
Mostrando entradas de abril 2, 2017

Recurso: Biblioteca Virtual de Viajes Científicos Ilustrados

Se ha presentado, en el Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, la Biblioteca Virtual de Viajes Científicos Ilustrados , durante los siglos XVIII y XIX, de la Fundación Ignacio Larramendi y, enlazándolo con el siglo XXI, "El perfeccionaiento del trineo de viento" que el explorador polar Ramón Hernando de Larramendi ha patentado para las expediciones científicas que lleva a cabo en el Ártico y en el Antártico. La Biblioteca Virtual de Viajes Científicos Ilustrados es un micrositio de la Biblioteca Virtual de Polígrafos . Está implementada en la nueva versión del programa DIGIBIB , la número 10, que cuenta con muchas funcionalidades nuevas, así como una forma totalmente renovada de presentar la información, tanto de los registros de autoridad como de los bibliográficos. Poco a poco, la nueva versión de DIGIBIB se implementará en todas las instalaciones operativas en España, bibliotecas virtuales o digitales que constituyen una parte

Beques "López Piñero" per a estudis històrics al voltant de la ciència, la medicina i la tecnologia

Aquestes beques apareixen anualment i estan adreçades als estudiants interessats pels estudis d'història de la ciència, la medicina i la tecnologia. Poden demanar-les els estudiants predoctorals i també els doctors dels primers anys postdoctorals, i molt particularment tots els estudiants de màster i doctorat del programa interuniversitari (UV-UA-UMH) en el que participa l'Institut López Piñero. Aquest any l'objectiu és fomentar la participació d'aquest col·lectiu d'estudiants a la Escola de Primavera que tindrà lloc a Maó els dies 18-20 de Maig amb el tema “Living in emergency: humanitarianism and medicine ”. Les beques poden també servir per fomentar altres activitats d’investigació com l’assistència a congressos, la visita de fonts arxivístics i altres similars, sempre dins de l'àmbit de la història de la ciència, la tecnologia i la medicina. La quantitat donada dependrà de la disponibilitat econòmica i de la llista de candidats presentats.  Crite


 Url:  http://www.inspiraciencia.es/es/ Inspiraciencia es un concurso de relatos de inspiración científica. Es una iniciativa que relaciona ciencia y escritura de una manera lúdica y que pretende ser un espacio abierto a todo el mundo donde pensar e imaginar la ciencia desde la ficción. Su objetivo es fomentar la creación literaria como forma libre e personal de acercamiento al pensamiento científico y de explorar realidades antes no imaginadas. FICCIÓN CIENTÍFICA Modalidad única Se podrán presentar relatos cortos de una extensión máxima de 800 palabras. Categorías El concurso tiene dos categorías: adulto (a partir de 18 años) y juvenil (menores de 18 años). Los participantes deben registrarse y pueden enviar un relato corto en cualquier lengua del concurso (catalán, castellano, gallego y euskera). Cada participante puede presentar más de un relato, y un máximo de cuatro relatos, siempre que éstos estén escritos en lenguas distintas. Lenguas Lo

Call for Contributions: History of Knowledge (Blog)

Do you do historical research involving knowledge as a socially determined product of human beings and activities? If so, you are involved in the history of knowledge. Whether or not you label yourself and your work in such terms, we would like to hear from you. We invite you to share some thoughts about your work on our blog, History of Knowledge . Blog posts can be about a specific project or historical phenomenon involving the formation, transmission, circulation, or translation of knowledge. Or perhaps you would like to discuss a related book. Or reflect on the broader meaning and potential of the history of knowledge. Another possibility entails asking what constitutes knowledge as an object of historiographical, anthropological, or sociological interest in the first place and the relationship of knowledge to information, beliefs, and culture. Further details are available on our contribute page. If you find these kinds of questions interesting and fr

