
Mostrando entradas de mayo 21, 2017

Abiertas inscripciones y call for papers VI Congreso de Comunicación Social de la Ciencia

El VI Congreso de Comunicación Social de la Ciencia , que se realizará en Córdoba del 23 al 25 de noviembre de 2017, ha abierto inscripciones y el plazo para la presentación de comunicaciones . El Congreso está coorganizado por la Asociación Española de Comunicación Científica ( AECC ) y la Universidad de Córdoba . El plazo de presentación de comunicaciones orales y pósteres permanecerá abierto hasta el 31 de mayo . El comité científico irá comunicando la aceptación o no de las propuestas conforme las vaya recibiendo, publicando la última resolución el día 19 de junio. Para participar en el Congreso  presenta tu propuesta en línea . La inscripción en el Congreso será necesaria para todas las personas que presenten comunicación y sean aceptadas. Inscríbete en línea en la web del congreso y consulta los precios especiales para ‘madrugadores’. Toda la información, en la web del congreso: www.ccsc.org 

Fellowship: Rice Interdisciplinary Postdoctoral Fellowship in Nursing and Health Care History

Rice Interdisciplinary Postdoctoral Fellowship in Nursing and Health Care History. The Eleanor Crowder Bjoring Center for Nursing Historical Inquiry (ECBCNHI) and the Religion/Policy/Conflict (RPC) Initiative at the University of Virginia invites applications for one full-time, fixed-term Interdisciplinary Postdoctoral Fellowship position at the University of Virginia to start in the fall of 2017. This position supports scholars studying the broad history of nursing and health care with a special interest in the nexus of conflict, religion, social values, and care. Projects may include research on knowledge that integrates science and compassion; how nurses and other health care workers historically transformed care in conflict environments (at state, national, and transnational levels); the changing cultural and historical contexts of values towards care; the historical, political, and societal dimensions of domestic and gender-based violence; and/or different narrativ

Novedad editorial: El mundo del trabajo en la marina mercante española (1834-1914)

Autor: Enric García Domingo El sector marítimo fue uno de los campos donde la industrialización (entendida como un proceso de cambio en la organización de la producción, el trabajo y las relaciones laborales, más que como la adopción de una nueva tecnología basada en el vapor) tuvo un impacto más acusado. No solo económico y social, sino también de identidades y culturas sociolaborales. Este libro se centra en el itinerario que llevó a la marina mercante española de la vela al vapor, y lo hace desde el punto de vista de los marinos mercantes, para observar y explicar cómo este colectivo diverso y complejo se enfrentó y se adaptó a la industrialización. Las tripulaciones de los buques de altura vivieron en primera persona un cambio tecnológico que alteró formas de trabajo y de vida vigentes desde muchos siglos atrás. Para ello se hace necesario analizar con detalle todas las clases y categorías profesionales, desde la clases directoras (el capitán y los oficiales de c

Appel à candidature: Allocation doctorale 2017-2020

Url:  http://iehca.eu/fr/actualites-agenda/appel-candidature-pour-allocation-doctorale-2017-2020 Ecole Doctorale « Sciences de l’Homme et de la Société » n°240 Début du contrat / Beginning of the contract: 1er octobre 2017 / 1st October 2017 Professeur responsable de la thèse / PhD supervisor : Mr LAURIOUX Bruno Lieu : Tours, Villa Rabelais – Cité Internationale de la Gastronomie Laboratoire / Research Unit : Centre d’Etudes Supérieures de la Renaissance – UMR 7223 Contact : bruno.laurioux@univ-tours.fr Titre de la thèse / Title of the PhD project : : Écrire la cuisine en latin du XIIe au XVe siècle / Writing the cookery in latin from XIIth to XVth century

