha Research Center of the University of Erfurt) The Forschungszentrum Gotha and the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Berlin invite submission of paper abstracts for a workshop to be held in Berlin, 10-11 December 2015: Towards a History of Error. The aim of the workshop is to identify key topics and episodes in European intellectual history of error in theology, philosophy, medicine, scholarship, and the sciences, from the late Middle Ages through the early nineteenth century. Themes include not only concepts but also methods for avoiding and eliminating error, as well as reflections on the causes and consequences of error. Paper abstracts should be no more than 750 words long, and may be submitted in French, German, or English. Applicants are also asked to submit a c

Programa de la XIII Trobada d’Història de la Ciència i de la Tècnica - SCHCT

DIVENDRES, 26 de setembre de 2014 9.00-11.00h. Sala Abat Panyelles Sessió 1. Ciència i ciutat: una història urbana de la ciència: Barcelona 1888-1929 Coordinen: Agustí Nieto-Galan, Oliver Hochadel Pedro Ruiz, Antoni Roca. Divulgació de l'astronomia i regeneració cultural a la Barcelona de les primeres dàcades del segle XX Jesús María Galech. Geologia i art a l'exposició universal de Barcelona de 1888: el "Panorama dioràmic excursió a Montserrat" Oliver Hochadel. Un zoo atípic? Francesc Darder i el seu jardí d'aclimatació a Barcelona al voltant del 1900 Agustí Nieto-Galan. Un 'mort de gana' al Pavelló de la Ciència: Giovanni Succi qüestiona l'autoritat dels metges a l'Exposició Universal de Barcelona de 1888 Jaume Valentines, Jaume Sastre. Seducció i disciplina: oci tecnològic a la Barcelona entre exposicions internacionals (1888-1929) 11.00-11.30h. Cafè 11.

Applications for SIS Research Grants - Sept 2014

Dear all, Just a brief reminder that the deadline for the next round of research grants from the Scientific Instrument Society (SIS) is Monday 1st September 2014. The SIS awards small grants, of up to £500 each, for research on the history of scientific instruments. Applicants do not need to have any institutional affiliation and applications that are for less than the full amount are just as welcome - a properly costed proposal with a clear relevance to the Society's interests in historic scientific instruments, a realistic timetable and a tangible result are the most important factors that the committee will be considering.  Please note that the grant awarded will be paid against actual expenditure and funds cannot be paid in advance.  The grant is intended to cover items such as travel, accommodation (excluding meals) and photocopying costs.  Please note that we cannot fund conference travel. Further information on what the Society can support and the terms and conditions of the