Lakatos Award: call for nominations

The London School of Economics and Political Science invites nominations for the 2018 Lakatos Award. The Lakatos Award is given annually for an outstanding contribution to the philosophy of science, widely interpreted, in the form of a book published in English.  For the 2018 award, books with an imprint from 2012 to 2017 (inclusive) are eligible. The Award, in memory of the former LSE professor Imre Lakatos, was made possible by a generous endowment from the Latsis Foundation.  It is administered by an international Management Committee organised from the LSE, but entirely independent of LSE’s Department of Philosophy, Logic and Scientific Method.  The Committee, currently chaired by Hasok Chang (University of Cambridge), decides the outcome of the competition on the advice of an international, independent and anonymous panel of Selectors who produce detailed reports on the shortlisted books. For the 2018 award, nominations must be received by Monday 2 October 2017 .  Nom

Post-doc position: ERC project BodyCapital, Université de Strasbourg

Université de Strasbourg Societies, actors and government in Europe, SAGE UMR7363 ERC BodyCapital Call for Post-doc applications The ERC Advanced Grant programme “The healthy self as body capital: individuals, market-based societies and body politics in visual twentieth century Europe (BodyCapital)” led by Christian Bonah (Université de Strasbourg) and Anja Laukötter (MPIHD, Berlin) on the understanding of body capital and its history, through the twentieth century history of visual mass media (film, TV, Internet) and inédits (amateur, family and private visuals) is now accepting applications for a Post-doctoral researcher position for a project related to post-1945 Great Britain. The application deadline is 20 May 2017. Interviews will be scheduled on the Monday 26 June 2017 in Strasbourg (in-person interviews will be preferential, with some travel funding provided upon request). The contracts will begin 1 September 2017 (starting date is negotiable).

PhD positions: ERC project BodyCapital, Université de Strasbourg

Université de Strasbourg Societies, actors and government in Europe, SAGE UMR7363 ERC BodyCapital Call for PhD funding applications The ERC Advanced Grant programme “The healthy self as body capital: individuals, market-based societies and body politics in visual twentieth century Europe (BodyCapital)” led by Christian Bonah (Université de Strasbourg) and Anja Laukötter (MPIHD, Berlin) on the understanding of body capital and its history, through the twentieth century history of visual mass media (film, TV, Internet) and inédits (amateur, family and private visuals) is now accepting applications for up to 3 three-year PhD positions. The application deadline is 20 May 2017. Interviews will be scheduled on the Monday 26 June 2017 in Strasbourg (in-person interviews will be preferential, with some travel funding provided upon request). The contracts will begin 1 September 2017. Project description: Do you know how much rapid eye movement (REM) sleep you ne

2017 Neel Prize

 The 2017 Spurgeon Neel Award The Army Medical Department Museum Foundation is pleased to sponsor the 2017 Spurgeon Neel Annual Award competition for the article of 5000 words or less that best exemplifies the history, legacy, and traditions of the Army Medical Department. Named in honor of Major General (Retired) Spurgeon H. Neel, first Commanding General of Health Services Command (now U.S. Army Medical Command), the award competition is open to all federal employees, military and civilian, as well as non-governmental civilian authors who submit manuscripts for publishing consideration. The AMEDD Museum Foundation will present a special medallion award and a $1000 monetary prize to the winner, who will be notified in advance, at a Foundation-sponsored event early in 2018. All manuscripts must be submitted to the AMEDD Museum Foundation, amedd.foundation@att.net , by 30 September 2017. At the time of submission, a manuscript must be original work and not p

CfP: Mathematics and Mechanics in the Newtonian Age

Url:  https://gecomat1216.wordpress.com/ Workshop “ Mathematics and Mechanics in the Newtonian Age: historical and philosophical questions ”  University of Sevilla, Institute of Mathematics (IMUS), 18-20 Sept. 2017 The problem of the “applicability” of mathematics is justly emphasized, but it is often forgotten that the set-up of the problem changes with context. Its usual formulation presupposes the “modern” conception of maths (emphasizing pure mathematics, structures, abstract axiom systems) and cannot be employed for the “classical” era without questioning. We aim to investigate the changing configuration of relations between pure and “applied” maths, with particular attention to the “classical” era (17 th and 18 th centuries) contrasted with the 19 th and early 20 th centuries. Besides its historical and philosophical interest, the question is of current concern given that we are living changes in the understanding of maths, as the more “impure” methods are once