Presentación libro: La erradicación y el control de las enfermedades infecciosas

PORRAS GALLO, MARÍA ISABEL; BÁGUENA CERVELLERA, MARÍA JOSÉ; AYARZAGÜENA SANZ, MARIANO; MARTÍN ESPINOSA, NOELIA MARÍA (coordinadores) (2016). La erradicación y el control de las enfermedades infecciosas. Madrid, Los Libros de la Catarata. El próximo lunes, 5 de junio, a las 18 horas, en el Instituto de Historia de la Medicina y de la Ciencia López Piñero (Plaza Cisneros, 4, Valencia) tendrá lugar la presentación del libro La erradicación y el control de las enfermedades infecciosas , coordinado por María Isabel Porras (Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha), María José Báguena (Universidad de Valencia), Mariano Ayarzagüena y Noelia María Espinosa (Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha). La presentación estará a cargo de Esteban Rodríguez Ocaña, catedrático de Historia de la Ciencia de la Universidad de Granada , y forma parte de una actividad de difusión de resultados del grupo SALHISOC de la UCLM sobre “El papel de las agencias internacionales de salud y sus relaciones con los países en e

Lecturer B in History of Science and Medicine

The Department of History, Classics and Archaeology (HCA) invites applications for a Lectureship in the History of Science and Medicine. We seek to appoint an outstanding scholar working on any aspect of the field, but the appointee should also have wider teaching competency in modern (post-1800) British history. Applicants must have completed a doctorate in History or appropriate similar field, and they should have a research record that shows clear evidence of outstanding potential to contribute to the national and international profile of the Department.   HCA has a longstanding commitment to research-led teaching. Experience of lecturing and conducting seminars at undergraduate level is required, but experience in teaching and supervising research at MA level is also desirable.   The successful candidate will engage in scholarly research and publication; take responsibility for organisation, supervision and teaching in the broad field of the history of sci

CfP: “Technologies of Frankenstein”, 7 - 9 March 2018, Hoboken, NJ

URL:  http://frankenstein2018.org/ The 200th anniversary year of the first edition of Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein: Or, The Modern Prometheus has drawn worldwide interest in revisiting the novel’s themes. What were those themes and what is their value to us in the early twenty-first century? Mary Shelley was rather vague as to how Victor, a young medical student, managed to reanimate a person cobbled together from parts of corpses.  Partly as a result of this technical gap, and partly as a result of many other features of the novel, Frankenstein continues to inspire discourse in scholarly, popular, and creative culture about the Monstrous, the Outsider, the Other, and scientific ethics. This conference will examine such connections in our thinking about humanism and techno-science from the novel’s publication to the present. We construe broadly the intersecting themes of humanism, technology, and science and we welcome proposals from all fields of study for pre

JOB: Postdoctoral Researcher in Digital Ethics - Digital Ethics Lab - OII - University of Oxford

Postdoctoral Researcher in Digital Ethics Vacancy ID: 129204 Closing Date: 26 June 2017 12:00pm BST Posted Date: 25 May 2017 Grade 7: £31,076 to £38,183 p.a. We are looking for a full-time Postdoctoral Researcher to work on the ethical challenges posed by digital technologies (digital ethics). The Postdoctoral Researcher will be a member of the Digital Ethics Lab, will elaborate new analyses and hypotheses, review the literature, and publish the results, in collaboration with other members of DELab. The selected candidate will also contribute to the dissemination of the findings through presentations, the organisation of workshops, participation into conferences, and social media.  For more information about DELab and its current projects please see http://digitalethicslab.oii. ox.ac.uk/ The position is suited to candidates who have recently completed a doctorate on any relevant discipline, especially philosophy, ethics, law, and sociology. The l

Novedad editorial: Portraits of Violence: War and the Aesthetics of Disfigurement

Author: Suzannah Biernoff Portraits of Violence explores the image and idea of facial disfigurement in one of its most troubling modern formations, as a symbol and consequence of war. It opens with Nina Berman’s iconic photograph Marine Wedding , which provoked a debate about the medical, military, and psychological response to serious combat injuries. While these issues remain urgent, it is equally crucial to interrogate the representation of war and injury. The concepts of valor, heroism, patriotism, and courage assume visible form and do their cultural work when they are personified and embodied. The mutilated or disabled veteran’s body can connote the brutalizing, dehumanizing potential of modern combat. Suzannah Biernoff draws on a wide variety of sources mainly from WWI but also contemporary photography and computer games. Each chapter revolves around particular images: Marine Wedding is discussed alongside Stuart Griffiths’ portraits of British veterans;

CfP: Contours of the future: technology and innovation in cultural context, St Petersburg, Russia, 1-3 November 2017