Five (5) PhD positions in History of Science and Ideas at Uppsala University

The Department of History of Science and Ideas is a dynamic research environment, with a particular emphasis on history of science, history of medicine, intellectual history, history of education and media history. Around 40 teachers, researchers and guests work in the milieu, including ca 15 PhD students. See our website for more information.  http://www. idehist.uu.se/?languageId=1 Each position is a 4-year full-time employment (starting salary is currently 25 600   SEK/month) which qualifies for all Swedish social benefits, such as paid parental leave. The work might also entail teaching and other assignments up to 20% of the full-time position (extending the time proportionally). For more information, see: http://www.uu.se/en/about-uu/ join-us/details/?positionId= 138397 http://www.uu.se/en/about-uu/ join-us/details/?positionId= 138379

SHOT Dibner Award

The Society for the History of Technology ( SHOT ) seeks nominations for the 2017  Dibner  Award to recognize excellence in museums and museum exhibits that interpret the history of technology, industry, and engineering to the general public. Nominations are due by 1 May 2017, and exhibits must  have been open to the public for no more than 24 months before that date.   Complete information is available at:  http://www.historyoftechno logy.org/about_us/awards/ dibne r .html

CfP: ESSHC Belfast 2018

12th ESSHC, Belfast, 2-7 April 2018 Call for papers and sessions. The ESSHC aims at bringing together scholars interested in explaining historical phenomena using the methods of the social sciences. The conference is characterized by a lively exchange in many small groups, rather than by formal plenary sessions. The Conference welcomes papers and sessions on any topic and any   historical period. It is organized in a large number of networks: Africa ‑ Antiquity ‑ Asia ‑ Criminal Justice ‑ Culture ‑ Economics ‑ Education and Childhood – Elites and Forerunners ‑ Ethnicity and Migration ‑ Family and Demography – Health and Environment - ‑ Labour ‑ Latin America – Material and Consumer Culture - Middle Ages ‑ Oral History – Politics, Citizenship and Nations - Religion ‑ Rural ‑ Sexuality - Social Inequality – Spatial and Digital History – Science and Technology ‑ Theory - Urban ‑ Women and Gender - World History The deadline for pre-registration on our web

Reference book articles on the history of astrology

ABC-Clio is bringing out a reference book on the history of astrology in 2018, and I am looking for authors for the articles still unassigned.  All authors will receive credit for their work and access to the e-book version of the final product, and those who contribute 1000 words or more will receive a modest honorarium.  I am particularly interested in scholars with expertise in non-Western astrological traditions. Contact:  williameburns@verizon.net

6th HPS Tuebingen Summer School - Understanding Relativity Theory, with Harvey Brown

Url:  https://homepages.uni-tuebingen.de/marco.giovanelli/summerschool/ 6th Tuebingen Summer School in the History and Philosophy of Science - 2017 Five lectures by  Harvey Brown , University of Oxford With a keynote lecture by  Dennis Lehmkuhl , Caltech Tuebingen, July 31st  – August 5th, 2017 Call for Applications Application deadline: June 10th, 2017 Introduction We kindly invite graduate students and junior scientists of philosophy, physics and mathematics, to apply for the 6th Forum Scientiarum's International Interdisciplinary Summer School in the History and Philosophy of Science The Summer School takes place in Tuebingen (Germany), a classical university town with a charming old town center, from Monday, July 31st to Friday, August 4th, 2017. Topic These lectures will be concerned with the foundations of Einstein’s theories of special and general relativity. They will start with a survey of work of the 19th century ether