CALL FOR PAPERS International Conference (deadline for submissions 1 July 2017) CONTOURS OF THE FUTURE: TECHNOLOGY AND INNOVATION IN CULTURAL CONTEXT 1 – 3 November 2017, Saint-Petersburg, Russia www.futurecon.ru   For postindustrial societies the future has turned into a space of risk and construction of expectations. The future exists in the present as a discourse and rhetoric, as a competition of visions and agendas that shape the potential of future innovations. Scenarios of the future are transformative since they direct scientific practices, influence political and economical decisions, and focus stakeholders’ interests. The conference will highlight processes of knowledge production about technologies of the future as a central sociocultural aspect of technological development. The participants are invited to consider the concept of sociotechnical imaginaries (Sheila Jasanoff) as a set of cultural practices applied by communities in order to co

CfP: Calculating Knowledge: What Your Project Needs to Fully Benefit from Digital Humanities

Call for Papers for a panel at the annual meeting of the Renaissance Society of America, 2018 (New Orleans, March 22-24) Dead line: June 1, 2017 URL:  http://www.rsa.org/general/custom.asp?page=2018NOLA The vast quantity of historical sources currently at the disposal of history research projects was unimaginable twenty years ago. This abundance of sources has increasingly led to a change in the multidisciplinary or interdisciplinary approach to research questions. Moreover, the possibility of long-term studies in this new frame has re-emerged. The rapid access of individual scholars to often high-quality electronic reproductions of sources has supported this transformation in the historical disciplines but, at some point, the number of sources superseded the working capacities of single scholars or of groups working on specific projects. Historically, this was the moment when all kinds of historians began to look at digital humanities as a means of sup

Job: Curatorial Project Manager, Science Museum Group

Curatorial Project Manager – One Collection £25,000 - £30,000 per annum (more may be available for an exceptional candidate) Would you like to use your museum experience and interest in collections to contribute to a unique, once-in-a-generation project? One Collection is the Science Museum Group's major strategic initiative to re-imagine how our world-leading collection relating to science, technology, transport, medicine and the media is cared for, accessed and shared. As Curatorial Project Manager you will lead a team of Assistant Curators providing research and practical assistance across the collections. Liaising with senior staff in the Curatorial and Collections Services teams, you will develop and implement systems to aid enhanced understanding and cataloguing of the collections, and to streamline acquisition, disposal and documentation. You will have experience of working with museum collections and databases, as well as an interest in our subje
Dans le cadre d'un projet franco-allemand financé par l' ANR et la DFG, nous sommes à la recherche de candidats pour un contrat doctoral qui débutera en octobre ou novembre 2017 à l'Université Paris IV, sur le thème de l'histoire de l'intégration (technique) européenne.  Merci beaucoup de signaler cette opportunité aux étudiants en M2 de votre réseau.  Date limite pour candidater : 26 juin 2017 -- The University Paris-Sorbonne is recruiting a PhD student for a period of 36 months starting in October or November 2017, in order to contribute to a Franco-German research project on the pivotal place of the Second World War in the History of the technological integration of the European continent. Deadline : 26th June 2017 Missions : Participation in ANR / DFG EUROPTT project activities (2017-2020) Infrastructure, infrastructure cooperation and continuity of European integration: the European Post and Telecommunications Un

CfP: Transitions in Energy History

Transitions in Energy History: State of the Art and New Perspectives Symposium, Milano, 29 th November – 1 st December 2017 Locations: Museo Nazionale della Scienza e della Tecnologia “Leonardo da Vinci”, Sala Biancamano, Via Olona 6 bis, 20123 Milano, Italy; Edison, Sala azionisti, Foro Buonaparte 31, 20121 Milano, Italy. Dates : 29th November – 1st December 2017 Deadline for submission : 25 June 2017 Organization : Committee for the History of Electrcity and Energy (Fondation Groupe EDF) together with the Museo Nazionale della Scienza e della Tecnologia « Leonardo da Vinci » and the Università La Sapienza. Rationale : Transition today is the main paradigm in public policy and private strategies discourses related to energy. Public actors, firms, associations, but also researchers in the sciences and humanities more and more put themselves within the scope of an energy transition to be conducted and thought about as a gradual transformation of t